Odd/Even Day Watering Restriction Still In Effect, But Sprinkler Use Is OK
New Jersey American Water Company said that the temporary repairs at the Swimming River Water Treatment Plant are completed and that its Monmouth County customers can water their lawns with sprinklers so long as they continue to observe the odd/even day schedule that has been in effect since Sunday.
The odd/even watering schedule entails:
- Outdoor water use between the hours of 5 a.m. to 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. on odd-numbered days of the month if your street address is an odd number (i.e., 23 Oak St., 7 Maple Ave.)
- Outdoor water use between the hours of 5 a.m. to 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. on even-numbered days of the month if your street address is an even number (i.e., 6 Oak St., 354 Maple Ave.)
Exceptions are:
- Watering of new sod or seed if daily watering is required (note: it is recommended that any planting of new sod or seed that has not already taken place be delayed until the fall)
- Use of private wells for irrigation
- Commercial uses of outdoor water, such as for nurseries, farm stands, power washing, plumbing, athletic fields, and car washes
Posted: July 12th, 2012 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: New Jersey American Water, NJAWC | Tags: Monmouth County, New Jersey American Water, NJAWC, Outdoor water usage restriction | Comments Off on Outdoor Water Restrictions Eased
NJAW customers still under strict non-watering mandate
TINTON FALLS, NJ – The Monmouth County Office of Emergency Management, in consultation with New Jersey American Water (NJAW), lifted the outdoor watering ban today for all non-NJAW customers.
However, the mandatory outdoor watering ban remains in effect for all NJAW customers in order to maintain water pressure and supply throughout the lines as repairs continue.
“Even though the ban has been lifted for many residents, public safety officials urge everyone to continue conserving water,” Freeholder Director John P. Curley said. “We look forward to further progress in the days ahead.”
The state of emergency remains in effect for all NJAW customers. The ongoing water emergency means that:
- Customers of New Jersey American Water are under a mandatory water restriction that bans all outdoor water use and encourages indoor water conservation. It is illegal for NJAW customer to water lawns, shrubs or gardens, fill swimming pools and wash cars;
- All restrictions for non-NJAW customers have been lifted, although conservation is urged.
- New sod or newly seeded lawns and planted shrubs can be watered to an appropriate level;
- Indoor conservation measures include refraining from using washing machines and dishwashers, limiting showering times and flushing toilets less frequently; and
- Commercial businesses that rely on water for their operations are not subject to these restrictions.
Because a state of emergency still exists, law enforcement will continue to enforce the ban for NJAW customers.
“Monmouth County residents should be commended for their cooperation and support during this critical time,” Sheriff Shaun Golden said. “Their efforts helped improve the situation enough to remove some of the bans that had been put in place.”
The emergency was created by the collapse of three large water pipes June 29 at the water company’s water treatment plant at Swimming River Reservoir.
Posted: July 5th, 2012 | Author: admin | Filed under: Monmouth OEM, New Jersey American Water, NJAWC, Press Release | Tags: Freeholder Director John Curley, John Curley, Monmouth OEM, New Jersey American Water, NJAWC, Press Release, Shaun Golden, Sheriff Shaun Golden, water restrictions | 6 Comments »
The water emergency caused by “a major infrastructure failure” at the New Jersey American Water Company’s Swimming River water treatment plant in Middletown will last until at least Sunday evening, according to an announcement on the Borough of Rumson’s website.
All Monmouth County residents are advised to refrain from non-essential use of water and to boil water before consumption. Outdoor water use is banned until the state of emergency is lifted.
Governor Chris Christie and Cabinet Officials will be holding a press conference this afternoon, 1:45, at the Wolf Hill Recreation Area, Oceanport to update the public on the water main break situation. MMM will be there.
