
Governor Christie nominates two State Supreme Court Justices

Governor Chris Christie announced the nominations of Monmouth County Superior Court Judge David F. Bauman and Board of Public Utilities President Robert M. Hanna to be Associate Justices of the New Jersey Supreme Court.

Christie said that the nominations represented a political compromise on his part.  The Democratically controlled State Senate, which must confirm the nominees, blocked the governor’s two previous nominees in part over the partisan balance of the Court.   Bauman is a Republican.  Hanna is an Independent voter.

Both men have been previously confirmed by the Senate for the current position.  Christie quoted the accolades that Democrats bestowed upon each nominee during their previous confirmation hearings.

Christie said the Bauman’s nomination is a nod to the Senate’s demand for racial diversity on the Court.  Bauman is an Asian-American who was born in Japan.

Posted: December 10th, 2012 | Author: | Filed under: Chris Christie, NJ Supreme Court | Tags: , , , | 1 Comment »

One Comment on “Governor Christie nominates two State Supreme Court Justices”

  1. What Is The Current said at 3:27 pm on December 10th, 2012:

    Situation with the Joe Oxley nomination? Does anyone know?