Curley’s Unhinged Nutty Tantrum

Disgraced Freeholder John P. Curley was Censured and Reprimanded for, among other offenses, offering to teach a teenager “how to sweat a pipe.”
Kooky Curley calls for massive County spending increase
Disgraced Freeholder John P. Curley invoked Hubert Humphrey, Mark Twain, his father, brother, mother and God yesterday in a bizarre battle cry against his fellow freeholders and Monmouth County Republican Chairman Shaun Golden during the County’s annual Reorganization Meeting at Biotechnology High School in Freehold Township.
The audience clapped politely at the end of the rant while Curley glared at Golden who was sitting in the front row.
Missing from the audience was the small troop of supporters who showed up wearing I Stand With John Curley stickers at the Special Meeting last month when the absent Curley was Censured and Reprimanded for sexually harassing County employees and other atrocious behavior.
Curley missed the mark in invoking former Vice President Humphrey. In opening his rant, Curley said something about it being peachy to be here. If Humphrey ever said that in public, it is missing from google searches.
Humphrey’s 1965 quote from an address to the National Student Council would have been more appropriate:
“The right to be heard does not automatically include the right to be taken seriously.”
“Reports of my death are greatly exaggerated,” the ferocious freeholder said quoting Twain.
“If you wanted to pick a fight, don’t pick a fight with a Curley because you’re going to get one,” he said quoting his father and brother.
Curley complained that his fellow freeholders stripped him of his duties as liaison to Brookdale Community College, the Fire Marshall/Fire Academy, the Board of Health and the Division of Aging, Disabilities and Veterans Services, “without my knowledge or consent.”
“I can only surmise my fellow freeholders are choosing to retaliate against me for challenging action which I believe warranted challenging and having asserted my own rights as a freeholder and a citizen of the United States of America,” Curley said as an obvious reference to the federal lawsuit he filed against the freeholders and Monmouth County’s taxpayers.
In his suit, Curley is arguing that he has a Constitutional right to address County employees and constituents as he sees fit, but that the other freeholders are violating his civil rights by censuring and reprimanding him for calling female County employees c*nts and bitches, referring to gay County employees as faggots and queers, making sexual and vulgar comments to a fellow elected official at a public event, publicly criticizing County employees in the presence of other employees, and offering to teach a teenager “how to sweat a pipe.”
Curley interrupted his prepared remarks twice to sarcastically chide his fellow freeholders. “Thank you for attention freeholders,” and “once again, freeholders, thank you for your full attention.”
After spending several minutes reciting a litany of accomplishments of the County departments he formerly liaised and exaggerating his role in those accomplishments, Kooky Curley called for salary increases for all county employees.
In closing his rant, Curley invoked the memory of his late mother:
“My mother always said, ‘Each and every person must answer to their own god.’ And she was so right. Because there are plenty of people who will answer in the end to their own god.”
and one that must be dealt with in a smart, mature, legal,professional, and political manner. We must move on with as little division as possible, and nominate two proven, well- known winners, to keep two seats, in 2018. Let’s face it, if we can not re- nominate a Freeholder who did the job and conducted himself in a proper manner, we certainly need to find two great candidates with no blemishes or problems, to run in our column. Let’s be rational and not emotional, and present our best to the voters.
All we were missing was Larry & Moe.
Time to RESIGN Mr Curly, you are a disgrace to the people that you represent. You will drag your party through the mud from your own actions.
He claims a Constitutional right to speak to County employees and constituents as he sees fit. The First Amendment protects him from the Federal Government, not from those he bullies. So it seems completely appropriate then for any of his victims to haul off and knock him flat on his @$$ if they feel threatened by this guy.
At board meetings in or out of town
John’s bloviating never lets us down
We pick a fight and then we get one
But we dance all night doing the Curley hustle
Hey John, hey John (hey John, hey John)
Sweat a pipe, sweat a pipe (Sweat a pipe, sweat a pipe)
C*nts and bitches (c*nts and bitches)
It’s Shaun’s fault (it’s Shaun’s fault)
Well he never minces words, it’s a problem he has, he does the Curley hustle
Well me and my friends love Gary and Lil
We love Curley’s buddy Tom and that Pat guy too
It’s such a delight to see them govern the county
Meeting all night doing the Curley hustle
Hey John, hey John (hey John, hey John)
Sweat a pipe, sweat a pipe (Sweat a pipe, sweat a pipe)
C*nts and bitches (c*nts and bitches)
Ooh! A snake show! (ooh! a snake show!)
