Union Contributions To Sean Byrnes’ Campaigns (So Far)
Total amount received from unions in 2007, 2009 and 2010: $185,800
2007 Contributions (both his name and Middletown Democrats who wheeled it to him):
Local Union 400 PAC $4,500 total: $26,400 |
From his campaign in 2009 from his account and the Monmouth Democrats who funded his campaign with $177,000
Local Union 400 PAC $8,550.00 |
(Represents all Middletown Twp union employees ex Police) Total: $152,500 |
Plumbers & Pipefitters Local #9 PAC $3,900 $6,900 |
Wow!!! $6900 smackaroos this year. The unions really own Byrnes!
$500 from the NJEA? He must owe them big time! Sounds like pittance compared to what the GOP gets for their candidates.
Why don ‘t you post where Gerry and the rest of his comrads get their campaign contributions? Peter Carton & Co., T & M?
Made millions off the backs of the tax payers of Middletown.
45 % tax increase in the last 5 years under Gerard Scharfenberger’s leadership. Guess the residents of Middletown are the ones paying for this election.
This is ridiculous! This guy is beholden to the unions. God forbid his party ever taking over in Middletown. The party will be over!
Can someone explain the CWA $74,000? Aren’t they the ones that represent the Middletown Township unions? They must know it’s contract time and are trying to buy the vote!
Very good Art – are you going to post where Gerry and the GOP gets all their money and how many of them do business with Middletown or are officers of the Middletown or County GOP?
Again….Where do the GOP get their big time bucks from?
Can’t answer, can you. I can….
45% tax increase to the residents of Middletown in the last 5 years.
We have the same thing going on here in Neptune Twp. 80% of Eric Houghtaling’s campaign is being financed through large out of Neptune Union donations.
BUT WAIT, it get’s worse. Eric Houghtaling is the Political Director of the IBEW 400
They are trying to buy township committee seats wherever they can.
Art, really, just because the unions are destroying the state and are the reason that property taxes are so high and buy off the Democrats to protect their legalized extortion is no reason for you to make such a big deal about it. The taxpayers should just willingly fork over their hard earned money to the unions and not complain.
Middletown has one of the toughest pay-to-pay laws in the state. Vendors such as T&M have to comply while unions that fund Byrnes and the liberal machine of NJ are not subject to pay to play. Just another Democrat with their facts wrong.
Vin…Art won’t answer since he doesn’t really care where they get their money from. As long as there’s an “R” after their name, its all good. You should know that by now.
Wow, this guy must be a heck of a pipefitter, they send him a lot of money.
Vin, feel free to post any controversial donations that the Rep. candidates received. Send it to Art and he’ll post it.
There are plenty of republicans who are owned by the unions. In NJ you have Sen. Baroni (now with the Port Authority), LoBiondo (congressman) and Smith (congressman). But this is OK because they are Republicans. I’m voting against all incumbents this election, especially Pallone.