
McLeod: “I did not enjoy being mayor”

photo courtesy keyportgop.org

photo courtesy keyportgop.org

Former Keyport Mayor Bob McLeod said he resigned for “personal reasons” and that he did not enjoy the job.  Having served for 2 years, 2 1/2 months, McLeod told MoreMonmouthMusings that he was thinking of resigning and talking to his friends about doing so for quite some time.  His term would have expired at the end of 2014.  He had long ago decided not to seek a second term.


“Like many municipalities, there are entrenched fiefdoms who fight change tooth and nail.  As a retired judge, I felt the borough should be managed according to the law,” said McLeod, “I’m not talking criminal law, but the procedural manner in which the law says things should be done.”


Now fully retired at the age of 66 (as of next Friday), McLeod intends to spend his time traveling in his RV and writing a memoir of his father’s life. He resigned from all of his municipal legal positions in 2008 and from the bar in 2010. McLeod was the GOP nominee for the House of Representatives from New Jersey’s 6th district in 2008.


Keyport’s GOP committee now has 30 days to submit three candidates to replace McLeod to the borough coucil.  The council, which is 4-2 Democratic, chooses the new mayor from those three candidates.  The new mayor serves until the results of a special election in November are certified.

Posted: March 15th, 2013 | Author: | Filed under: Keyport | Tags: , | 4 Comments »

BREAKING NEWS: Keyport Mayor Bob McLeod Resigns

MMM has learned that Keyport Mayor Robert McLeod, a Republican, submitted a letter of resignation to the Borough Clerk this afternoon at 4:15, to become effective at 5PM.

No word yet on what McLeod accomplished during his last 45 minutes in office.


Posted: March 15th, 2013 | Author: | Filed under: Keyport | Tags: , , | 1 Comment »

Bolte Withdraws from Keyport Reelection Bid

Keyport Council President Christian BolteKeyport Council President Christian Bolte has withdrawn her bid for a third term on the borough’s council.  She will be replaced on the Democratic ticket by Sofia Lamberson, a member of the town’s recreation committee.

Bolte told MMM that she was ambivalent about her reelection bid throughout the spring and summer, oddly enough because the fighting and bickering has stopped among the members of the Keyport governing body.

“The Mayor and Council really gets along well now after years of constant battling,” said Bolte, “Republicans and Democrats are working well together and doing the right things for the borough.  We got the waterpark done, we’ve got the unions under control and we’re lowering expenses.  Things are going well now after almost six years of fighting.  I feel like it is a good time to step down and let someone else contribute.”

Bolte said she first got involved in politics to “protect Keyport from a small selfish group that wanted Keyport to remain the same.”  She had long advocated for a park on Keyport’s waterfront over the objections of members of the business community who feared it would hurt the borough’s economy.

“We got it done with over 70% of the funding coming from outside of the borough,” Bolte said referring to the park which she considers the biggest accomplishment of her six year tenure.

Keyport’s council is currently controlled by the Democratic Party, 4-2, with a Republican Mayor, Robert McLeod, who votes in the case of a tie.

Lamerson and incumbent Democrat Kenneth McPeek will face off with Republicans Ken Howe and Amanda Margagliano for control of the Keyport governing body in November.

Posted: September 7th, 2012 | Author: | Filed under: Municipal Elections | Tags: , , , , , , | 1 Comment »