Anna Little, David Corsi won’t be Tea Party candidates in GOP Primary

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Since they formed in 2009, the Bayshore Tea Party Group has supported three campaigns that have defeated the Monmouth County Republican Organization in primaries.
Former Highlands Mayor Anna Little won the 6th Congressional District nomination twice. In 2010 Little defeated the MCRO’s endorsed candidate Diane Gooch. In 2012 Little defeated newcomer Ernesto Cullari. Cullari had won the Monmouth Republican organization’s endorsement. Little won the Middlesex County Republican Organization’s endorsement and won the primary handily in both counties. Little went on to lose twice to incumbent Democratic Congressman Frank Pallone.
Oceanport real estate executive David Corsi beat Princeton venture capitalist Scott Sipprelle in Monmouth County during the 2010 primary for the 12 Congressional District nomination. Sipprelle prevailed on the strength of his support in the Middlesex and Mercer portions of the district. Sipprelle lost to incumbent Democratic Congressman Rush Holt.
Both Little and Corsi were supported by BTPG’s grassroots activists.
BTPG co-founder Barbara Gonzalez says “It is very likely” that the group will have a slate of primary candidates challenge Senator Joe Kyrillos and Assembly Members Amy Handlin and Declan O’Scanlon in the 13th Legislative District. The group will also very likely field a slate to challenge Sheriff Shaun Golden and Freeholders Tom Arnone and Serena DiMaso on the county level. Gonzalez won’t say who the canidates are until after they file their petitions on April 1. However, she indicated to MoreMonmouthMusings that Little and Corsi are not in the mix. Gonzalez said she has not spoken to Little about running and Corsi declined to run due to other commitments.
Little did not return a call for comment. Corsi confirmed that he is not running.
Gonzalez said that the Tea Party candidates have collected “a lot” of signatures for their candidate petitions. Asked if she considered 100 signatures, the amount required to qualify for a spot on the primary ballot “a lot,” Gonzalez said, “no.”
This is very sad news for liberty, prosperity and individual freedom in New Jersey. Maybe if it’s not too late Seth Grossman or some other pro-liberty activists might convince them to change their minds.