Tax amnesty program helps N.J. revenue beat Christie projections
Posted: January 23rd, 2015 | Author: admin | Filed under: Chris Christie, Christie Administration, New Jersey State Budget, Taxes | Tags: Chris Christie, Christie Administration, NJ State Budget, Tax collections | Comments Off on Tax amnesty program helps N.J. revenue beat Christie projectionsN.J. revenue growth lags behind Christie projections
Posted: December 12th, 2014 | Author: admin | Filed under: Chick-fil-A, Christie Administration, Economy, New Jersey State Budget | Tags: Christie Administration, NJ Economy, NJ State Budget, Tax Revenue | Comments Off on N.J. revenue growth lags behind Christie projectionsAnalysis: Facing Budget Problems, Christie Plays Tax Amnesty Card
Posted: September 18th, 2014 | Author: admin | Filed under: Amnesty, Chris Christie, Christie Administration, Economy, New Jersey, New Jersey State Budget, News, Taxes | Tags: Chris Christie, New Jersey, news, NJ State Budget, NJ State Budget Deficit, Tax Amnesty | Comments Off on Analysis: Facing Budget Problems, Christie Plays Tax Amnesty CardChristie Grappling With Bond Downgrades, Budget Shortfalls, Casino Closures
Posted: September 11th, 2014 | Author: admin | Filed under: Chris Christie, Christie Administration, Economy | Tags: Atlantic City, Casino Closures, Chris Christie, NJ Bond Rating, NJ State Budget | 1 Comment »Analysis: Millionaire’s Tax to Close Pension Gap Could Be Headed To Ballot in 2015
Gov. Chris Christie vowing to veto any tax increase, Democratic legislative leaders looking for pension-funding solutions may conclude that their best option is to bypass Christie by putting a millionaire’s tax on the ballot as a constitutional amendment…
Christie’s pension plan puts NJ Democrats in a bind as budget deadline looms
TRENTON — No one wants to be the politician who guts spending, raises taxes or reneges on a promise. But thanks to Gov. Chris Christie and a sluggish economic recovery in New Jersey, those are the choices facing Democratic leaders in the state Legislature…
A crazy June: Things to look out for in Trenton this month
TRENTON — Hold onto your seats. It’s June in Trenton, and that’s always a bumpy ride. With the state budget due by month’s end, horse-trading is rampant as just about everything that was proposed all year long under the Statehouse dome is up…
Opinion: Christie’s Available Options Have Gone From Bad to Worse
Being governor is all about having options, settling on a course of action, marshaling legislative and public support, and then implementing it smoothly and effectively. From time to time, though, issues arise for which none of the available options…
Governor Christie’s Remarks On Cutting Pension Payments To Balance The Budget
Governor Christie: I have made the decision that we are not going to blindside our students, we are not going to blindside our seniors, our higher education institutions or those who rely on the safety net the state provides to balance the budget with only six weeks left in the fiscal year. So you have to make choices and we are making them. We’re choosing to be responsible in terms of the way we fund these critical priorities that matter to the people of the state. And we are choosing not put at risk those programs that I mentioned and those services that the people of the state rely upon, especially on such extraordinarily short notice. I’d love to give people tax relief. I’d love to also be able to fund programs that are priorities and that matter a great deal to me and to the people of this state. But until we decide to be adults and deal with the problem we know we have we’re not going to be able to do that. And so today I’m doing what I need to do to fulfill my constitutional obligation to balance a budget. Today I’m going to pledge to make the payments that we need to make to not dig the hole any deeper. But in a time when we’re confronted with this type of challenge I cannot also pay for all the sins of my predecessors, and so we’re going to do this now. We’re going to continue to try to get better as we move forward but you’re going to continue to hear from me and you will hear from me soon with specifics on the way we need to change the pension and the health benefit system. I’ve been saying over the course of the last number of months that come Fiscal Year ’16 New Jersey is going to be paying more for health benefit costs for retirees than we pay for active employees. If there is any greater symbol for how untenable the system has become I don’t know what it is. And so we need to deal with this problem and we need to deal with it directly. I will fix the problems that have been foist upon us today. But I’m going to need cooperation from the Legislature and elected officials across the state to deal with this problem going forward.
Posted: May 20th, 2014 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Chris Christie, Christie Administration, New Jersey State Budget, Pensions | Tags: Chris Christie, Governor Chris Christie, NJ State Budget, Pension reform | Comments Off on Governor Christie’s Remarks On Cutting Pension Payments To Balance The Budget