Democratic Freeholder Candidate Lawrence Luttrell at Four Seasons debate in Manalapan. photo by Rhoda Chodosh
In a move reminiscent of Congressman Rick Lazio’s aggression towards First Lady Hillary Clinton in the 2000 U.S. Senate debate in New York, Lawrence Luttrell, a Democratic candidate for Monmouth County Freeholder jumped from his seat and lunged towards Freeholder Director Lillian Burry Wednesday night at a candidates debate at the Four Seasons Club House in Manalapan.
Deputy Freeholder Director Gary Rich and Giuseppe “Joe” Grillo, Luttrell’s running mate, braced themselves to protect Burry as it appeared that Luttrell would leap over them to get to Burry. Rich and Grillo were seated between Burry and Luttrell. Luttrell pulled back before going airborne and turned to the debate moderator and shouted, “This is not what I came here for. If this is going to be a kangaroo court where we don’t follow the rules, I’m leaving right now.” Luttrell was living up to the name of the paper organization he created with his wife and mother-in-law to sue Monmouth County last year; R.A.G.E.
What apparently set Luttrell off was Burry asking him, “Is your name Pinocchio?”
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Posted: October 9th, 2014 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Freeholder, Lillian Burry, Manalapan, Monmouth County, Monmouth County Board of Freeholders, News | Tags: Four Seasons Manalapan, Freeholder Director Lillian Burry, Freeholder Gary Rich, Giuseppe "Joe" Grillo, Hillary Clinton, Larry Luttrell, Lawrence Luttrell, Monmouth Democrats, Rick Lazio | 21 Comments »

Freeholder Tom Arnone, Director Lillian Burry, Deputy Director Gary Rich and Freeholder Serena DiMaso. file photo
MARLBORO, NJ – Monmouth County’s Department of Public Works and Engineering is working to address traffic concerns on Newman Springs Road (CR 520), at the intersections of State Route 79 and Wyncrest Road.
“The intersection of Route 79 and CR 520 is operated by the State, but since CR 520 is a County road, I have asked the County’s engineering staff to study the traffic at the State controlled intersection,” said Freeholder Deputy Director Gary J. Rich, Sr. “The County Engineer has sent a letter to the State detailing the results of their studies and suggested improvements.”
The letter requests that the NJ DOT perform an evaluation of current traffic conditions and implement measures to improve traffic flow and safety at the intersection.
“Currently, there is no lead left turn signal onto CR 520,” said Thomas A. Arnone, liaison to the Department of Public Works and Engineering. “This causes traffic delays during peak travel times as drivers attempt to turn left onto CR 520 from State Route 79. We are seeking relief for our motorists.”
A second intersection in Marlboro currently being reviewed by the County is CR 520 at Wyncrest Road.
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Posted: October 7th, 2014 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Gary Rich, Marlboro, Monmouth County, Press Release, Tom Arnone | Tags: Freeholder Director Lillian Burry, Freeholder Gary Rich, Freeholder Serena DiMaso, Freeholder Tom Arnone, Marlboro, Marlboro NJ, Monmouth County, Press Release, Traffic | 6 Comments »
By Freeholder Deputy Director Gary Rich

Gary Rich, Deputy Director, Monmouth County Board of Chosen Freeholders
The hardest thing about being in politics is the politics. Truthfully, it’s not something I have much of a tolerance for. I’m an ideas man. I see a problem and I want to fix it. I like logic and honesty, which may sound like an odd thing to have to say, but you’d be surprised how many people these days seem to lack both completely or just don’t have the time for them. What I don’t have time for is games—they serve no one and they have no place in serving the public.
People today are looking for real leadership—maybe in part because it seems to be so sorely lacking from so many politicians or would-be politicians at all levels of our government. The people we serve need substance. Not empty accusations. Not grandstanding for the sake of show. Not whining about problems without offering solutions. And not making up facts when the mood strikes.
The truth is, in Monmouth County we’re providing that leadership. We’re making the tough decisions. We’re partnering with our municipalities to fix problems. And we’re getting things done.
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Posted: September 10th, 2014 | Author: admin | Filed under: 2014 Elections, Gary Rich, Monmouth County, Monmouth County Board of Freeholders, Opinion | Tags: Freeholder Gary Rich, Gary Rich, Monmouth County Board of Chosen Freeholders | 4 Comments »

Freeholder Director Lillian Burry
A surplus helicopter previously deployed by the Monmouth County Mosquito Commission was sold via online auction on June 17 for $421,000, according to a statement issued yesterday by the Monmouth County Board of Chosen Freeholders.
All told, the County netted $2,686,208 through the online sale of 38 surplus items from the County Fleet, the Sheriff’s Office, Buildings and Grounds, the Reclamation Center and property seized by the Prosecutor’s Office during the spring auction.
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Posted: August 6th, 2014 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Monmouth County | Tags: Freeholder Gary Rich, Freeholder Lillian Burry, Freeholder Serena DiMaso, Government surplus auction, Helicopter, Monmouth County | 18 Comments »
By Gary Rich, Sr, Monmouth County Freeholder Deputy Director
Late last month, Governor Christie signed into law Assembly bill 3424, which extended the two percent cap on binding interest arbitration awards. I was present when Governor Christie inked his name to this bill, extending the cap through December 31, 2017.
The law which originally set the two percent cap was enacted back in 2010 when the Governor joined with legislative leaders to implement these important reforms to a segment of the government system that desperately needed revamping. Historically, it was a system that had often run amok, awarding benefits to the public unions in question without regard for the town or county’s ability to pay for such benefits.
The 2010 law was historic and vital—and temporary. The original law included a Sunset clause, which allowed the law and its terms to expire as of April 1, 2014 if no action was taken by the legislature to extend it.
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Posted: July 17th, 2014 | Author: admin | Filed under: Gary Rich, Monmouth County, Opinion | Tags: Freeholder Gary Rich, Gary Rich, Monmouth County, Opinion, Sunset Provisions | Comments Off on Sunset Provisions: Keeping Laws Relevant
By Deputy Freeholder Director Gary Rich
When I ran for Freeholder in 2011, I ran on the promise that I would spend every day in office working for the taxpayers of Monmouth County. Three years later, Monmouth County’s Board of Chosen Freeholders has just delivered its fourth straight budget with no change to the property tax levy. Four straight years.

Gary Rich
This wasn’t simply chance and luck had nothing to do with it. I fought hard and committed to making tough cuts in order to meet our commitment to Monmouth County taxpayers—to provide the high level of services our residents are accustomed to while employing the utmost fiscal prudence.
In 2010, the Monmouth County budget peaked at $493,400,000. Since then, this Freeholder Board has reduced the budget to the tune of $12.5 million in total savings over the last four years. And this is to say nothing of the $60+ million in spending that was cut over the same time period as a result of the budget work that happens all year long behind the scenes.
It’s not without its challenges. The budget process requires a delicate balance. After all, a low budget and no tax increase mean nothing if taxpayers then suffer due to declining and diminished services. The County still has to provide the services that our residents need – that’s its mandate. But it’s the mandate of the Board of Chosen Freeholders to make sure we’re providing that top-notch service in the most efficient and effective way possible.
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Posted: May 12th, 2014 | Author: admin | Filed under: Monmouth County, Monmouth County Board of Freeholders, Monmouth County Budget | Tags: Freeholder Gary Rich, Gary Rich, Monmouth County, Monmouth County Board of Freeholders, Monmouth County Budget | 1 Comment »