Congressman Frank Pallone speaks at his brother’s get out the vote rally, May 3, 2018. Social media photo
John Pallone is the only Long Branch mayoral candidate who has not responded to MMM’s request for an interview.
Mayor Adam Schneider’s interview has been viewed over 5,600 times since we posted it on Monday. Avery Grant’s interview has been viewed almost 2000 times since we posted yesterday. Voters are obviously engaged. In 2014, less than 3,000 votes were cast in the Long Branch mayoral election. This time it will probably be more than double that.
Other outlets have reported that Pallone is dodging questions from the media or that he wants the questions in advance. In the hopes that Pallone will call back for that interview, we’re posting questions we have for him:
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Posted: May 4th, 2018 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: 2018 Elections, Long Branch, Monmouth County | Tags: 2018 elections, Adam Schneider, Avery Grant, John Pallone, Long Branch Mayor Adam Schneider, Long Branch Mayors Race, Monmouth County News | Comments Off on Questions For Long Branch Mayoral Candidate John Pallone
By Greg Kelly
“John Pallone is pathetic and so are all his running mates. They don’t care about anything. They haven’t been in this community working. We’re the ones making this a better city to live in. But I’m done being angry. It’s all about energy — which I’ll use right up to Election Day when we win.”

Long Branch Mayor John Schneider
That was Mayor Adam Schneider speaking to supporters at his lower Broadway campaign headquarters after a recent evening of cold weather but satisfying voter feedback during his door-to-door visits.
“We’re hearing a lot of good things,” explained the man seeking an eighth four-year term as the chief executive of Long Branch. “They think the city is headed in the right direction.”
Clearly, it’s election season in the City of Long Branch. City voters will go to the polls on Tuesday, May 8 to elect a mayor and six council members.
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Posted: April 22nd, 2018 | Author: admin | Filed under: Greg Kelly, Long Branch, Monmouth County, Monmouth County News | Tags: 2018 elections, Adam Schneider, Greg Kelly, John Pallone, Long Branch Mayor Adam Schneider, Long Branch Mayors Race, Monmouth County News, Opinion | Comments Off on Kelly: Adam Schneider is clearly the best choice for Long Branch