
Will Buono Get On The Ballot?

Buono’s Challengers Not Invited to Monmouth Democratic Convention

It’s unimaginable that the Democratic Party would nominate Carl Bergmanson or Willie Araujo over Barbara Buono for Governor.  However, Monmouth County Democratic Chairman Vin Gopal is apparently worried.

Fresh on the heels of Sea Bright Mayor Dina Long’s defection from the Buono Brigade with her endorsement of Chris Christie, Gopal sent out a plea for volunteers to collect signatures for the presumptive nominee:

In the month since Monmouth County Democrats endorsed Senator Buono for governor, I’ve heard from countless people asking what they can do to help her win and I give them the same answer every time.


See, Senator Buono is going to run the best grassroots campaign New Jersey has ever seen. But she can’t do it without your help.

In order to get Senator Buono’s name on the ballot, we need to collect signatures of other Democrats, like yourself, who support her candidacy.

You can help!


Earlier this month, when Senator Buono kicked off her campaign she said, “the only way to bring new values to Trenton is to build a grassroots organization.” Let’s continue to build momentum. Sign up now:




Chairman Vin Gopal, Monmouth County Democratic Party

PS. To win in November, we need your help today! If you already plan to volunteer, please forward this email to your friends and ask them to join us.

It only takes 1000 signatures to get on the primary ballot.

Bergmanson, the former Glen Ridge Mayor, ran in the 2009 Democratic primary against Jon Corzine. He’s running again this year and told MMM that he has already collected a few hundred signatures.  He said that he had no problem qualifying for the ballot four years ago and that he’ll have no problem this year.

When asked if Gopal has invited him to this weekend’s Monmouth Democratic Convention, Bergmanson said, “No.  Of course not. Bylaws/shmylaws…”

Arajuo said he’s been campaigning since July and that he already has more than 1000 signatures required to get on the primary ballot.  He said he’ll be filing his petitions in the next week or two.  Like Bergmanson, Arajuo hasn’t been invited to the Monmouth Democratic nominating convention. “I’ve called Vin Gopal several times, but he hasn’t gotten back to me.”

Posted: February 22nd, 2013 | Author: | Filed under: 2013 Election, 2013 Gubernatorial Politics, Barbara Buono, Monmouth Democrats, Vin Gopal | Tags: , , , , , | 2 Comments »

2 Comments on “Will Buono Get On The Ballot?”

  1. speedkillsu said at 12:55 pm on February 22nd, 2013:

    And this guy “Vin” has won how many elected offices he ran for ? …..yep I thought so !

  2. Doesn't matter said at 2:23 pm on February 22nd, 2013:

    since, barring any great scandals/ revelations, the R’s should have at least as good a year as the D’s did last year. Am still not convinced the Gov. will have much in the way of coat tails to change our fine legislature’s makeup of party breakdown. With some 80 per cent of incumbents always getting put back into ofc., by low info voters, there likely won’t be many changes ,for the better or worse ,this Nov.