photo by Tim Larsen, Governor’s Office
Highlands Mayor Frank Nolan announced on facebook last night that he will not seek a third term.
Thank you to so many people for encouraging me to run for a third term as mayor. The past six years have been tough with Irene, Sandy, and all the other set backs. Last year was the toughest with my own personal health issues. Those that are closest to me know I have truly enjoyed being an elected official for the past ten years. I am honored and humbled to have been able to serve the town and all its people. I made some mistakes but tried my best to always do the right thing. My role as a father and husband has to come first. For this reason I will not be a candidate for mayor this November and will serve out my current term. I want to thank all the great borough professionals, past and present I have had the pleasure of working with. The many council people and Mayor’s who I may have had my differences with but at the end of the day I think we knew our common goal was the advancement of the town. Special thanks to my wife and soulmate Lori Ann. You have stood by me through thick and thin and I love you forever.
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Posted: September 2nd, 2016 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Frank Nolan, Highlands, Monmouth County News | Tags: Frank Nolan, Highlands, Highlands Mayor Frank Nolan, Monmouth County News, Seastreak Ferry, Superstorm Sandy | 3 Comments »

Highlands Mayor Frank Nolan, Jets owner Woody Johnson, and Douglas Eagles, Executive Director of the Boys and Girls Clubs of Monmouth County.
The NY/NJ Super Bowl Host Committee and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation announced yesterday that they are awarding $1.5 million to New Jersey youth serving agencies for repairs to recreational facilities and equipment that were damaged by Superstorm Sandy.
The announcement took place at the headquarters of the Puerto Rican Association for Human Development in Perth Amboy, in a play room that has recently been renovated with the first $100 thousand distributed of the $1.5 million dollar grant.
The funds are being distributed through the NY/NJ Snowflake Youth Foundation, the newly formed non-profit arm of the Super Bowl Host Committee. The mission of the NY/NJ Snowflake Youth Foundation is to transform after-school facilities for youth in New Jersey and the New York metro area. They are focused on assisting these locations that provide school-age boys and girls with safe and supervised recreational, educational, and character-building activities.
Jets owner Woody Johnson, Co-Chair of the Super Bowl Host Committee and great-grandson of Robert Wood Johnson, was on hand for the announcement, as were Al Kelly, President and CEO of the Host Committee, John Lumpkin, MD, Directo r of the Health Care Group at the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, State Senator Joseph Vitale, Perth Amboy Mayor Wilda Diaz and Highlands Mayor Frank Nolan
The Monmouth County communities of Belmar, Highlands and Manasquan will be beneficiaries of the grant. In Belmar and Masasquan, outdoor recreational facilities of the Boys and Girls Clubs of Monmouth County will be refurbished. In Highlands, the indoor building and the playground of the Robert D. Wilson Memorial Community Center will be renovated.
Elsewhere in New Jersey, youth recreational facilities in Seaside Heights, Moonachie, Rahway, Toms River and Hackensack are slated to receive financial support.
Posted: November 2nd, 2013 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Super Bowl, Superstorm Sandy | Tags: Boys and Girls Clubs of Monmouth County, Douglas Eagles, Highlands Mayor Frank Nolan, Mayor Wilda Diax, NY/NJ Super Bowl Host Committee, Perth Amboy, Puerto Rican Association for Human Development, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, Senator Joseph Vitale, Superstorm Sandy, Woody Johnson | 1 Comment »