
Barbara’s Babble: Straight from the Horse’s Mouth!

By Susan Christopher, First Amendment Advocate!

Check out Bayshore Teaparty’s website. Barbara Gonzalez has her own stardom opinion section called, “Barbara’s Babble.” The title is a perfect fit! She is still steaming over the comments made on More Monmouth Musings regarding an article titled, Bayshore Teaparty Goes Rogue! What can be determined after reading several of her posts is that she is truly thin skinned! Now she wants to control all teaparties to stay off any blogs; “that practice the ART of deceit, scandal and slander.” This is absolutely the most ludicrous claim of the century! What is this woman talking about? Are we not Americans? Are we not permitted to have opinions, or to disagree with issues involving Americans? I don’t get it. Does the Bayshore Teaparty advocate taking away freedom of speech? Aren’t we Conservatives, Teaparty or Republicans fighting for the same cause?

Seems Gonzalez has a serious problem! Where is the Barbara Gonzalez who first founded this great group with so much talent and tenacity? There seems to be a big change in this faction and not for the better. Perhaps it is time for someone else to step up to the plate for this group and do some damage control before they go by way of the dinosaurs…extinction!

Posted: June 1st, 2012 | Author: | Filed under: 2012 Congressional Races, 2012 Presidential Politics, 2012 U.S. Senate Race, Barbara Gonzalez, Bayshore Tea Party Group | Tags: , , , | 9 Comments »

9 Comments on “Barbara’s Babble: Straight from the Horse’s Mouth!”

  1. Dissapointed said at 9:56 pm on June 1st, 2012:


    I worked with you during anna’s campaign. I am truly disappointed in you. You have not come to any screenings, meetings or anything. Perhaps if you would you could comment with some integrity. I miss the Susan from 2 years ago… I wish you would stop fighting and come back.

  2. Proud Republican said at 10:10 pm on June 1st, 2012:

    Well put Susan. We are witnessing the self-destruction of a group that could have done great things – like helping to purge the liberal Democrats that are destroying the state and the country. Instead, they turn on their own. Sad to see the Tea Party going down in flames.

  3. Thank God For People Like Susan said at 10:48 pm on June 1st, 2012:

    Who “fight” to talk about an alternative point of view

  4. Bravo Susan! said at 11:02 pm on June 1st, 2012:

    Bravo and Kudos to Susan for standing up for the truth and what is right!

  5. Oh Man said at 11:12 pm on June 1st, 2012:

    Now the BSTP is accusing people of “stealing & lying.” Is Barbara the “judge & jury too, “throwing members out?”

    “Threatening signs & hazardous liquids?” And Tea Experts Too?

    And they have undercover operatives (One of our correspondents has an undercover identity as a MoveOn.Org contributor. This intrepid agent found the following missive in one of his inboxes:” Is this the Secret Police or Gestapo? NO wonder Barbara brought up the Germans last week.

    These people are looking like silly dilettantes with tin foil hat conspiracies. It just doesn’t get any better than this if you were looking for the Follies. Irrelevant is a better word.

    But the telling thing is the line that ” we do things OUR way,” which means no one else knows what they are doing. Every thing on that BSTP website REEKS of “holier than though” elitism. Things are going to these people’s heads and they are not to be trusted.

    And with this line, the BSTP has lost ALL credibility: “In the last election for NJ 6, Anna almost upset Frank Pallone.”

    You call that an “almost upset?” If so, they have “issues.”

    OMG, are you people getting this? The BSTP is becoming as cult like as the Ron Paul empire.

    BTW, I wonder if they censure comments on their website?

  6. Susan said at 8:17 am on June 2nd, 2012:

    Sorry Disappointed whoever you are, but those days are gone! Your operation is not what it used to be. There was a time when Barbara consulted with her wonderful advisors, Bob and Dwight. These men had integrity and good sense. Now it seems Barbara is running the show (Barbara’s Babble)??? Unfortunately, under Barbara’s regime, BSTP is never going to be what it once was!

  7. Next We'll See said at 8:46 am on June 2nd, 2012:

    Barbara Babbling On Her Website, Some Sort Of Excuse Why She & Her Associate Took Down Cullari Signs.

    I think we need a Cullari sign wave in front of the BSTP office.

  8. Lois said at 8:47 am on June 2nd, 2012:

    Thank you Susan–your article does much to set the record straight. And to remind us what is primary/uppermost/front and center: Liberty (!) Our liberties. Which we are losing day by day and must fight to preserve.

    Passions are running high but it is important to keep in mind the “big picture”—-and not be sooooooooo distracted by the little stuff—like publishing revisionist history of events from over a YEAR ago… Good grief. All the folks Barb mentioned dropped out (graciously i might add), moved on and are now busy doing the work in other venues. People do get to pick what works best.

    C’mon Bayshore: where are the efforts like when we deluged Sean Kean’s office with telephone calls and successfully convinced him his non-conservative position was not acceptable? This is an important role of the Tea Party folks: to hold feet to the fire; persuade fellow citizens of wisdom of conservative principles, values, policies; help elect conservative-minded candidates.

    Role is not to turn machine guns on anyone who deviates from the thinking of the core group.

    i think there is one hughly telling quality of any human being: how do you deal with those who disagree with you? Come after them with machetes? March around the country side loudly denouncing them personally? At great length proclaim why you are totally correct and the other is totally incorrect? Never ever stop to consider what they are saying and look for the germs of truth in the criticism? Be totally unwilling to modify your actions/beliefs/understanding in any way?

    hmmm…. this seems to be the same problem many who once worked closely with Anna had/have….. Pride….ego…. “I AM RIGHT DAMMIT!”…… —–prevents the coordination of gifts/talents/efforts that make for super-successful group efforts. Why over and over the mark of a truly effective/successful leader is—humility.

  9. Twisted Tea said at 9:11 am on June 2nd, 2012:

    The only time you can be considered a patriot or a true American is when you buy into the ultra right wing drivel of Agenda 21 and support candidates who are not endorsed by the state Republicans. This is the core problem with the babbler. She is quick to forget the ultimate goals of the Tea Party movement. Lower taxes, smaller government and no Obama and his health care policies. Instead of focusing on those goals, she focuses on issues and candidates that have nothing to do with the purpose of Taxed Enough Already.

    I am starting my own new faction of Patriots. It’s going to be called Had Enough Already. I’ve had enough of watching people walk out of the BTPG because they focus on the goals of the Tea Party but can’t buy into the indoctrination methods and useless time wastes of the BTPG.