State Senator Joe Kyrillos came out swinging this afternoon regarding the news that the Department of Housing and Urban Development denied the Christie Administration’s request to allow victims of Superstorm Sandy to continue to rebuild their homes while they are applying for Reconstruction, Rehabilitation, Elevation and Mitigation (RREM) grants.
Kyrillos implored HUD officials and New Jersey’s congressional delegation to do whatever is necessary to allow Sandy devastated residents to rebuild their lives.
“It’s ridiculous, to say the least, that the people of New Jersey are being denied access to grant money because they are trying to rebuild their lives after the worst storm ever,” Kyrillos said. “The people of my district and the surrounding areas were some of the hardest hit and their federal government should not be hindering their recovery. Our home owners should be able to rebuild as they apply for grant money and I urge our congressional delegation to get to work immediately”
Senator Kyrillos added that the people deserve a reasonable return on their federal tax dollars in the form of Sandy grants.
“A lot of good has come out of the $1.83 billion in initial aid to New Jerseyans, but the reality is that more resources are needed for this state to recover from nearly $37 billion in damages,” Kyrillos said. “New York has received about $4 billion more, so the time is now for HUD officials and our congressmen to turn their eyes to our state.”
The Associated Press reported today that HUD denied a Christie Administration request to waive a rule that all reconstruction work must stop when a property owner applies for RREM grants. The federal government wants be sure that historical structures are protected and that the properties are rebuilt to the new elevation standards. No work that is completed prior to a HUD approval of the plans will be reimbursed with RREM grants, even if the work complies with the standards.
Posted: February 19th, 2014 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: 13th Legislative District, Chris Christie, Joe Kyrillos, RREM, Superstorm Sandy | Tags: Christie Administration, HUD, Joe Kyrillos, RREM, RREM grants, Senator Joe Kyrillos | 5 Comments »
Governor Christie’s flirtation with the national media and GOP fundraisers over running for president started to build momentum during March. He told reporters in Washington that he wouldn’t be governor in 2014. He told the National Review’s Rick Lowry “I already know I could win” the presidency.
The Monmouth County Freeholders suspended three SCAT drivers who had called out sick on February 25 but were caught on camera protesting labor reforms in Trenton. State Senator Joe Kyrillos praised the Freeholders for their action and stepped up his call for civil service reform.
Anna Little told The Auditor that she was thinking of running for U.S. Senate instead of Congress.
Peter Burnham was suspended as Brookdale College President on March 3. On March 9 Burnham resigned.
Citizen journalist James O’Keefe embarrassed NPR and came to Monmouth County as a Special Guest Speaker at the Bayshore Tea Party Group’s St. Patrick’s Day Celebration. O’Keefe ended up being embarrassed himself over the press coverage of the event which included accurate reports that he did not want the event videoed.
Monmouth University Pollster Patrick Murray accurately predicted that Dr. Alan Rosenthal, the tie breaking member of the legislative reapportionment, would choose the Democrats new legislative map. Murray based his prediction on Rosenthal’s scholarlly work espousing “continuity of representation,” i.e., that there is a value to voters being continuously represented by the same legislator after redistricting.
Even though MMM debunked the value of “continuity of representation” and the Bayshore Tea Party Group submitted a constitutional map, Rosenthal did indeed side with the Democrats, thereby assuring Democratic control of the legislature at least until the 2021 election.
After months of reading MMM, former Democratic Assemblyman and triCityNews publisher Dan Jacobson had an epiphany and registered as a Republican. Jacobson started submitting his weekly columns to MMM and prepared to challenge Senator Sean Kean in old 11th district Republican primary.
Spring Lake Councilman Gary Rich received the Monmouth GOP’s endorsement for Freeholder. Rich received 25 votes from the screening committee. Manalapan Mayor Andrew Lucas received 23 votes and Wall Committeeman George Newberry received 22 votes. Howell Mayor Bob Walsh removed himself from contention prior to the committee vote.
Posted: December 27th, 2011 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: 2011 Year in review | Tags: Alan Rosenthal, Andrew Lucas, Anna Little, Bayshore Tea Party Group, Bob Walsh, Brookdale Community College, Chris Christie, continuity of representation, Dan Jacobson, Freespeaker1976, Gary Rich, George Newberry, James O'Keefe, Legislative Reapportionment, Monmouth County Freeholders, Monmouth GOP, Monmouth SCAT, Monmouth University, National Review, NPR, Patrick Murray, Peter Burnham, Rick Lowry, Sean Kean, Senator Joe Kyrillos, The Auditor, triCityNews | Comments Off on MMM Year In Review – March
….for next Tuesday’s LaRossa and Gallagher: Real Jersey Guys On The Radio Show on WIFI 1460 AM and on the Internet at
Former Senator Dick LaRossa will be off next week. My guest co-host will be Fair Haven Mayor Mike Halfacre.
So far our confirmed guest for the show is State Senator Joe Kyrillos. Mike and I are working on another guest or two.
If you follow New Jersey politics and government (why would you be reading this site if you don’t?) you won’t want to miss this show.
The show, sponsored by Repatriot Radio, will be broadcast on Tuesday from 5PM to 6PM.
Posted: July 15th, 2011 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Joe Kyrillos, LaRossa and Gallagher, Mike Halfacre | Tags: LaRossa and Gallagher: The Real Jersey Guys, Mike Halfacre, Senator Joe Kyrillos | 16 Comments »

America is in trouble. We have a massive debt hanging over us, a tax and regulatory burden stifling job creation and innovation, and a government we can no longer afford but cannot seem to rein in. There is a growing sense that our children’s future prosperity is slipping away.
It is time to prove again what a free and enterprising people are capable of doing. I know we can reverse the precipitous course America is on because we are doing it here in New Jersey today. I have been proud to stand with the Governor to motivate conservative reforms that will make our state stronger and more competitive. We need the same honest, tough-love approach in Washington.
I have formed an exploratory committee to seek out ways to help our great country which may include running for the United States Senate. As the son and grandson of immigrants who moved to this country in search of freedom and opportunity, I know and believe in the power of the American dream. And as a father with a young family, I also know we must put our country back on the path to future strength and opportunity. In the months ahead, I look forward to traveling the state to learn and discuss how we can work together to put America back on track.
Posted: June 13th, 2011 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Joe Kyrillos | Tags: Senator Joe Kyrillos, U.S. Senate | 7 Comments »