Ho Lee Fuk, Howie Felterbush!
Gannett’s USAToday Gets Pranked While Reporting Zimmerman Verdict

‘Howie Felterbush’s’ facebook avatar. The photo is actually of photographer Terry Richardson and two friends, according to TinEye.com
Newspaper/website conglomerate Gannett has more problems than the Asbury Park Press Editorial Board Neptune Nudniks.
The editors of the USA Today, the flagship paper of the Nudnik’s parent company, Gannett, were pranked over the weekend while covering the George Zimmerman verdict.
Deadspin caught the prank and saved it with a screen grab:
Posted: July 15th, 2013 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Asbury Park Press, Gannett, Media, NJ Media | Tags: Asbury Park Press Editorial Board, deadspin, Gannett, George Zimmerman, Ho Lee Fuk, Howie Felterbush, KTVU, Neptune Nudniks, Terry Richardson, USA Today | 3 Comments »