Well he never minces words, it’s a problem he has, he does the Curley hustle
(It’s my right) it’s my right (ah ah ah) ah ah ah (woooooo) woooooo
Well me and my friends we go see the board
In the Monmouth County Hall of Rec-ords
That knucklehead gets in a verbal scuffle
He push and he shoves doing the Curley hustle
Hey John, hey John (hey John, hey John)
Sweat a pipe, sweat a pipe (Sweat a pipe, sweat a pipe)
Look at her a**, look at her a** (look at her a**, look at her a**)
Bend over (bend over)
Well he never minces words, it’s a problem he has, he does the Curley hustle (It’s my right)
He does the Curley hustle (what did you say?)
He does the Curley hustle (I’ll say what I wanna say)
We do the Curley hustle (ah ah ah ah)
We do the Curley hustle (sit on my lap)
Well he never minces words, it’s a problem he has, he does the Curley hustle.
Rants + Rants = Tirades
Is there a 5 minute rule for Freeholders on a microphone?
Did he dream thus up at a bar or Church?
Jen Beck for Freeholder
I consider the headlines inappropriate and the mission cruel and divisive. You and your anonymous posters are now the bullies and there are many out there who resent it.
very Saul Alinsky.
“Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.“ Cut off the support network and isolate the target from sympathy. “
I’m sorry you feel that way, Mike, but the mission is to cut out the cancer of the Monmouth GOP.
Curley has not denied his actions nor has he accepted responsibility for them. He is the divisive one and he, as you know, has been for many years.
He is using his friendship with you to deepen the divisions for his own purposes. He has already asked for a payoff to go away. You’re being played, Mike. John’s being used by the NJ Democrats.
My loyalty to Freeholder Curley comes from working with him on projects to make Monmouth a better place and his work with people to make Monmouth a better place for them to live, work and play.
Now that our hero anti-bullies have become the bullies, what is next?
Who is in charge here?
What is the plan? (more insulting headlines?)
What is the endgame?
People ask can this happen to me?
They ask am I next?
Whoever , in a position of power, calls a County employee a c*nt, bitch or faggot will be next, Mike. Whoever offers to teach a teenager to snake a pipe or offer a snake show will be next.
Whoever stands up at a fundraiser and while speaking to the gathering says to a woman, “I’ll go down on you and you won’t have to leave a message” is next, Mike.
I’m standing with Tom Arnone, Lillian Burry, Serena DiMaso and Gary Rich, who took the unprecedented and courageous action of Censuring and Reprimanding the bully Curley, Mike.
I for one would like to know more about the context of Curley’s remarks. The wording of the resoloution looks a lot like the disciplinary crap that comes out of HR, and I’ve seen a lot over the years, representing employees being disciplined. So what was the context? Was he telling inappropriate jokes or did he just blurt out to a teen ager about teaching him to “sweat a joint”? It’s one thing to say “tits” in the workplace, it’s another to single out an individual on her own physical charachteristics, still another to actually touch that individual. All inappropriate, but worsening degrees of inappropriateness. So how do we get to the context? That may be difficult. When HR interviews an employee in an investigation, all at the table are under orders of confidentiality. Those who talk will have the full disciplinary weight of The Swamp come down on them hard. Sounds like some of this was outside of county government, like at the fundraiser that Mr. Gallagher wrote about. So witnesses there would be freer to elaborate. I’m very interested as to the context of his alleged quotes.I know about Curley’s anger problems, but the rest of this is new to me, and creepy if it happened like the freeholders say it did, but I wonder. Also the thing with the teenager. Was this kid under 18? Is Law Enforcement investigating?
unfortunately, illustrative of how coarse our collective discourse has become over the years. When it comes to our leaders, and we whom they serve, we are going to have to decide just how much traditionally unacceptable behavior is, in fact, acceptable. I am tired of how low all our standards have dropped: in education, the arts, and yes, in politics/ public service. Until and unless we all demand better from ourselves, and those we get to pick from to “ lead us,” it will continue to deteriorate. At our taxoaying expense, of course. Am sad this particular situation had to come to this, but, perhaps a cleansing and establishment of better, higher- goals and ways to treat one another, in both the workplace, and life in general, can result.