Men who can’t afford the little blue pill often turned to penis pumps which were covered by the federal government.Photo courtesy of Shutterstock
Medicare may soon be prohibited from spending money on vacuum pumps that treat erectile dysfunction in the coming years — an effort that could save up to $444 million but might upset those who can’t afford drugs like Viagra to treat their condition. The plan of cutting coverage of the pumps was proposed to help offset… Read the rest of this entry »
Posted: December 4th, 2014 | Author: admin | Filed under: Health Care, ObamaCare | Tags: ABLE Act, Erectile Dysfunction, Medicare, ObamaCare, Penis pumps, viagra | Comments Off on Medicare To No Longer Cover Penis Pumps, Saving $444 Million
Fighting back at legislative restrictions to abortion and contraception, female legislators in Ohio, Illinois and Virginia have introduced bills that would regulate the use of viagra.
In Ohio, Senator Nina Turner has introduced Senate bill 307, which would require men to see a sex therapist, receive a cardiac stress test and produce a notarized affidavit from a sexual partner affirming impotence before getting their blue pills. The Dayton Daily News article doesn’t say if the therapist can be the person signing the affidavit.
In Illinois, State Rep. Kelly Cassidy, a lesbian rights activist appointed to the legislature last April and elected in November, has proposed a gender equality amendment to legislation would require women to get an ultra-sound before an abortion. Her amendment would require men to watch a video depicting the side effects of Viagra and the treatment thereof.
In Virginia, State Senator Janet Howell submitted an amendment to an ultra sound before abortion bill that would have required men to receive a digital rectal exam prior to receiving a Viagra prescription. Her amendment failed but the ultra sound bill passed.
So far, there is no such legislation is proposed in New Jersey.
Posted: March 12th, 2012 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Abortion, Contraception, Gender Equality | Tags: Abortion, affidavit of impotence, Contraception, digital rectal exam, priapism, sex therapy, ultra sound, viagra | 16 Comments »