
School Board Elections On Wednesday

I thought elections were always held on Tuesdays.

I don’t recall getting a sample ballot in the mail, like I do for general elections.  Sample ballots for Monmouth County school board elections can be found here.

Polling hours vary by municipality.  All polls close at 9PM.   In Atlantic Highlands the polls are open all day, from 7 AM through 9PM.  In Highlands, the polls open at 2 PM, Middletown, 3PM, Fair Haven 4 PM.

In Wall Township, Red Bank polls open at 2 PM.  In Neptune Township and Manalapan the polls open at 3 PM.

You can find the polling hours for your town on your sample ballot, which is posted on the County website, here.

Posted: April 25th, 2011 | Author: | Filed under: Education | Tags: | 8 Comments »

8 Comments on “School Board Elections On Wednesday”

  1. Barry said at 11:43 am on April 25th, 2011:

    Due to the Passover holiday, the original date of April 19 was moved to April 27.

  2. brian said at 12:16 pm on April 25th, 2011:


  3. TR said at 2:38 pm on April 25th, 2011:

    What an intelligent well thought out opinion.

    I would however suggest a better way would be to become familiar with the quality of the educational experience and the fiscal condition of your own school district and base your decision on how well the district is doing in those categories.
    I for one will be supporting my towns K-8 budget. Not so sure about the regional High school.

    Oh and btw the first sentence was sarcastic.

  4. TheDigger said at 3:33 pm on April 25th, 2011:

    TR – tell that to the MTEA (Middletown) teachers’ union who refused to let their members vote on accepting a pay freeze (probably would have passed).

    You are right to suggest one become familiar with their local school district’s operation – in Middletown, we are all too familiar with the tactics of the MTEA and have had it up to here.

    A strong “NO” vote will send a message to the MTEA as well as give some spinal support to the members of the Board of education.

    After all, the MTEA contract is up for negotiation….

  5. speedkillsu said at 4:07 pm on April 25th, 2011:

    Geez …where are all those signs “VOTE YES it’s for the kids “…..I put out my own sign VOTE NO ….it’s only till the next election …VOTE YES it’s forever

  6. brian said at 4:16 pm on April 25th, 2011:

    Hey TR, the minute l start to care what you, or anyone else thinks, I will let you know

  7. TR said at 9:15 am on April 26th, 2011:

    Such stunning and brilliant riposte.

    I can know see why you would vote against the school budget. I too would be bitter if they had failed me so miserably.

  8. M. Ward said at 12:18 pm on April 26th, 2011:

    Hazlet Township has proposed a 0 (that’s right zero) tax levy increase for their propsed budget. I’ll support it, strictly out of fear of what might be contrived behind closed doors if it fails.