
Nothing Of Significance Happened In Trenton Today

By Art Gallagher

Senate President Steve Sweeney called the upper house into session today…it can’t honestly be said that he called it “to order”…to vote on 15 of Governor Christie’s 39 line item vetoes in the State Budget.

There was grand standing, name calling, yelling and screaming, but in the end all of the override votes failed, just as everyone knew they would before the show started.   Only Senator Jennifer Beck broke partisan ranks to vote with the Democrats to increase Planned Parenthood funding by $7.5 million.  The measure still failed.

Tomorrow the Senate will repeat the process.

Nothing real will happen until Governor Christie returns from vacation on Friday.

Posted: July 11th, 2011 | Author: | Filed under: Chris Christie, Jennifer Beck, NJ State Legislature, Stephen Sweeney | Tags: , , | 11 Comments »

Let’s Have An Election About Education Reform, Aid to Cities

By Art Gallagher

Senate President Steve Sweeney told The Star Ledger Editorial Board that he is groveling to get back into the good graces of the NJEA.  He didn’t put it exactly that way, but that is the effect of his pronouncement that he will not allow two key components of Governor Christie’s educations reforms…merit pay and ending seniority protections from layoffs.

Governor Christie gave himself plenty of room to negotiate when he increased the budget surplus by $270 million while cutting transitional aid to the cities by $139 million.   The Democrats want that money, and other monies that Christie cut back.  If the cities don’t get the money they could face bankruptcy.

Christie shouldn’t give an dime back to the cities unless he gets everything he wants in education reform.   If Sweeney and the Democrats don’t go along because they’re trying to get back into the good graces of the NJEA, let the voters decide.

Let’s have the coming election, in which the entire legislature is up for grabs, be a referendum on Christie’s agenda vs the NJEA agenda.

Posted: July 10th, 2011 | Author: | Filed under: Chris Christie, NJ State Legislature | Tags: , , , , | 2 Comments »

Sweeney’s Bullshit Provokes The Wrath Of God

Senate President Steve Sweeney’s line of bull nearly cost him his life today as a lightning stike just missed him during an on camera interview with the Philadelphia Fox-TV affiliate.

Lightning Almost Hits Christie Foe On TV: MyFoxPHILLY.com


Sweeney’s been lying all week.  Not just about the budget and the Governor’s prick.   I invited him onto the LaRossa and Gallagher “Real Jersey Guys” Radio Show to talk about the State budget and his now famous remarks  to Tom Moran about the Governor.  Rather than turn us down because we would challenge him, Sweeney’s spokesman Chris Donnelly said the Senate President was booked all week and suggestted we try at another time.  Since then Sweeney’s been a rotten media whore.

That’s ok, former Senator Dick LaRossa and I did fine without him.  Here’s a recording of the show:

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Posted: July 8th, 2011 | Author: | Filed under: LaRossa and Gallagher, NJ State Legislature, Stephen Sweeney | Tags: , , | 6 Comments »

Sweeney Invited Onto LaRossa and Gallagher: The Real Jersey Guys Radio Show

By Art Gallagher

Senate President Steve Sweeney has been invited onto LaRossa and Gallagher: The Real Jersey Guys Radio Show this afternoon from 5PM-6PM to discuss the State budget and his remarks about Governor Christie as reported on The Star Ledger’s Tom Moran.

We offered Sweeney as much or as little of the hour long show as he would like.  His staff promised to get back to us with a yes or no as soon as possible, but it is possible that Sweeney will just call into the show.

The show, sponsored by Repatriot Radio, can be heard every Tuesday from 5PM -6PM on WIFI 1460 AM on your radio dial or right here on your computer or smart phone.

Your calls into the show are welcome and encouraged.  The call in number is 609-447-0236.

