Pension and Benefit Reform Deal Meets Resistance In Democratic Assembly Caucus
NJEA And CWA Oppose Deal
Capitol Quickies has a summary of the proposed deal that reportedly has been agreed to by Governor Christie, Senate President Sweeney and Assembly Speaker Sheila Oliver.
There have been multiple news reports of shouting, not cheers, coming from the Democratic Assembly caucus room. Oliver said “we’re not there yet” about her caucus supporting the deal.
In the past Oliver has implied that she will not pass the deal with the support of Republican Assembly members. In effect, even if the majority of the Assembly supports the reform legislation, Oliver won’t allow it to be voted on unless a majority of the Assembly Democrats support it. There are 33 Republican Assembly members, 46 Democrats and one vacancy. If Republican unanimously support the deal and 7 Democrats join them, the legislation would pass. Oliver who said, “My caucus must have the chance to have their concerns considered. The voters who elected them deserve no less,” won’t let that happen.
What do the voters who elected Assembly members who support the reforms deserve?
The presidents of the NJEA and the CWA condemned the deal, saying it would reduce employee compensation and was an assault on collective bargaining.
That sounds like progress.
Posted: June 9th, 2011 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Public Employee Unions | Tags: Pension and Benefit Reform | Comments Off on Pension and Benefit Reform Deal Meets Resistance In Democratic Assembly CaucusChristie’s Busy Morning
Governor Christie will address the American Legion’s annual convention in Wildwood at 10 am and will hold a press conference in Camden at noon where he will announce legislation to create private-public partnerships to run some New Jersey schools.
I hope he travels by helicopter.
Posted: June 9th, 2011 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Chris Christie | Tags: Chris Christie | Comments Off on Christie’s Busy MorningThe Lincoln Club Announces Focus Candidates for 2011 Legislative Races
Supporting Fresh Faces and Independent Thinkers
Princeton – June 8, 2011 –The newly formed Lincoln Club of New Jersey wasted no time in jumping into the debate for New Jersey’s future by announcing its support for three challengers in the 2011 legislative elections, all of whom are first-time candidates for statewide office. Club President and 2010 Congressional candidate in NJ-12, Scott Sipprelle, said,” We cannot solve a problem by re-electing the problem. The time has come for a new breed of public servant, connected to the people, committed to problem-solving and willing to make the honest and difficult decisions required to restore our sickly state to health.”
Sipprelle continued, “There is a large void in American politics for new entrants, people who choose to enter the arena despite having limited resources and few political connections. The Board of Directors of the Lincoln Club has decided to provide support and assistance during this election cycle to send to Trenton three fresh faces committed to serving the public good. We strongly believe that these independent-thinking New Jerseyans, if elected, will work courageously to challenge the broken status quo.”
Lincoln Club Focus Candidates

Best Weiner Headline Award Goes to Paul Mulshine:
With that mug, no wonder he’s showing pictures of his crotch
While Mulshine’s headline is clever and funny, the rest of his blog post is weird, sexist, and homophobic:
And another aspect of this that should tick off any red-blooded male out there. Note in the video below a photo of Weiner’s wife, Huma Abedin, from Vogue magazine back when she was an aide to Hillary Clinton.
Seriously, guys, answer this: Would a dweeb like Anthony Weiner have the slightest chance with a babe like that if he weren’t a congressman?
Just asking.
The video Mulshine posted is a three year old gossip piece from the controversial blog that implies that Weiner’s wife is in a lesbian relationship with Hillary Clinton.
Mulshine’s use of that video raises several questions besides the obvious one:
Posted: June 8th, 2011 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: NJ Media | Tags: Anthony Weiner, Hillary Clinton, Huma Abedin, Luke Ford, Paul Mulshine | 1 Comment »1) Should Mulshine and his “red blooded” male readers be jealous of Weiner or Clinton?
2) Would Hillary Clinton have a chance with a woman like Abedin if she was not Hillary Clinton?
3) Would the mainstream media (Mulshine) and the new media (Ford) be speculating over Huma Adedin and Hillary Clinton if Adedin didn’t look the way she does? Quick…name the assistant of another first lady or Secretary of State.