Posted: June 30th, 2012 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Chris Christie, Monmouth County, New Jersey American Water, NJAWC | Tags: Chris Christie, Governor Chris Christie, Monmouth County Water Main Break, New Jersey American Water, NJAWC | Comments Off on Water Emergency Will Last Until At Least Sunday Evening
New Jersey American Water Company and Monmouth County OEM are distributing water at three locations
New Jersey American Water and the Monmouth County OEM have established three water distribution locations where customers may go to receive bottled water. Those locations are:
Middletown High School North
63 Tindall Road, Middletown Township
Middletown High School South
900 Nut Swamp Road Middletown
Oceanport Fire House
Mertyl Ave and Monmouth Ave, Oceanport
The bottled water will be distributed until 11PM or until they run out.
UPDATE 8PM: MMM reader Tom Stokes just called in to report that 1 gallon of water per household is being distrubted at Middletown High School North, regardless of the size of the household. Proof of residency is required to get bottled water.
UPDATE 9:20: Tom Stokes reports the there is no more bottled water to be distributed at Middletown North. NJAWC is waiting for more bottled water to be delivered. They will be at North throughout the night and all day tomorrow, according to Stokes.
Click on the map for a full view of the area affected by the NJAWC water shutdown.
The bridge that collasped this afternoon as part of the “major infrastructure failure” at New Jersey American Water Company’s Swimming River water treatment plant sustained damage during Tropical Storm Irene last August.
Nearby residents are claiming that repairs were not done after Irene and that the bridge was bound to collapse.
Former Tinton Falls GOP Chairman Michael Laffey, an attorney who practices in Holmdel said, “NO work has been done to repair the bridge in the last year. This mess was completely avoidable and someone should be held accountable.”
Richard Barnes, NJAWC’s External Affairs Manager, told MMM that he had no information on the cause of the infrastructure failure. “Right now we’re concentrating on restoring service to our customers. We’ll have more information at a later time.” Peter Eschbach, Director of Communications and External Affairs for NJAWC told a MMM reader who prefers not to be named that “small repairs to the wood” were performed on the bridge after Irene.
Middletown Mayor Tony Fiore told MMM that “this doesn’t look like a quick fix,” after he inspected the site of the infrastructure failure this afternoon. “Irene appears to be the gift that keeps on giving. We don’t know for sure that the storm caused today’s incident, but we remember pointing out the damage to NJAWC last summer and don’t recall repairs being made since.”
The Asbury Park Press pay site is reporting that there is another water main break in Neptune that has left 1600 residences without water.
Posted: June 29th, 2012 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Monmouth County | Tags: infrastructure failure, Michael Laffey, New Jersey American Water, NJAWC, Tony Fiore, Water shut off | 5 Comments »

Photo credit: Holmdel-Hazlet Patch
A “major infrastructure failure” at the Swimming River Water Treatment Plant in the Lincroft section of Middletown has shut the water off for 3,000 Holmdel residences and closed Brookdale Community College until further notice.
Holmdel-Hazlet Patch was the first to report the story, scooping the Asbury Park Press pay site by an hour.
A statement from New Jersey American Water Company that was emailed by the Borough of Tinton Falls to its residents and forwarded to MMM by a reader states that the failure includes the loss of two transmission mains leaving the plant and well as the raw water main coming into the plant. New Jersey American Water customers in Monmouth County may be experiencing low water pressure or no pressure at this time.

Photo credit: lostcreekquarnberg blog
Residents of Middletown, Holmdel, Aberdeen, Highlands, Seabright, Rumson, Fair Haven, Little Silver, Oceanport, Shrewsbury Township and Borough, Tinton Falls and Long Branch are requested to limit all non-essential water use while NJAW works to restore service.
Save water, shower with friends.
Middletown Township sent out an automated phone call at 4:30 to residents and businesses announcing that all outdoor water usage is restricted.
Posted: June 29th, 2012 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Brookdale Community College, Middletown, Monmouth County | Tags: Aberdeen, Brookdale Community College, Fair Haven, Highlands, Holmdel, Holmdel-Hazlet Patch, Lincroft, Little Silver, Middletown, New Jersey American Water, NJAW, Oceanport, Rumson, Shrewsbury, Swimming River Water Treatment Plant, Tinton Falls, Water, Water main | 3 Comments »