Assemblyman Rob Clifton will join Senators Joe Kyrillos and Jennifer Beck, and his Assembly colleagues Mary Pat Angelini, Amy Handlin, and Dave Rible in endorsing GOP State Committeewoman Christine Hanlon as the next Monmouth County GOP Chair.
A formal announcement is expected later today or tomorrow.
Clifton’s endorsement will give Hanlon the formal support of 6 of the 9 member of the Monmouth County Legislative Delegation. Assembly members Sean Kean, Declan O’Scanlon and Caroline Casagrande have yet to express a preference for either Hanlon or her opponent, former Senate President John Bennett.
Posted: May 31st, 2012 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Monmouth County Republican Committee, Monmouth GOP | Tags: Amy Handlin, Caroline Casagrande, Christine Hanlon, Dave Rible, Declan O'Scanlon, Jennifer Beck, Joe Kyrillos, John Bennett, Mary Pat Angelini, Monmouth GOP chair's race, Rob Clifton, Sean Kean | 5 Comments »

John Bennett
Former Senate President John O. Bennett, III announced his candidacy for Monmouth County Republican Chairman this afternoon. The following letter is being mailed to members of the Monmouth County Republican Committee:
I wanted to reach all of you as soon as possible after the Governor’s nomination of our County Chair, Joseph Oxley, to the Monmouth County Superior Court. Joe has served our County and Party well and will be an excellent Judge. As a result of his appointment, a new County Chair will need to be elected at our County Reorganization Meeting to be held on June 12, 2012, at the Colts Neck High School at 7:00 pm. I would like you to support me to fill that vacancy. I would consider the position of County Chair to be both an honor and a capstone to a very fulfilling political career.
I have been in public service for over 30 years, and I believe my extensive experience and background will serve the County Committee well. You will find a short resume enclosed that highlights my political life from Chairman of the Young Republicans of Monmouth County to my current position of Treasurer of the New Jersey Republican State Committee.
A few points that I wanted to share with you which I feel are important for our party.
1) I believe in the County Convention System for candidate selection.
2) Every effort should be made to fill as many county Committee slots as possible.
3) A working set of bylaws will be established within 60 days of my becoming County Chair.
4) I pledge to forego all County legal work during my term as chair. My daughter, Meghan Bennett Clark, Esq., is currently the First Assistant County Counsel, and has agreed to resign immediately upon my selection as Chair.
5) Neither I, nor any member of my law firm, will take any paid appointments from the County during my term as Chair. The perception of any conflicts must be removed, and no County chair should be employed by the County in any capacity.
6) There needs to be improved communication between the County party and the local parties. I will establish a working Board of Directors from throughout the County to report back to the Chair regarding issues and events and regular meetings will be held.
7) Headquarters in Freehold should be open and available to all Monmouth County GOP groups.
8) Our website,, must be updated and kept current.
9) Every effort should be made to value differences of opinion and have internal disputes resolved privately.
10) Last, but certainly not least, the County Party must refocus on raising money. During my tenure as Senate President I raised more money than any other Republican in that time except for a sitting Governor. The Chair needs to participate, while also abiding by all pay-to-play rules and negotiations.
I am asking for your support as County Chair in order to implement this platform and keep Monmouth County strong and Republican. Together we can make a difference.
Very truly yours,
John O. Bennett
Posted: May 23rd, 2012 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: John Bennett, Monmouth County Republican Committee, Monmouth GOP | Tags: John Bennett, John O. Bennett III, Monmouth GOP, Monmouth GOP chair's race | 21 Comments »
The print edition of the Asbury Park Press has an six paragraph article today about the Republican and Democratic races for County Chair.
“Pair look to replace Oxley as county GOP chairman” is the headline of the piece which appears on page 3 of the local Monmouth section of the paper. The lead is “Former Senate President John O. Bennett III and Christine Giordano Hanlon, a behind-the-scenes political organizer, both hope to succeed Joseph W. Oxley as chairman of the Monmouth County Republican Committee
The article explains that GOP Chairman Joe Oxley has been nominated to the state Superior Court and reports that he said he is stepping down to spend more time with his 10 week-old daughter, Margaux.
Bennett received one paragraph that said he would officially notify party officials of his candidacy today and noted his position with the Dilworth Paxon law firm. Bennett did not elaborate due to a recent death in his family, the APP said.
Hanlon received two paragraphs on her background.
The last paragraph mentioned the Democratic race between Marlboro Democratic Chairman Frank LaRocca and Long Branch publisher Vin Gopal.
It is unusual that the APP would cover an internal party race. They did not even mention the January election for Freeholder until days after Serena DiMaso was already sworn in to replace Rob Clifton.
Given the extreme, to put it mildly, coverage that Bennett received from the APP in 2003 over his double billing of Marlboro Township while serving as the municipal attorney, many Republican leaders have been worried about the impact a Bennett chairmanship would have on the party and the coverage it receives from the press.
The APP’s coverage of Bennett’s double billing his widely believed to the cause of his 2003 loss of his 12th district Senate seat, the losses of his running mates seats in the Assembly, and ultimately the exile to minority status of the Republican Party in Trenton which has continued to this day.
MMM will update this piece with a link the story on, if and when it gets posted on the pay site.
Posted: May 23rd, 2012 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Monmouth County Republican Committee, Monmouth Democrats, Monmouth GOP | Tags: Asbury Park Press, Christie Hanlon, Frank LaRocca, Joe Oxley, John Bennett, Monmouth Democratic Committee, Monmouth Republican Committee, Vin Gopal | 4 Comments »
Unverified rumors fresh off the grapevine point to previously unthinkable alliances forming in the Monmouth GOP chair’s race.
The Howell GOP appears to be united behind John Bennett for Chairman. John Costigan, Bob Walsh, Joe DiBella and Sue Veitengruber are all lining up behind the former Acting Governor, according to a Bennett supporter who added that Western Monmouth is “locked up” for Bennett.
Posted: May 22nd, 2012 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Monmouth County Republican Committee, Monmouth GOP | Tags: Bob Walsh, Christine Hanlon, Howell, Howell GOP, Joe DiBella, John Bennett, John Costigan, Monmouth GOP chair's race, Sue Veitengruber | 8 Comments »