4) Did Mulshine view the entire video before he posted it on Did he check the source?
5) How much longer will Mulshine have unedited access to post on
Democrats will have a candidate for Senate in 13th
By Art Gallagher
Democratic primary voters in the 13th legislative district saw the words “No Nomination Made” on the top of their ballots in the slot for State Senator yesterday. Former Hazlet Mayor Christopher Cullen was endorsed by the Monmouth County Democratic mini-convention in April but failed to file his petitions with the Secretary of State.
385 of the 2,099 Democratic voters in the district cast a write-in vote for Senator. Cullen is expected to be the candidate after all of those votes are manually counted. He will then face Senator Joe Kyrillos in the general election. Kyrillos received 2,103 votes in the Republican primary against 23 write-ins.
For the Assembly in the 13th, Republican incumbents Amy Handlin and Declan O’Scanlon were nominated with 2,073 and 1,998 votes, respectively. There were 15 write-in votes. Democrats nominated former Hazlet Mayor Kevin Lavan with 1,572 votes and former Middletown Committeeman Patrick Short with 1,551 votes. There were 23 write-ins.
Posted: June 8th, 2011 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Uncategorized | Tags: 13th legislative district, Amy Handlin, Christopher Cullen, Declan O'Scanlon, Joe Kyrillos, Kevin Lavan, Patrick Short | 4 Comments »Give Me My “Smash Mouth” Governor
By Art Gallagher
Since the “chopper gate” story hit the fan last week, The Record’s Charles Stile has been gleefully making the case that the media and partisan noise about Governor Christie’s use of the State Police helicopter has been so ferocious because of “smash mouth” style. Stile, and other NJ media elites, have cited two recent polls, both taken before the chopper hullabaloo, that showed Christie’s approval ratings slipping as evidence that his style is wearing thin on New Jersey voters.
Stile has noted correctly that the chopper noise has been so harsh, despite the facts that Christie’s use of helicopter has been far more frugal than that of his predecessors and that his use of the chopper didn’t cost taxpayers anymore money than if he had traveled by SUV, because of Christie’s “in your face” plain spoken style. Christie’s political opponents and their media lapdogs have been laying in wait for an opportunity bash him back.
Stile has joined The Star Ledger’s Tom Moran in arguing that Christie should be nicer and more polite while turning Trenton upside down. Stile and Moran would have Christie’s compromising more and reforming less.
The irony here, from my point of view, is that over the last few months Christie has been nicer and more compromising. He’s toned it down. His opponents have subsequently stepped it up.
Maybe Christie’s poll numbers have slipped because he’s toned it down. Last spring he was railing against the NJEA and urging voters to defeat school budgets where unions wouldn’t compromise. Voters responded by defeating budgets in record numbers. Christie’s polls were strong. This spring Christie was silent on the school budgets.
Is there no more waste in our public schools? Has the the problem of excessive compensation, pensions and benefits been solved?
Since the GOP lost the legislative redistricting battle, Christie and Senate President Steve Sweeney announced a compromise over Supreme Court nominee Anne Patterson’s nomination that had been held up for a year. Part of the compromise included a promise by Sweeney that a hearing to fill the Court seat of former Justice John Wallace, which has been vacant for a year because Sweeney didn’t like that Christie did not reappoint Wallace, would take place next March. By making that agreement Christie acknowledged that Sweeney would still be Senate President in March, meaning Republicans are not going to win control of the State Senate in the coming election.
That the Democrats will retain control of the Legislature after the November election is probably realistic calculus on Christie’s part. He probably made a strategic decision that he can get more of his agenda accomplished by compromising than by fighting. That might be the best decision, but it also means that New Jersey will only have incremental improvement to our dysfunctional governments, rather than real reform…turning Trenton upside down reform…for the rest of Christie’s term.
I’d rather have the confrontational governor we elected. Even if it means stalemates and the shutting down of government, I’d rather Christie ridicule and embarrass the Trenton cesspool than compromise with it. Christie has only been in office less than 18 months. The cesspool has spent decades putting us into the mess we’re in.
