Desevo busted
Democratic candidate for Middletown Township Committee Alex Desevo has been charged with drug possession in Holmdel.
Democratic candidate for Middletown Township Committee Alex Desevo has been charged with drug possession in Holmdel.
Really? Laughing at someone that has this big of a problem? I wonder which one is really the loser Charles M. Obviously, he needs help, and this is not laughing matter. But, hey, I don’t expect anything else from those in Middletown republican circles.
He was charged with possession of crack cocaine after one of two women he was sharing rooms at a R 35 motor inn showed up at a nearby motel complaining someone was chasing her
If he was their candidate, imagine the ones they passed on? This is too funny, but par for the course for the Middletown Democrats – a veritable motley crew of misfits, criminals and loons.
hmmm … how many does that make in the recent past of dem candidates (in Middletown) with unsavory problems, like taking money and not reporting on financial disclosure forms, like being convicted of ethics violations over a conflict of interest?
This makes at least three democrat candidates or elected officials who recently have had their share of problems.
What is wrong with these people (and not just dems). Do they think they are above the law and just entitled to their little jaunts because of who they are?
Looks like this is not just confined to Washington with the likes of Clinton and Weiner.
here’s the APP article:|topnews|text|Frontpage
wonder if they’ll endorse him now?
Got to give you credit Rick. You continue to defend the crew of misfits known as the Middletown Democrats. You know damn well if this was one of the Middletown Republicans you and your fat mouth friend on his blog would be having a party at their expense. Save the sensitivity for someone who cares you big blow hard.
Good point Marion. And stop Rick with the liberal drivel – his only problem is no self control. And hey Middletown Mike – I know you’re out there – put down the cheese doodles and let’s hear what you have to say about yet another one of your compatriots going down in flames. Short, Beaver, Walsh, Watson, Byrnnes, DeSevo – a who’s who of dishonesty and corruption.
When you talk about a “crew” of “criminals” please remember to mention convicted criminal Ray O’Grady, a former Republican Middletown Mayor, who served time in a federal prison for taking bribes related to his work as a county employee. After all it helps to keep it fair and balanced.
There is also Pat Parkinson, presently a public employee working for the Middletown Sewerage Authority, who was charged with sexual harassment. The township settled the case and recent legal decisions now allow the settlement to be disclosed through a public records request. Probably time for someone to do that, don’t you think?
Ditto on Republican Ray O’Grady.
Who are you specifically referring to when you allude to someone “convicted” of an ethics violation over a conflict of interest? Be sure of the accuracy of “convicted” and look up libel before you mention a name.
Move over Weiner,
You should also look up the meaning of libel. Recent legal opinion(s) indicate that you may not be protected because you are on a blog.
Art may have a point about making politics a blood sport and who bleeds the most.
Nice to see all that compassionate conservatism at work. Move over Wiener, its sad to see that you think compassion for someone is “liberal drivel”. Maybe if republicans would show they have a heart once in a while, they wouldn’t be so vilified. All you insensitive snobs (or slobs, whichever you prefer…)should take a cue from Art.
You liberals are unbelievable. Any time one of your guys is caught with his pants down, or chasing young women out motel rooms filled with drugs, THEY are the victims, and we all have to get together to help them through their problem.
Oh wait, that’s exactly what they do to help Republicans. Like how they banded together to help Larry Craig… NOT! And the same people who wanted his head for his unspeakable crimes are now the ones celebrating gay marriage in NY.
So it is true, liberalism is indeed a mental disease. And I guess they need our help, mentally sick people are still people.
Hey Russian Pilgrim – based upon the facts, your party has a 3 to 1 edge on unsavory characters, at least locally.
I’m sure we don’t want to dredge up the past about the antics of the Kennedy clan (JFK, Bobby and Teddy), Arnold (Austrian) Schwarzenegger, William Jefferson Clinton of Monica fame, and other assorted politicians (of both parties) who have “strayed”.
Hey Rick maybe his only problem is that he is an amoral narcissistic hypocritical sociopath.
I don’t think they have rehab for that yet.
All that liberal compassion has worked out real well. The more compassion you liberals have the government spew out the more things get screwed up.
I prefer limited compassionless government and lots of personal responsibility thank you.
If the bar is set at “unsavory” then add Scharfenberger. The Asbury Park Press printed an article followed by an editorial about his lying about his accepting state employment, claiming not to have taken his committee stipend all year, and his claiming non-attendance at a special Shadow Lake related meeting (sponsored by Kyrillos) during his re-election campaign last year.
I’m convinced that it is time (legally it now is) to get any and all information on Parkinson and read it into the record at a Township Committee meeting. It cost the township taxpayer $25,000 for his unsavory sexual harassment and the rest of the settlement was covered by insurance. I can hear Parkinson now, ‘just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in’.
O’Grady, Parkinson and Scharfenberger all three were or are elected officials who are also Republicans. To quote Fiore, “Three of A Kind” and to that I add “perfect together”. By the way, O’Grady’s federal conviction has to be worth three points all by itself.
Finally, you must be really hard up if you have to try to deflect attention away from unsavory elected local officials of the Republican persuasian by bringing up ancient poltical history, especially when we all know that all politics is local.
Digger, your try at trying to ‘digger’ up something worth something was poor at best and worth no “blood sport” points.