A GoFundMe campaign to cover the funeral expenses of Long Branch family members killed in a quadruple slaying on New Year’s Eve has raised more than $22,000 in less than a day. The youngest member of the family, a 16-year-old boy, has been arrested and charged with murder. The teen is accused of fatally shooting his… Read the rest of this entry »
Posted: January 2nd, 2018 | Author: admin | Filed under: Monmouth County News | Tags: Brittany Kologi, Gofundme, Kologi family, Linda Kologi, Long Branch shooting, Monmouth County News, Steven Kologi | 1 Comment »

Sherrice Lyles and her children
A fire in Asbury Park yesterday has left a single mother and her four children, ages 2 through 11 without a suitable place to live.
Sherrice Lyles was sitting on the porch of the Prospect Ave home she moved into just last week yesterday afternoon when she smelled smoke and heard the alarms go off inside her home. She entered the house and saw flames in her son’s room and attempted to put out the blaze with a fire extinguisher.
The Asbury Park Fire Department arrived shortly after the 4:25 p.m. call, according to Asbury Park Sun.
The blaze was extinguished quickly and there were no injuries.
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Posted: August 10th, 2017 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Asbury Park, Monmouth County News | Tags: Asbury Park, Asbury Park fire, Gofundme, Jersey Coast Chapter American Red Cross, Monmouth County News, Sherrice Lyles | 2 Comments »

HAZLET — The sister of a Hazlet mother killed in an apparent murder-suicide has set up an online account to raise money for the woman’s two young children. Lisa Dreissig established the gofundme account on Tuesday to serve as a college fund for her sister Christine Dzienisiewski’s son and daughter. “Our family is filled with grief,…
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Posted: January 1st, 2015 | Author: admin | Filed under: Crime, Hazlet, Monmouth County, Monmouth County Prosecutor | Tags: Christine Dzienisiewski, Christopher Dzienisiewski, Gofundme, Hazlet, Hazlet Murder-Suicide, Kaytlynn Dzienisiewski, Lisa Dreissig, Monmouth County, Murder-Suicide, Richard Dzienisiewski | Comments Off on Children of Hazlet mom killed in apparent murder-suicide deserve ‘better future,’ aunt says
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Posted: April 24th, 2014 | Author: admin | Filed under: Keansburg | Tags: Drew Keough, Drew Keough-Cerreta, Gofundme, Keansburg | Comments Off on Hundreds attend candlelight vigil for boy, 11, killed by car in Keansburg
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Posted: April 23rd, 2014 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Keansburg, Monmouth County | Tags: Drew Keough, Drew Keough-Cerreta, Gofundme, Keansburg | Comments Off on $25K raised in 20 hours for family of boy killed in Keansburg
Kranky Cycles, a small bicyle shop in Highlands, opened in the Summer of 2011. The store surived Irene and its first year while becoming an important part of the Highlands community and the significant cycling community in the area.
In Sandy, they lost the contents of the store…tools, parts, equipment and bikes. Unfortunately, being such a young business, they do not qualify for FEMA or SBA funding.
Their goal is to raise $15,000 to reopen the store. As of this writing they’ve raised $5,091. Please help them as much as you can.
Posted: February 1st, 2013 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Highlands, Hurricane Sandy | Tags: Gofundme, Highlands, Kranky Cycles | Comments Off on Restore Kranky Cycles