
Is Religion Relevant?

Submitted by the always irreverent TR

There has been a lot of hullabaloo recently about whether Romney’s religion is relevant to this election.  Most recently because some preacher caused a stir by calling Mormonism a cult.

Funny how Republicans all thought the church Obama attended was relevant. The Democrats have no problem raising Perry’s religious beliefs about creation.  Let’s sweep away the hypocrisy and rank political correctness and ask a general question, “Are a persons religious beliefs fair game in an election”?

Of course they are and anyone who says otherwise is a damn liar.  If someone is a Muslim of the Wahhabi sect or Salafi( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wahhabi) sect that is not going to play into whether you vote for them?  What about if they belong to the Fundamentalist Church of Later day Saints that practices polygamy and child bride marriage or if they are scientologists a group that has been accused of being a cult and of engaging in criminal enterprises, does that matter?  Then there are Santeria voodoo worshipping chicken sarificers and pot smoking Rastafarians and white supremacy churches, what about them?

Look me in the eye and say none of that matters.

Of course it matters.  It matters because nothing tells you more about a person then their religious belief system.

Of course we don’t have religious tests for office and we have freedom of religion but it is a false dichotomy to suggest that this means we cannot as individuals question a person who will represent us about their belief system and use it to make an individual choice as to who to vote for.

For those who vilify anyone who questions Romney’s religious beliefs I ask this.  Do you know anything about Mormonism, its tenets, its history?  No well maybe you should before you make a decision.  Don’t get me wrong I am not saying his religion disqualifies him.  I am saying that questions about his religion and his beliefs and those of every single candidate are fair game. This is not a call for sectarianism. This is recognition that what we believe is important.   I am claiming there is nothing wrong with saying I am not voting for John Candidate because I do not like his religious beliefs.  I say that because those beliefs are integral to who that candidate is and how he think or she thinks. If you don’t like who they are you should not vote for them.

Let’s stop playing” the religion is not fair game” card and “it is a private matter” card.  If you want to be a candidate defend your belief system. Tell us why it makes you a better person, a better leader or maybe you say I am a nominal whatever and it does not play a large part in my life.  That says something about you too. Some voters will hate it and some will love it but at least we will all have a better idea of who you really are.

Posted: October 14th, 2011 | Author: | Filed under: 2012 Presidential Politics, Mitt Romney | Tags: , , | 17 Comments »

17 Comments on “Is Religion Relevant?”

  1. Faithful said at 9:33 pm on October 14th, 2011:

    I’d pick a Mormon over a Muslim

  2. Gene Baldassari said at 11:10 pm on October 14th, 2011:

    Ah! My favorite subject!

    I totally agree with you, Art.

    I’ve personally heard Bible based preachers say that Mormons are in a cult. Do you think that church members who are voluntarily paying that pastor will ignore his message?

    There are preachers who say that Christians should not be yoked with non-Christians. Do you think that Bible fundamentalists will ignore a command that they believe is from God?

    The Moslem societies in other countries have laws that are totally counter to the American Bill of Rights. Do you think that most Americans would accept a candidate who wants these practices?

    You all know the prejudices against Jews. Right or wrong, many people make decisions on their prejudices. And, they should be permitted to – it is their dollar.

    I’ve had Mormon friends who I would fully trust in any situation that utilized their expertise. Consequently, for myself, I would have no problem with appointing them for a job or accepting them as a friend.

    However, all other factors being equal, I would prefer a Bible Christian over anyone else. That is – only if all other factors were equal.

    More and more, Government is attempting to impose it’s own immoral values on society without direction from an established faith. Government is the wrong place to define morals.

    America has traditionally been run on a Christian basis. Christianity is best because the majority of citizens have grown up to be comfortable with it. The basis of this country’s foundation was established while using Christian values.

    I am totally uncomfortable with the current man we have in lieu of a President because he has shown values that are anti-Biblical, anti-moral, and anti- Christian.

    Those people who select politicians to apply equal opportunity and moral blindness are doing a disservice to this country. Pastors who are afraid to mix politics and religion are not doing God’s work.

    So – YES. YES. YES.

    Moral disposition is of extreme importance in the selection of a government.

  3. firesign58 said at 1:21 am on October 15th, 2011:

    Hat tip to Art aka “Art the Courageous”: In a single day he has run stories highlighting all four big taboo topics: Politics, sex, money and religion! Readership must be spiking today. Very interesting/entertaining articles. Keep up the great work!

  4. Freespeaker1976 said at 8:51 am on October 15th, 2011:

    To answer the title of the post, yes; it is relevant in the context of the person’s actions.

    For example, with Obama; his actions have a direct correlation to Reverend Wright’s hate for America.

    And then, you have the situation where politicians who claim to be practicing Catholics; yet vote to support abortion. You know then, that their character is suspect and they are hypocrites.

    So, TR sums it up correctly by saying; defend your belief system if asked. As voters, WE get to decide if the defense is a valid one; and that the tenets of the religion match our beliefs.

