Democratic Gubernatorial Candidate Calls for Gopal’s Resignation

Democratic Gubernatorial candidate Willie Araujo.
Shut out of the Monmouth County Democratic nominating convention, gubernatorial candidate Willie Araujo disputed Chairman Vin Gopal’s assertion that his nominating process is transparent. Araujo said Gopal should resign immediately.
Araujo said he called Gopal multiple times about his candidacy and never heard back from the chairman. Gopal said that the Monmouth Democrats had a post on facebook on February 3 asking potential candidates for governor to submit their paperwork by February 9. Only State Senator Barbara Buono responded to the facebook post. Buono appeared at the convention is Asbury Park this morning and was nominated by acclamation.
In addition to Gopal, Araujo said he left messages for the Democratic County Chairs in Atlantic, Bergen, Camden, Essex, and Gloucester counties. He said that Somerset County Chair Peg Schaffer spoke with him for over an hour.
“Chairwoman Peg Schaffer agreed to speak with me, we spoke for almost an hour and agreed that it’s up to the voters to decide their next Governor,” said Araujo,”Chairman Gopal, you should talk to Chairwoman Schaffer and take some lessons from her. You cannot endorse someone simply based on friendship. I think the Democrats in Monmouth County deserve better. You cannot be one sided… You should resign immediately.”
Heckuva job, Vinni
who is this person. and yes vin is doing a gerat job.
Art, did you remove Vin’s very mature response to your request for comment?
Why protect this clown?
Advice to Mr. Araujo: Next time file the paperwork that was required from potential candidates that wanted to be considered/interviewed for the party line.
Not doing that and than blaming Mr. Gopal is totally ridiculous.
Are you sure Mr. Araujo is at fault? Can you not take him at face value that he contacted the Big Vin? Mr. Araujo sounds like he made the effort.
@ @Bob I have no idea if he did or did not try to get in touch with Mr. Gopal but even if he did, that was clearly not the process for candidates who were interested in being interviewed for the party line.
For arguements sake, it would be like a basic unknown leaving a message for the R chair that they wanted to talk about the R line in theirCounty to run against Governor Christie.
…Continued….and than not even bothering to file the paperwork that was clearly stated was needed to be considered.
Bob, How is it possible for a County Chairperson to endorse a candidate like Buono without meeting the requirements of The Division of Elections to hand in 1000 signatures to be considered to be on the ballot.The deadline is 04/01/13. As a Chairperson in any County, they have to do their due diligence on all candidates before they endorse them. If I were a Chairperson of a County that represent so many people, I would make sure to reach out to all Candidates. Makes sense.
William this goes to your basic lack of comprehension of how basic politics works. All 21 county chairpeople need to tell the County Clerk of their respective county by April 1st who they designate as the endorsed Line A Candidate. They can’t do that after April 1st, that goes for Democrat and Republican.
With all respect, you aren’t a credible candidate because you don’t have any political organization, don’t have the endorsements or support of any elected officials in the state and can’t raise any funds to be competitive.
All 21 county chairs have conventions and processes and they all have application processes. They aren’t going to reach out to candidates – candidates needs to reach out to them in a formal written process – you can’t just leave a voicemail – no one is going to take that seriously. You have to write a letter or an email so there is a papertrail with some formal documentation. Many candidates will choose to run off the party line in the primary and won’t want the county party’s support.
You really need to get educated on how ballots and New Jersey politics work in general. You are delusional if you think the Camden County or Essex County Chairperson is going to call you back. What do you offer why they should put their political organization behind you? You have no name recognition, no big supporters, nothing. Its no different than some random guy Bob Jones running. You both have no name recognition and no organization
Thanks Fred.