Posted: July 5th, 2011 | Author: | Filed under: LaRossa and Gallagher, WIFI AM 1460 | Tags: , , | Comments Off on Sweeney Invited Onto LaRossa and Gallagher: The Real Jersey Guys Radio Show

Trouble In Paradise: Christie and Sweeney On The Rocks

By Art Gallagher

The bromance between Governor Chris Christie and Senate President Steve Sweeney appears to be on the rocks.

In recent weeks Christie has shifted his rhetoric from slamming the “do nothing” Democratic legislature to singing the praises of Sweeney for compromising with him over “landmark” pension and benefit reforms which Christie declared on national TV was a “model for America.”

The pension and benefit reforms were signed into law last Tuesday during a Christie-Sweeney love fest ceremony at the Wall Memorial in Trenton.  That left only two days for the legislature and the Governor to settle on a State budget.

Rather than negotiate with Christie over elements of the budget he had proposed, the Democratic legislature passed their own budget that exceeded the amount of revenue that Christie had certified by $600 million and increased the “millionaires tax” by 20%.

Christie received the Democrats budget on Wednesday evening.  His choices were to veteo it outright, conditionally veto it, either of which could have led to a government shut down, or to use his line item veto power to cut specific spending items that the legislature had passed.

Assemblyman Declan O’Scanlon, the Assembly Republican Budget Officer, said of the Democrats, “they played chicken with the wrong guy.”

Christie made $900 million in line item cuts that have the Democrats squealing like a Ned Beatty in Deliverance.

Here’s a list of Christie’s cuts.

Sweeney reacted with a profanity laced interview with Tom Moran of The Star Ledger.  Sweeney called Christie “a rotten prick” and said he wanted to “punch him in the head.”  The Senate President likened the Governor to “Mr. Potter from ‘It’s a Wonderful Life,” the mean old bastard who screws everybody.”

Former Senator Richard LaRossa and I will be talking about the budget and the political fallout of the budget this afternoon on our radio show, LaRossa and Gallagher: The Real Jersey Guys on WIFI 1460 AM on your radio dial and here on your computer or smart phone.

As of now we don’t have any guests scheduled for the program.  We hope you will call in to the show, 609-447-0236, with your questions and comments about the budget, the Christie-Sweeney tiff or anything else New Jersey you want to talk about.

Posted: July 5th, 2011 | Author: | Filed under: Chris Christie, LaRossa and Gallagher, New Jersey State Budget, Stephen Sweeney, WIFI AM 1460 | Tags: , , , | 1 Comment »

Give Me My “Smash Mouth” Governor

By Art Gallagher

Since the “chopper gate” story hit the fan last week, The Record’s Charles Stile has been gleefully making the case that the media and partisan noise about Governor Christie’s use of the State Police helicopter has been so ferocious because of “smash mouth” style.  Stile, and other NJ media elites, have cited two recent polls, both taken before the chopper hullabaloo, that showed Christie’s approval ratings slipping as evidence that his style is wearing thin on New Jersey voters.

Stile has noted correctly that the chopper noise has been so harsh, despite the facts that Christie’s use of helicopter has been far more frugal than that of his predecessors and that  his use of the chopper didn’t cost taxpayers anymore money than if he had traveled by SUV, because of Christie’s “in your face” plain spoken style.   Christie’s political opponents and their media lapdogs have been laying in wait for an opportunity bash him back.

Stile has joined The Star Ledger’s Tom Moran in arguing that Christie should be nicer and more polite while turning Trenton upside down.  Stile and Moran would have Christie’s compromising more and reforming less.

The irony here, from my point of view, is that over the last few months Christie has been nicer and more compromising.   He’s toned it down.   His opponents have subsequently stepped it up.

Maybe Christie’s poll numbers have slipped because he’s toned it down.  Last spring he was railing against the NJEA and urging voters to defeat school budgets where unions wouldn’t compromise.  Voters responded by defeating budgets in record numbers.  Christie’s polls were strong.  This spring Christie was silent on the school budgets.

Is there no more waste in our public schools?  Has the the problem of excessive compensation, pensions and benefits been solved?

