New Jersey has revoked the massage therapy licenses of nine male massage therapists in last twelve months because the touched female customers in an unwanted sexual manner, Attorney General Gurbir S. Grewal announced today.
New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy’s daily press briefing at the the War Memorial in Trenton, NJ on April 24, 2020, regarding updates on the corona virus.
Governor Phil Murphy and Superintendent of State Police Colonel Patrick Callahan announced an Administrative Order on Monday clarifying the list of businesses permitted to operate during the COVID-19 State of Emergency.
Pet grooming, pet daycare and pet boarding services are considered essential under Murphy’s Executive Order #107 and are permitted to operate.
Human grooming servicers–barbers, hair stylists, mani-pedis, massage providers, etc., cannot operate out of a retail establishment but they CAN do house calls ONLY if the customer is a household member, immediate family member, care taker or romantic partner. I’m looking forward to the facebook comments on this one.
Former Vice President Al Gore is coming to Rumson next week to stump and raise some cash for CD-12 Congressman Rush Holt.
Gore, who was called a “Crazed Sex Poodle”and a “big lummox” by Portland Oregon massage therapists Molly Hagerty when she accused him of groping her and painfully squeezing her nipples over her clothes during a massage at the Hotel Lucia in 2006, and the congressman who calls himself a Rocket Scientist will be having cocktails with supporters at the opulent mansion of Wall Street tycoon Thomas Unterberg on Sunday October 17, according to an announcement on Holt’s website.
Holt’s campaign has made an issue out of his opponent Scott Sipprelle’s Wall Street career. According to The Daily Princetonian, Holt sent an email to supporters bashing Wall Street and claiming he doesn’t “take big checks from them.”
… Holt’s reelection campaign has emphasized Sipprelle’s career on Wall Street. “It’s not news that a Wall Street multimillionaire would give himself a bonus, but it means that he’ll have the resources to try to distort Rush’s record of getting things done for Central New Jersey,” Holt’s campaign manager Sarah Stewart said in an April 16 e-mail to supporters.
“[Holt is] not working for the lobbyists. He’s not fighting to protect big banks and Wall Street. And he doesn’t get big checks from them. He has a broad base of support from real people with shared values,” she said.
Hmmm, the crazed sex poodle and the rocket scientist are coming to a Wall Street tycoon’s mansion not to take checks?
MoreMonmouthMusings surveyed area massage therapists to check on the likelihood of Gore getting a massage should he seek one while he is in the area.
Nicole Lerario, LMT, of A Kneaded Vacation Therapeutic Massage in Red Bank is a member of the Northern Monmouth Chamber of Commerce and the American Massage Therapy Association . Nicole said she does not massage clients after 8PM in order to avoid confrontations like Hagerty had. Lerario, who is licensed to practice massage in New York said she would work on any politician, “so that I can talk to them about having massage therapy covered by health insurance and about the importance of licensing massage therapists.” She said New Jersey does not license massage therapists, but should because, “massage parlors and untrained women advertising body rubs makes life difficult for legitimate therapists.”
Michelle, who advertises in the Asbury Park Press classifieds as “PETITE PLEASURE MASSAGE 24 hrs., In/Out GSP 105”could accommodate the former Vice President after 8PM but “probably wouldn’t,” she told MMM, “When dirty laundry comes out about well known people, it comes out on the other people involved too. Some people might like that, but I prefer to be more discreet and do my little thing.”
Annie of Fair Haven Therapeutic Massage also advertises in the APP. GRAND OPENING ASIAN STAFF, River Road, is how the ad reads. There was something of a language barrier between Annie and I. She wanted to know if Al Gore was the Vice President of Monmouth County, and she wanted to know if I would be coming with him for massagee. I told her I would not be joining Gore and that he was the former Vice President of the United States. “Ooohhh,” she said, “we would be honored.” Gore would have to visit Annie’s office, which is just down the road from the Unterberg estate.
Rosie advertises in the massage section of as ROSIE LATIN MASSAGE. She said “No, I am not interested in doing that,” when asked if she would massage Al Gore.