Voters Give Christie, Legislature low marks. No confidence in government impacting addiction crisis, State is on the wrong track

State of the State 2017(Governor’s Office/Tim Larsen)
The vast majority of New Jersey voters, 74%, think individuals and families should be most responsible for ensuring that those seeking treatment for alcohol and drug treatment find what they need, according to a Fairleigh Dickinson University Public Mind Poll released this morning. 22% think government should be most responsible for getting addicts help.
Those who favor personal and family responsibility over government intervention include 64% of Democrats, 82% of Independents and 87% of Republicans. 60% said the know someone personally who is or was addicted to alcohol or drugs. 70% said they know someone who has died as a result of addiction.
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Posted: January 31st, 2017 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Chris Christie, New Jersey, News, NJ State Legislature | Tags: addiction, Chris Christie, FDU Public Mind Poll, New Jersey, State Legislature | 1 Comment »
50% of New Jersey voters think our State’s problems are solvable, but that our politicians are not willing to stick their necks out to get our State moving in the right direction. That’s the take away from the FDU Public Mind Poll released this morning which indicates that Governor Chris Christie approval rating is upside down, 30%-55% and that the State Legislature’s approval rating is negative 24%-44%.
28% of the 792 self identified registered voters survey by FDU from June 15-21 said that New Jersey is moving in the right direction. 57% said we are on the wrong track.
Poll results that this should indicate that change is coming in November. Don’t count on that happening, unless Christie shocks the world and announces that he is not running for president.
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Posted: June 23rd, 2015 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: 2015 Elections, 2015 Legislative Races, Chris Christie, New Jersey, NJ Democrats, NJ GOP, NJ State Legislature | Tags: 2015 Elections, Assembly Democrats, Assembly Republicans, Chris Christie, FDU Public Mind Poll, NJ State Legislature, State Legislature | 2 Comments »
Governor Chris Chrisite is scheduled to deliver his annual budget address to the legislature this afternoon at 3PM
The address will be streamed live here at MoreMonmouthMusings:
Posted: February 26th, 2013 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Chris Christie, Christie Administration, New Jersey, New Jersey State Budget, NJ State Legislature | Tags: Budget Address, Chris Christie, State Legislature | Comments Off on Governor’s Budget Address
Could Gay Marriage Be An Issue In The U.S. Senate Race?
In an email to his membership this afternoon, Garden State Equality President Steven Goldstein claimed that the New Jersey State Legislature is close to overriding Governor Chris Christie’s veto of the Marriage Equality and Religious Exemptions Act:
This has already been the most productive year in our organization’s history. We passed marriage equality through both houses of the legislature, and quickly followed that up with the passage and signing into law of a new school bullying bill. In recent weeks, we’ve been laying the groundwork to achieve marriage equality through an override of Governor Christie’s veto. Since the legislature voted to pass marriage equality in February, we’ve won over another couple of legislators to our side. If you signed up to form an Override Club of your friends and neighbors in your legislative district to help us strategize and organize for marriage equality locally, we’ll be calling you soon.
Friends, we are closer to seeing marriage equality become law in New Jersey than we ever thought would be possible under a Governor opposed to marriage equality. I swear to God, if someone would have told me a couple of years ago – when we all assumed we’d have to wait until another Governor to win – that we could be this unbelievably close this soon, frankly I’d have told them they were crazy. Our momentum is stunning. Our dream is in our grasp. And we have you to thank. You never stopped believing. Together, we have never let up.
“It’s not happening,” said a GSE sympathiser who asked not to be identified, “Steve must be trying to gin up his troops or raise money. An override is less likely now than it was in February.”
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Posted: May 4th, 2012 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: 2012 U.S. Senate Race, Bob Menendez, Civil Rights, Gay Marriage, marriage, Marriage Equality, Marriage Equality and Religious Exemptions Act | Tags: Bob Menendez, Chris Christie, civil unions, Democratic Leadership, Garden State Equality, Gay Marriage, Joe Kyrillos, Marriage Equality, over ride, override, State Legislature, top priority, veto | Comments Off on Garden State Equality Claims They’re Close To Marriage Equality Overide