Read this update: CASA FREEHOLD DIRECTOR: There is no influx on Central American Youth in Freehold
Senator Jennifer Beck working with federal officials and Governor to handle the crisis
Between 5 and 10 Central American children, ages 11-16, who have crossed our borders without adults have found their way to Freehold Borough, according to a statement by Rita Dentino, Director of Casa Freehold, an immigrants rights organization that helps newly arrived immigrants integrate into the community.
Dentino said that more children are arriving everyday, according to a report in the Sentinal.
State Senator Jennifer Beck issued a statement today saying she is working with federal and state officials to secure funding to deal with the situation and to evaluate New Jersey’s legal options and obligations.
“This is an issue with far ranging implications that is being experienced all across the country. I am working closely with federal representatives and the Governor’s Office to fully understand our legal options and obligations. I am hopeful that money will come from the federal government as part of an overall response to this issue. There are real humanitarian, fiscal and capacity concerns so all decisions must be fully vetted. I will continue to communicate openly with local officials to keep all appraised of our progress.”
Published reports indicate that over 1,500 Central American children have arrived in New Jersey. The federal government operates only one 10 bed facility in the State, and none of the children are housed there.
Dentino told the Sentinal that she would be contacting DYFS (Division of Youth and Family Services) to begin the process of finding the children guardians.
Posted: August 3rd, 2014 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Freehold, Immigration, Jennifer Beck, Monmouth County, News | Tags: Casa Freehold, Central American Children, Freehold Borough, Immigration, Rita Dentino, Senator Jennifer Beck | 29 Comments »
New Jersey’s truth challenged Congressman Frank Pallone took to twitter last evening to garner support of the Amnesty Bill he’s sponsoring in the House of Representatives.

Thanks to the folks at Twitchy who researched the World Cup players that Pallone dubbed as immigrants:
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Posted: June 18th, 2014 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: 2014 Congressional Races, 2014 Elections, Amnesty, Frank Pallone, Immigration | Tags: Amnesty, Congressman Frank Pallone, Frank Pallone, Immigration, Pallone duplicitous playbook, Soccer, World Cup | 8 Comments »
Governor Chris Christie held a ceremonial signing of the Dream Act, legislation that gives the children of illegal immigrants in-state tuition rates at New Jersey’s state colleges and universities, this morning in Union City.
The following videos are excerpted from his remarks.
Posted: January 7th, 2014 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Chris Christie, Education, Immigration | Tags: Chris Christie, Dream Act, Education, Immigration | Comments Off on Christie to Dreamers: You are an inspiration
By Michael Laffey
I will put my Conservative credentials up against just about anyone. The first President I voted for was Ronald Reagan. I was a founder of the Conservative Student Union on my College Campus. As a lawyer I have given countless pro-bono hours to conservative legal causes and worked on the campaigns of some of the most conservative politicians this state has seen. As a result I tend to get a little testy when somebody tells me I am not conservative enough because I am pro- immigration and support immigration reform. The truth of the matter is that pro- immigration is the conservative stance. Whether a position is conservative or not depends not on what Rush Limbaugh says but on whether it adheres to bedrock conservative principles.
For instance, we believe in a government of limited powers enumerated in the Constitution. Nowhere does the constitution explicitly give Congress the right to regulate immigration. You can find the power to regulate immigration only if you infer it from other enumerated powers in the Constitution such as the Naturalization clause or the Commerce clause. Of course we have all seen what happens when liberals “infer” powers from the Constitution.
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Posted: November 26th, 2013 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Immigration, Michael Laffey, Opinion | Tags: Conservatism, conservative, Immigration, Michael Laffey, Rush Limbaugh | 20 Comments »