Since the GOP lost the legislative redistricting battle, Christie and Senate President Steve Sweeney announced a compromise over Supreme Court nominee Anne Patterson’s nomination that had been held up for a year.  Part of the compromise included a promise by Sweeney that a hearing to fill the Court seat of former Justice John Wallace, which has been vacant for a year because Sweeney didn’t like that Christie did not reappoint Wallace, would take place next March.  By making that agreement Christie acknowledged that Sweeney would still be Senate President in March, meaning Republicans are not going to win control of the State Senate in the coming election.

That the Democrats will retain control of the Legislature after the November election is probably realistic calculus on Christie’s part.  He probably made a strategic decision that he can get more of his agenda accomplished by compromising than by fighting.  That might be the best decision, but it also means that New Jersey will only have incremental improvement to our dysfunctional governments, rather than real reform…turning Trenton upside down reform…for the rest of Christie’s term.

I’d rather have the confrontational governor we elected.  Even if it means stalemates and the shutting down of government, I’d rather Christie ridicule and embarrass the Trenton cesspool than compromise with it.  Christie has only been in office less than 18 months.  The cesspool has spent decades putting us into the mess we’re in.

As a matter of style, the chopper hullabaloo demonstrates that the media/establishment cesspool is not going to respond to a kinder, gentler Christie in kind.  As a matter of substance, today’s news that the Democrats are going to attempt to increase education spending more than the Supreme Court has ordered and increase income taxes, demonstrates that the cesspool will always try to maintain and protect the status quo that makes them fat at the taxpayers’ expense.

Christie came into office promising to govern as if he only had one term to get the job done and without consideration for whether or not he’d be re-elected.  Since then he has admittedly fallen in love with the job and become enamoured with national attention and presidential wooing his in your face style has brought to him.

Christie’s “in your face” style works.  His adjustments should be by adding humor and charm to his ridicule, like Reagan did, not by compromising and being more polite. 

If Christie has concluded that he has accomplished all he can in New Jersey with confrontation, he should get ready quickly and run for President.  New Jersey and the United States both face horrendously serious problems.  Compromise and tinkering around the edges of a broken system will not do.

We need Chris Chirstie’s unabashed leadership in New Jersey and in America.  As Christie advised the new Republican leadership in Washington, we need to put up or shut up.  

Shutting up is not an option.

Posted: June 7th, 2011 | Author: | Filed under: 2012 Presidential Politics, Chris Christie, Economy, Education, Government Waste, NJ Media, NJ State Legislature | Tags: , , , , | 2 Comments »

This is a compromise? So much for turning Trenton upside down

By Art Gallagher

Governor Chris Christie and Senate President Steve Sweeney announced that they had reached a compromise over the nomination of Anne Patterson to the NJ Supreme Court.  

Christie nominated Patterson to the court one year ago today to fill the seek of John Wallace.  Wallace’s term was expiring but he had not reached the age of mandatory retirement.  Christie acted within his constitutional authority but broke with tradition by not reappointing Wallace.

Christie’s Democratic critics, in the legislature and the media, charged that the governor was interfering with the independence of the judiciary.   Christie countered that he was fulfilling his campaign promise to reshape the court which has a long history of overstepping its bounds and legislating from the bench, especially with the Abbott decision which mandates education spending and the Mt. Laurel decision which mandates the development of affordable housing.  These two judicial decisions are responsible for New Jersey’s highest in the nation property taxes.

Sweeney pledged that Patterson would not get a hearing in the Senate and that her nomination would not be voted on until Wallace, who hails from Sweeney’s home county of Gloucester, reached the age of retirement; March of 2012.  For a year the Wallace seat has filled by appellate Judge Edwin Stern who was appointed by Chief Justice Stuart Rabner as a temporary fill-in.

