
Democrats To Announce New Slate In 13th Legislative District

Hornik, D’Amico and Mallet will team up to target the “safe” Republican district

Jon HornikHazlet-April 1  Monmouth County Democrats spent the holiday weekend scrambling to collect petition signatures for a new slate of candidates for State Senate and General Assembly in the 13th Legislative District, according to a Democrat who does not want to be known for speaking to a Republican blogger.   Marlboro Mayor Jon Hornik will be the Senate candidate. Former freeholders John D’Amico and Amy Mallet will be the Assembly candidates.

Petitions are due in Trenton today.

Barbara Buono, the presumed Democratic nominee for governor, Senate President Steve Sweeney and Assembly Speaker Shelia Oliver each called the new candidates to promise amble funds to wage the general election race, even if the incumbents prevail in the GOP primary.
Chairman Vin Gopal  believes the 13th district will be in play should the expected Bayshore Tea Party Group backed slate led by former congressional candidate Leigh-Ann Bellew for Senate win the Republican primary against incumbent Senator Joe Kyrillos and Assembly members Amy Handlin and Declan O’Scanlon.   The BTPG will announce the rest of their slate, as well as the freeholder and sheriff candidate, this afternoon after their petitions are filed.cheap jumpers for sale

John D'Amico

“The Tea Party has beat the Monmouth Republican line every time they’ve tried,” said the source, “Anna Little beat the GOP organization twice and David Corsi did it in 2010.  We’re betting they will do it again.  In a race where the Republican candidates are running an anti-abortion, pro-gun campaign, we believe the district will vote for proven vote getters like Mayor Hornik, Judge D’Amico and Freeholder Mallet.”

The candidates nominated at the Monmouth Democratic Convention in February, Rutgers Professor Sean Dunne for Senate, and Assembly candidates Matthew Morehead, a dog groomer and Allison Friedman, a public defender, have agreed to resign their candidacies and not file their petitions.

AmyMallet_Web“Having a strong legislative team will help Barbara Buono.  There is no way Governor Christie carries Monmouth County by the margins he did in 2009 if he has Tea Party running mates in the 13th.  We’ll be forcing Christie to spend time and money in Monmouth he would not have had to with Kyrillos, Handlin and O’Scanlon on his ticket.”


Posted: April 1st, 2013 | Author: | Filed under: 2013 Election, April Fools, Humour | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , | 9 Comments »

9 Comments on “Democrats To Announce New Slate In 13th Legislative District”

  1. April said at 6:58 am on April 1st, 2013:

    Fools Day

  2. MLaffey said at 8:10 am on April 1st, 2013:

    Nice try Art. But you will not get me this year.
    Happy April Fools day

  3. Barbara said at 8:58 am on April 1st, 2013:

    Also, in this mornings News, the Republican Party has warmly endorsed all of the Tea Party approved candidates! They were told that when the Conservative Republicans win the Primary, they will volunteer, make phone calls, rally, and throw HUGE donations at them. They will unify the party! Thank God they saw the light! ; )

  4. MARLBORO said at 4:25 pm on April 1st, 2013:

    Marlboro is the 2nd largest town in the 13th district. After Middletown. It is time for a Marlboro candidate in the 13th district. Captain Shital Rajan is that candidate. He can bring in Marlboro and win! With Captain Rajan in Trenton, we can sleep at night.

  5. Monmouth girl said at 5:08 pm on April 1st, 2013:

    What exactly is he a Captain of and why can we sleep at night if he is in Trenton? Also is he still an Republican? He comes to Republican events but if Honick or Cantor stopped short he would get his pretend Captain’s hat stuck in their a**es!

  6. @Monmouth Girl said at 9:32 pm on April 1st, 2013:

    Don’t bet the farm on this, but if I am correct, he flies jets and if he is the one I am thinking of, flew Air Force One during the Bush years…

    I did personally meet one of the Air Force One pilots during that era, I am just not sure if this is the same person… memory a bit foggy.

  7. Well done! said at 9:35 pm on April 1st, 2013:

    That would be some pretty tough slate. You just scared the hell out of 13.

  8. » Democrats To Announce New Slate In 13th Legislative District said at 5:34 am on April 2nd, 2013:

    […] Democrats To Announce New Slate In 13th Legislative District Go to this article […]

  9. Barry said at 8:23 am on April 2nd, 2013:

    As an April Fools joke at least make it accurate. Joe Kyrillos beat the TP candidate last year in Monmouth, so a TP candiatate has not always defeated a Monmouth GOP endorsed candiidate in Monmouth County.