POLITICO is reporting that indicted Ocean County GOP Chairman George Gilmore, also the Chairman of Ocean County Board of Elections, said in a text message that he intends to stay on in both roles while he fights to avoid the next 30 years in prison on federal tax evasion and bank fraud charges.
Who does he think he is? Bob Menendez?
Hopefully that text was a knee jerk reaction from a proud man in shock and denial over his situation and the peril he puts his constituencies in each day he holds onto those positions now.
George Gilmore, the long time chairman of the Ocean County Republican Party, was indicted by a federal grand jury, First Assistant U.S. Attorney Rachael A. Honig announced this afternoon.
Gilmore, 69, is an attorney, lobbyist and one of the most powerful Republicans in New Jersey. He was was charged in a six-count indictment with one count of income tax evasion for calendar years 2013, 2014, and 2015; two counts of filing false tax returns for calendar years 2013 and 2014; failing to collect, account for, and pay over payroll taxes for two quarters in 2016, and making false statements on a 2015 loan application submitted to Ocean First Bank N.A.
According to Honig’s announcement, documents file in the case indicate:
The joy and love of Christmas showed up in Lincroft yesterday with Holiday Express volunteers, students of Christian Brothers Academy and special needs clients of Easter Seals NJ.
Dr. Benjamin Dworkin, PhD, the Director of the Rowan Institute for Public Policy & Citizenship (RIPPAC) reminds us that New Jersey became of state of the United States on this day in 1789 when our predecessors ratified the U.S. Constitution.
In celebration of the anniversary and the holiday season, students of the Institute have prepared a message of hope that sounds a lot like Abraham Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address
Did President Donald Trump inadvertently give the New Jersey Republicans a gift horse? It is no secret that the cap of $10,000 on the deduction for state and local taxes (SALT) will hit many Garden State residents hard. Many residents of the Hudson County Gold Coast are paying $20,000 to $30,000 in property taxes plus New Jersey income and sales taxes, and New York City and state income taxes. These residents are used to taking the full SALT deduction from their federal taxes and often receive a tax refund from the Treasury. Now there is a high probability that these people will be sending a check to the Treasury instead of receiving one. Some will blame the president for the additional tax liability, but the national tax laws have to be applied equally. Where the changes hurt New Jersey they actually help Texas since Texas has much lower property taxes and no state income tax. So why is this a gift horse?
Pearl Lee, the Republican candidate for Red Bank Mayor last month, told MMM that she reached out to Monmouth Republican Chairman Shaun Golden to express her interest in challenging Democrat Assembly Members Eric Houghtailing and Joann Downey in the 11th legislative district next year.
Lee, 64, a retired small business owner, had never sought elected office before securing the Republican nomination for Red Bank Mayor last year as a write-in candidate in the June primary. She sought the nomination after learning that the local party failed to field a candidate to challenge Democrat Mayor Pat Menna.
Josh Welle did not vote for Nancy Pelosi to become the next Speaker of the House yesterday because he wasn’t invited to the Democrat Caucus meeting in Washington.
Since losing to Congressman Chris Smith on November 6, the sanctimonious semen has been spotted at Alice’s Kitchen in Sea Bright and at the Tropicana Casino in Atlantic City during the NJ League of Municipalities Convention where he and his former campaign staffers got into some late night drunken texting with Jim Keady, the front runner for the 2020 Democrat nomination in CD-4.
In an interview with Bill Spadea on NJ101.5 yesterday, former Lt. Governor Kim Guadagno said legalizing prostitution would be less harmful than legalizing recreational marijuana and that doing so would benefit the women who work in the world’s oldest profession.
“Now that I’m not running for office anymore, if they need revenue that badly, let’s legalize a victimless crime and tax it up the wazoo. What to I mean by that? Let’ legalize prostitution,” Guadagno said.
“It’s better for women cause they’ll get good medical care. We’ll cut off the middleman, if you know what I mean, and it’s between two consenting adults.”