Dog Groomer and Unknown Attorney Will Challenge Handlin and O’Scanlon in LD 13

Matthew Morehead, Dog Groomer and candidate for Assembly. facebook photo
Matthew Morehead, owner of Sudzy Puppy Dog Grooming, Middletown, and Allison Friedman an attorney from Aberdeen(according to the Truth, Justice and American Way all at once blog) will be nominated by the Monmouth Democrats for Assembly in the 13th legislative district this morning in Asbury Park. Assuming they are unchallenged in the June 4 primary, they will likely face incumbent Republicans Amy Handlin and Declan O’Scanlon in November.
Morehead is a long term Middletown and Monmouth County Democratic activist. He was passed over by the party in his previous bids to run for Assembly.
Friedman is unknown. The State Judicary’s website has no record of an Allison Friedman licensed to practice law in New Jersey.
A dog groomer? That is the best they got? Go back to the drawing board Democrats because your candidate is going to get neutered.
Matthew Lesshead is finally running? Hahaha. Btw, if you wanna get his opinions in politics, you can find him at various bars in Red Bank every weekend night.
As for Friedman, that comment is completely irrelevant. The Illinois judiciary website doesn’t have a record of Obama being licensed to practice law either.
You have won the Best Comment Of The Year award for “getting neutered.”
ROFLAO, Three Thumbs Up
This is going to be a great campaign season for skewering the Dems.
Dogs – to get “neutered” you first must have a pair.
I like that NJ Courts website. There is a lot of interesting information about civil judgments on there. You can also use that site to see if someone has been convicted of an indictable offense within the last 20 years or so.
Art, I believe Allison Friedman’s maiden name was Tucker. According to online property records, she and her husband Neil own a home on Bailey Road in Aberdeen. If you search that NJ Courts website using her maiden name, you will see that she has been licensed in New Jersey to practice law since 1999.
Allison Tucker (aka Allison Friedman) is a public defender in Monmouth County.
Thanks Ron!
and Amy! Amazing. The D’s are smart to pick their battles, though.
I worked with Allison Friedman. She’s an amazing attorney for the Public Defender’s office in Monmouth County. She practices under her maiden name, Allison Tucker. Allison is exactly what we need to voice our concerns to Trenton. You can learn more about her on her website.
Good luck Allison. Legislative district 13 needs you!