As a result of the “compromise” announced yesterday between Christie and Sweeney, the governor will withdraw Patterson’s nomination to Wallace seat and nominate her for the seat of retiring Justice Roberto Rivera-Sota.  Sweeney pledged a fair hearing for Patterson, and that timely hearings will be held for the Wallace seat and the seat of
Justice Virginia Long who reaches the mandatory retirement age in 2012.

I fail to see the “deal” here.  Where’s the compromise?  What did Christie get?   Christie could have withdrawn Patterson’s nomination for Wallace’s seat and nominated her for Rivera-Soto’s seat without consulting Sweeney.  Sweeney keeps the Wallace seat filled by Stern until March.  Was Sweeney threatening to hold up the nominations to replace Wallace and Long beyond their retirement dates?  Would Sweeney allow three seats on the seven member court to be held by temporary Justices appointed by Rabner? 

The other thing I don’t like about this deal capitulation, is that it is an indication that Christie assumes that Sweeney will be Senate President next year.  While that may be a realistic expectation given the new gerrymandered legislative map, it is disappointing to think that Christie, as the leader of the Republican party, has already given up on trying to win control of the Senate in the legislative election this November.

If Christie has given up on winning control of the Senate, who am I to argue that it is possible?

So much for turning Trenton upside down.

Christie has a Town Hall meeting in Manalapan this afternoon.

Posted: May 3rd, 2011 | Author: | Filed under: Chris Christie, COAH, Education, Legislature, Property Taxes, Reapportionment, Redistricting, Reform Agenda, Stephen Sweeney | Tags: , , , | 1 Comment »

Anna Little: New Jersey’s Supreme Court Is Unconstitutional

By Art Gallagher

Former congressional candidate Anna Little told a meeting of the Highlands Republican Club that the composition of the New Jersey Supreme Court is unconstitutional and “we do not have a Chief Justice as far as I am concerned.”  She said she would file suit to challenge the new congressional district map if the court continues to have a vacancy when and if Chief Justice Stuart Rabner appoints a tie-breaking vote to the redistricting commission.

“Governor Christie did not reappoint Judge Wallace, who is on hold-over status,” said Little, “Senator Sweeney won’t approve Wallace’s replacement because Wallace is a Democrat.”

Justice John Wallace left the court in May of 2010 as a result of Governor Christie declining to reappoint him.  Democrats have charged that Christie is tampering with the independence of the judiciary.  Senate President Steve Sweeney has refused to hold hearings on Christie’s nominee to the court, Morris County Attorney Anne Patterson.

In an opinion issued in December, Associate Justice Roberto Rivera-Soto asserted that the Chief Justice Rabner does not have the authority to appoint a temporary justice to fill the vacancy unless necessary to fill a quorum on the court.  Rabner appointed Appellate Judge Edwin Stern to fill the court’s seventh seat.  Five justices constitute a quorum.  Rivera-Soto said he would refrain from participating in decisions so long as Stern sits on the court, declaring that Rabner’s appointment of Stern was unconstitutional.   Rivera-Soto later modified his position, stating that he would vote and issue opinions unless he decides to abstain.  In between the two statements, Rivera-Soto informed Christie that he would not seek to be reappointed when he term expires in September.  Many Democrats, notably Sweeney and former Senate President/Acting Governor Richard Codey have called on Rivera -Soto to resign immediately.

Little caused herself some problems during the 2010 congressional campaign while flashing her constitutional scholar credentials.  In an October 2010 column, Star Ledger columnist Tom Moran said of Little,

“One is left with the feeling that Little hasn’t done her homework. Politics is refreshed by new faces and perspectives, but the best rookies study hard before they swing this wildly. The tea party is bringing us a new breed. They are angry, as we are often told. But isn’t there something arrogant about this, too?”

MMM doesn’t often agree with Moran,  but the shoe seems to fit in this case.

Posted: January 18th, 2011 | Author: | Filed under: Anna Little, Chris Christie, NJ Supreme Court | Tags: , , , , , , | 14 Comments »