    Chances are, we DON’T believe in the teachings of Wright. That information about Wright was largely withheld from us by the main street media. Now, in the context of Obama’s actions; we know that the Reverend Wright did indeed rub off on Obama.

    I’ll take any of our Republican Candidates’ religious beliefs any day over this failed President.

  5. Middletown Conservative said at 11:41 am on October 15th, 2011:

    Excellent post. The point is that a person’s character, values and principles are components of what defines them (there are others of course). These play a role in how a person (politician in this case) views an issue, formulates a solution then executes a solution.

    As read in one of the comments, the actions of a person give us insight into these characteristics. How many times have you walked into church and seen your scoundrel, dishonest coworker sitting in the front pew?

    Religion does influence a persons character, values and principles so yes, it is important. Voters have to determine if the person holds and lives these values or are they the coworker on the front pew.

    For my fellow republicans, it applies to Romney as much as Obama. You have to evaluate his character, values and principles along with all the other factors and determine if he should be president. That’s why they campaign.

  6. Bob English said at 11:55 am on October 15th, 2011:

    In the 1960 election, the fact that John Kennedy was Catholic was a huge issue since a Catholic had never been elected President of the United States before. Ridiculous questions were beign raised such as would Kennedy follow orders from the Pope? Kennedy made a famous speech before a group of Houston ministers which went a long way to defusing the issue. The link below is to the beginning of that speech. JKF starts talking around 1:30 minute mark.


    You can see additional parts of that speech along with the Q & A session if you search on youtube under “JFK ministers”

  7. Bob English said at 12:07 pm on October 15th, 2011:

    I don’t believe in pinning every crazy thing that a religious leader might say on the people who might be sitting in the pews that day otherwise I would be quesitoning why one preacher was paticipating in Rick Perry’s National Day of Prayer (his name was even on the website) that had made the nutty claim that the stock market in Japan fell because the emperor had sex with a “sun goddess” demon.

  8. Sh_t My Dad Says link ... (funny) said at 12:10 pm on October 15th, 2011:

    Another story about religion? Great. Does this mean that we can expect Justified Right ( aka Tommy) to come along and tell us that God now thinks it’s okay for us to eat shellfish, but that God still doesn’t want anyone to get a tattoo?

    If someone merely quotes Sacred Scripture, will Disgusted view that to be yet another “simple-minded attack on Jewish & Christian based religions, [done] in an effort to demean them and paint them as racist?”

    I certainly hope so.

    Tommy said what?

  9. Art's Fan said at 5:20 pm on October 16th, 2011:

    Art Gallagher Has Been Arrested

    Art, I hope and pray you make bail shortly. I am sure these charges are unfounded. God bless, my friend.

    Incidentally, if you want to be notified when Art’s custody status changes, use the VINE link:


  10. MLaffey said at 5:49 pm on October 16th, 2011:

    Arts Fan,
    If you were really his fan you would not have anonymously posted that comment on this blog knowing he is currently unable to respond. You should be ashamed of yourself.

  11. Art's Fan said at 6:27 pm on October 16th, 2011:

    No, MLaffey, I most certainly am not ashamed of myself. I did nothing wrong.

    Art’s arrest is a matter of public record. The story has been on the http://www.app.com website for hours now. I merely used this blog site to tell Art that I am praying for him and his family. I’m sure Art will read what I wrote when he is bailed out in a few hours. I doubt Art will have a problem with my comments or my prayers.

  12. Stonewalled said at 6:49 pm on October 16th, 2011:

    So, since character is so important to all of you on this post… why no opinions on Art’s “condition”? ahh, guess it’s only convenient when talking about someone you don’t know personally.. guess what, it still applies.. and regardless of the outcome, Art’s character is in serious question.. so, today, yes religion is important..

  13. A fan said at 9:05 pm on October 16th, 2011:

    Leave Monmouth Mike alone!

  14. MLaffey said at 9:43 pm on October 16th, 2011:

    Arts Fan, If what you say is true why hide your name?
    Stonewalled, Art has not been convicted of anything and has a presumption of innocence, therefore any discusion of his character based on his current “condition” would be premature. Would’t it?

  15. DontDropTheSoap said at 12:21 am on October 17th, 2011:

    Mr. Gallagher has been trying to make a living from this blog by spewing the misfortunes of others all over the internet. He has been shameless and showed no mercy to his victims, many who he has relentlessly persued. Now we are to feel sorry for him now that he has been arrested? I dont think so! Im sure Art will find Jesus in jail, he will be in the next cell!!

  16. A real fan said at 7:21 am on October 17th, 2011:

    Art spews the misfortunes of others? I thought he just reported on political news. I must have missed the spewing part. I also missed the part where you were asked to feel sorry for him. At most I think it was suggested you not revel in his misfortune.

  17. Charles M said at 10:36 am on October 17th, 2011:

    @ Don’t drop the soap

    Arts victims? Really??? I don’t think he has any victims from this blog! If reporting a story makes someone a “victim” then I’m sorry, but too bad so sad!