The Democratic and Republican candidates in the August 13 special U.S. Senate primary traveled throughout New Jersey to meet voters on July 4.
Newark Mayor Cory Booker toured the Jersey Shore with former Senator Bill Bradley. Charles Measley met up with Booker in Long Branch.

Cory Booker and Charles Measley. Bill Bradley in the background, left.
Measely said he urged Booker to kick Congressman Frank Pallone’s ass. Booker applauded and said he would.
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Posted: July 5th, 2013 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: 2013 Election, 2014 U.S. Senate race, Senate Special Election | Tags: Charles Measely, Col Manly Rash, Cory Booker, Dr. Alieta Eck, Frank Pallone, Gene Hoyas, Rush Holt, Senate Special Election, Senate Special Primaries, Sheila Oliver, Steve Lonegan | 17 Comments »
Red Bank, NJ – The newly formed American Tea Party Congress is not wasting any time in showing its political teeth. The statewide organization comprised of 31 statewide tea party and conservative groups, voted to unanimously support Anna Little in her congressional bid against the notoriously liberal Frank Pallone, best known for his support of ObamaCare.
The feisty Little is known as a committed Constitutionalist, which resonates with Tea Party supporters who believe in limited government and fiscal responsibility. New Jersey tea parties have learned the importance of networking and working toward a common goal. Mayor Little will be the first candidate to benefit from their hard-earned knowledge.
Bob Gordon, spokesman for the American Tea Party Congress, said, “The unanimous vote to support Anna not only speaks volumes about her as a candidate, it also speaks volumes about what this group is capable of doing. Three years ago when the Tea Parties erupted throughout this nation in response to an out-of-control government, many of our members were politically naive. In a very short period of time we have been able to grow into a movement that will impact the future of this country. Many were quick to report that the tea parties were no longer relevant and were disintegrating. Here in New Jersey, the reports of our demise were ill-informed and fictitious. We are strong, we have united, and we intend to reclaim our country. We will do this by vetting and supporting constitutional candidates and by speaking with one voice – loud and clear.”
Gordon continued: “Anna is the first of many candidates that will enjoy our support. Others will soon follow. Not only do we intend to support candidates, we also intend to keep them accountable once they are elected. We will not be ignored by the establishment any longer. It’s time to reclaim America and the principles it was founded upon. We believe wholeheartedly that Anna can help us lead the charge to achieving that goal.”
Gene Hoyas, the moderator and founder of the American Tea Party Congress also commented: “I am honored to be part of this historic alliance and to have had the opportunity to vote to supportAnna. Organizing the Congress is a first and supporting Anna is another first. America is rising and we are determined that she will continue to rise until the land of the free and the home of the brave is safe from tyrants and despotic rulers.”
Posted: August 20th, 2012 | Author: admin | Filed under: 2012 Congressional Races, Press Release | Tags: American Tea Party Congress, Bob Gordon, Frank Pallone, Gene Hoyas, Manly Rash, Press Release | 8 Comments »
Should we care?
That’s the question that Bergen Record Columnist Charles Stile asks this morning at
Stile is wondering how Lonegan is reacting to American For Prosperity benefactor David Koch’s declaration that Governor Christie is “my kind of guy” at the super secret corporate donors meeting in Colorado last June. That was the meeting where Christie told the tale of how he saved Assembly Speaker Sheila Oliver’s position by lining up Assembly Republicans to vote for her had the Democrats staged a coup to prevent the pension and benefits reform bill from being posted.
Strangely, Lonegan who is never shy with the press, rebuffed Stile’s inquiry four times in two weeks.
Stile probably hasn’t noticed that Lonegan’s rare pontifications about Christie have been positive since April of this year. That is when Christie prevailed upon Americans for Prosperity President Tim Phillips to get Lonegan to tone his rhetoric down, as reported at the time by the now defunct
Lonegan’s focus has been on co-opting and controlling New Jersey’s Tea Party movement and attempting to destroy Tea Parties he can’t control, if The Bulldog Pundit, Gene Hoyas’ body of work over this summer is accurate.
Hoyas has been white knighting for the Bay Shore Tea Party Group which has suffered ad hominem attacks from conservative websites that Hoyas says are Lonegan mouthpieces. Hoyas’ smoking gun that Lonegan, and Senator Mike Doherty, are behind the attacks is that they haven’t publically called for the conservatives sites to stop picking on the BTPG.
All of this nonsense, from Stile’s piece this morning, to Hoyas and other purists fighting all summer, to Lonegan trying to control Tea Parties, if he is, are gifts to the Democrats who are on track to keep control of the legislature in Trenton.
Stile could have written about the current and ongoing rifts within the Democratic party, rather than suggesting to his readers that Christie is more “far right” than Lonegan. Instead he attempted to tweak Lonegan into reigniting a battle that he surrendered months ago. We should expect that from Stiles as a center-left opinion leader.
But Hoyas and other conservatives fighting with each other, as well as the ongoing ideological Inquisition of RINO hunters is nothing more than a circular firing squad.
Now that they have wasted the summer, it is time for all the ideological purists to stop fighting over which angel does a better dance on the head of a pin and get to work electing candidates who are right and center-right.
Posted: September 18th, 2011 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Bayshore Tea Party Group, Chris Christie, NJ Media, Steve Lonegan | Tags: Bayshore Tea Party Group, Charles Stile, Chris Christie, David Koch, Gene Hoyas, Senator Mike Doherty, Sheila Oliver, Steve Lonegan | 12 Comments »