Photo credit: Scarcini, Hollenbeck
Governor Chris Christie nominated Monmouth County Republican Chairman Joe Oxley to the Superior Court this afternoon.
Oxley, who will complete his second term as Monmouth GOP Chair upon the election of his successor on June, 12, is a graduate of the University of Maryland and Delaware Law School. He was elected Monmouth County Sheriff in 1995 after defeating William Lanzaro in the GOP primary and served as Sheriff until 2007. He is a partner in the Scarinci Hollenbeck law firm and an adjunct professor at Monmouth University.
Oxley was elected Chairman by acclamation in June of 2008. After narrowly losing control of the Monmouth County Freeholder Board in the Obama election of 08, Oxley brought stability and three straight victorious elections to a previously divided party. He will leave his successor with a 5-0 Freeholder Board and an entirely Republican legislative delegation.
Oxley’s nomination has been referred to the Senate Judiciary Committee for a confirmation hearing.
Former Senate President John Bennett and State Committeewoman Christine Hanlon are running to replace Oxley as Monmouth GOP Chair.
Posted: May 14th, 2012 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Chris Christie, Joe Oxley, Monmouth County Republican Committee, Monmouth GOP, NJ Judiciary, NJ State Legislature | Tags: Christine Hanlon, Joe Oxley, John Bennett, Joseph W Oxley, Monmouth County Vicinage, Monmouth GOP, New Jersey Superior Court | 11 Comments »
State Committee Members Set To Face Off

John Bennett
Former Senate President John O. Bennett, III, a present State Committee Member and Christine G. Hanlon, Bennett’s colleague in representing Monmouth County in the State Republican Party are readying for what is likely to be a heated race for the Monmouth County GOP chairmanship.
With Chairman Joe Oxley’s nomination to the Superior Court all but official, both would be chairs are busy lining up support from elected officials and municipal chairs, both with the caveat that they would support Oxley for another term should Governor Chris Christie’s “intent to nominate” notification to the State Senate not become an actual nomination. There is typically a 10 day period before the Governor notifies the Senate of his intent to nominate a judge and the actual nomination being received by the Senate. Christie’s Notice of Intention regarding Oxley was filed on May 3.
By statute, the Chair must be elected on June 12, the first Tuesday after the June 5 primary. County Committee members elected in the primary will cast their votes at a convention.

Former MA Governor Mitt Romney, Christine Hanlon, NJ Governor Chris Christie
Bennett vs Hanlon will be a battle of the sexes and a battle of generations. Bennett, 63, represents the senior generation of the Monmouth GOP’s good and bad “old days”. Hanlon, 44 and a mother of four, who has served as Oxley’s unofficial assistant chairperson for the last four years, represents the recent success of the Monmouth GOP. Both candidates expect a bright future.
Poltickernj reported this afternoon Hanlon’s supporters are
“euphoric” over her chances against Bennett because of his 2010 donations to Democratic Senators Nick Scutari, chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee that recently rejected Governor Christie’s Supreme Court nomination of Phillip Kwon, and Richard Codey who served as co-president with Bennett of an evenly divided State Senate, 20 Rs and 20 Ds, from Janury 2002 through January 2004.
Posted: May 7th, 2012 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Monmouth County Republican Committee, Monmouth GOP | Tags: Christine Hanlon, Joe Oxley, John Bennett | 47 Comments »
Former Senate President John O. Bennett, III told MMM that he is interested in seeking the Monmouth County GOP Chairmanship.
“I’ve declined many times in the past and I support Joe Oxley as Chairman,” said Bennett, “however if he becomes a judge, I would be interested. ”
Bennett said he would talk it over with his family before moving forward.
Posted: May 4th, 2012 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Joe Oxley, John Bennett, Monmouth County Republican Committee, Monmouth GOP | Tags: Joe Oxley, John Bennett, Monmouth County Republican Chairman, Monmouth GOP | 40 Comments »