As a matter of style, the chopper hullabaloo demonstrates that the media/establishment cesspool is not going to respond to a kinder, gentler Christie in kind. As a matter of substance, today’s news that the Democrats are going to attempt to increase education spending more than the Supreme Court has ordered and increase income taxes, demonstrates that the cesspool will always try to maintain and protect the status quo that makes them fat at the taxpayers’ expense.
Christie came into office promising to govern as if he only had one term to get the job done and without consideration for whether or not he’d be re-elected. Since then he has admittedly fallen in love with the job and become enamoured with national attention and presidential wooing his in your face style has brought to him.
Christie’s “in your face” style works. His adjustments should be by adding humor and charm to his ridicule, like Reagan did, not by compromising and being more polite.
If Christie has concluded that he has accomplished all he can in New Jersey with confrontation, he should get ready quickly and run for President. New Jersey and the United States both face horrendously serious problems. Compromise and tinkering around the edges of a broken system will not do.
We need Chris Chirstie’s unabashed leadership in New Jersey and in America. As Christie advised the new Republican leadership in Washington, we need to put up or shut up.
Shutting up is not an option.
Posted: June 7th, 2011 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: 2012 Presidential Politics, Chris Christie, Economy, Education, Government Waste, NJ Media, NJ State Legislature | Tags: Anne Patterson, Charles Stile, Chris Christie, Steve Sweeney, Tom Moran | 2 Comments »Weiner Watch
How long does he last?
How long before Anthony Weiner resigns from congress?
Democrats Welcome Jacobson Into 11th District Assembly Race
The following is a statement from District 11 Assembly candidates Marilyn Schlossbach and Vin Gopal on Dan Jacobson’s entrance to the 11th District race:
“We have both known Dan for quite some time and we appreciated him personally reaching out to both of us to give us a heads up that he would be running. We believe more people should run for public office and we welcome Dan to the race. This is a representative democracy and the voters, after examining all the candidates running, will have to make an educated decision on whom they believe will be best to represent the 11th Legislative District.”
Jacobson files for Assembly In The 11th
By Art Gallagher
Former Democratic Assemblyman and tri-CityNews publisher Dan Jacobson has filed his petition to run for Assembly in the 11th legislative district as an Independent.
Jacobson’s candidacy creates a five way race for two Assembly seats. The Republican candidates are incumbents Caroline Casagrande and Mary Pat Angelini. The Democratic candidates are restaurateur Marilyn Schlossbach and publisher Vin Gopal.
Jacobson said told MMM that his candidacy is not a reflection upon his opponents, but on the process. “Legislative elections in Monmouth County are stale and rarely competitive,” said Jacobson, “this is an opportunity for me to say my peace in a way that most candidates can’t because they are beholden to their party and special interests. If I can do that and perhaps make the race more interesting and competitive, that in itself will be a public service.”
Jacobson considers himself a Libertarian on economic and social issues. He said economic issues are paramount in this race. School vouchers are an example of where he thinks both parties have failed the public.
“What is an more important issue for the poor than educating their children? When I was last ran for the Assembly in 1993 I advocated starting a voucher program in the urban districts and then phasing them in throughout the state. Since then the Republicans have had control and the Democrats have had control and there has been no improvement with how we educate our kids.”
Public employees unions are another area of government that Jacobson wants to reform. “It is wrong that unions are collecting mandatory dues from our public employees and using that money for political purposes. Unions should set up PACs and let their members contribute voluntarily is they so choose.”
Of his opponents, only Angelini returned a call for comment. “Dan is a friend. I welcome him into the race and look forward to hearing his take on the issues,” said Angelini, ” I think there will be many common themes between us.”
“I don’t understand why he is doing this,” said Monmouth County Democratic Chairman Vic Scudiery, “Dan should worry about his newspaper.” Scudiery was chairman when Jacobson last served in the Assembly.
Jacobson filed 77 signatures with his petition. He said he was told that 50 are required.
Posted: June 6th, 2011 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: NJ State Legislature | Tags: 11th Legislative District, Caroline Casagrande, Dan Jacobson, Marilyn Schlossbach, Mary Pat Angelini, NJ Assembly, Vin Gopal | 17 Comments »