
Strange Bedfellows

Unverified rumors fresh off the grapevine point to previously unthinkable alliances forming in the Monmouth GOP chair’s race.

The Howell GOP appears to be united behind John Bennett for Chairman.  John Costigan, Bob Walsh, Joe DiBella and Sue Veitengruber are all lining up behind the former Acting Governor, according to a Bennett supporter who added that Western Monmouth is “locked up” for Bennett.


Posted: May 22nd, 2012 | Author: | Filed under: Monmouth County Republican Committee, Monmouth GOP | Tags: , , , , , , , , | 8 Comments »

8 Comments on “Strange Bedfellows”

  1. Rumor Mill said at 10:04 am on May 22nd, 2012:

    That is what they have been saying, but Howell and Western Monmouth split. Bennett has done legal work in Howell for long time, so no real surprise here. Much of same faction that opposed Oxley.

  2. Hopeful said at 10:57 am on May 22nd, 2012:

    Not True!

    As a CountyCommitte member, I personally know many in Western Monmouth are supporting Christine Hanlon for chair.
    Western Monmouth is NOT “locked-up”.

  3. Sean G. said at 11:24 am on May 22nd, 2012:

    It would be awesome to finally have a big dog like Bennett representing Monmouth. I hope he runs.

  4. Woof-woof said at 7:44 am on May 23rd, 2012:

    Dogs really not needed, Big or small.

  5. JoeD. said at 7:52 am on May 23rd, 2012:

    Only a few in Howell opposed Joe Oxley. Most were with Joe O. 150%. It was John Costigan who challenged Joe Oxley. It was a mistake and John humiliated himself and caused unnecessary angst as Joe should have run unopposed but Costigan is Costigan. Bad in Hazet and thrown out and bad in Howell and soon to be thrown out.

  6. when said at 1:53 pm on May 23rd, 2012:

    “unholy alliances” form, it’s usually for a good reason: hear there are quite a few former adversaries in various races uniting behind Sen. Bennett: experience and qualifications….

  7. UPDATE: Hanlon Rolls Out Support from 394 of 768 Monmouth Committee Members | Save Jersey said at 3:51 pm on May 23rd, 2012:

    […] too, although we haven’t seen any confirmation of that yet. We’ve also seen reports alleging widespread fealty for Hanlon’s opponent for the position, former Governor John O. Be…; indeed, some western towns are missing from her municipal committee supporter list (see below). […]

  8. June in New Jersey: The Races to Watch | Save Jersey said at 6:01 am on May 30th, 2012:

    […] will be taking on former New Jersey Governor John Bennett, who reportedly has “locked up” support in western Monmouth. However, if Hanlon’s count is correct, then she clearly has more than the simple majority […]