By Art Gallagher
While much of the media is reporting how poorly U.S. Senator Bob Menendez performed in the Democrat primary yesterday, I couldn’t miss how poorly Josh Welle, address none of your business, performed against former Asbury Park Councilman Jim Keady, Spring Lake, in the 4th congressional district primary.
With all three county party lines, more money and the endorsement of his former landlord, State Senator and honorary volunteer firefighter Vin Gopal, Welle only got 57% of the vote against Keady’s 43%.
Congressman Chris Smith, Hamilton, overperformed expectations, especially given that he was unopposed in the CD-4 Republican primary.
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Posted: June 6th, 2018 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: 2018 Elections, Chris Smith, Monmouth County News, New Jersey, Opinion | Tags: 2018 elections, Analysis, Congressman Chris Smith, Frank LoBiondo, Honorary Volunteer Firefighter Vin Gopal, Jim Devine, Jim Keady, Josh Welle, Lisa McCormick, Monmouth County News, Opinion, Senator Bob Menendez, Senator Jeff Van Drew, Senator Vin Gopal, Seth Grossman | 3 Comments »

Plainfield Today photo
Congressman Frank Pallone’s (NJ-6, Monmouth and Middlesex) once formidable campaign war chest of roughly $4 million is down to less than $1 million according his latest report to the Federal Election Commission.
New Jersey’s senior Democratic congressman, Pallone spent $3,778,155 in the Special U.S. Senate Primary last summer in his bid to replace the late Senator Frank Lautenberg. He lost that primary to then Newark Mayor Cory Booker.
Pallone reported $938,472 cash on hand in his congressional campaign account as of March 31, 2014. He raised $200,449.64 in the first quarter of this year and disbursed #338,450.67. $60, 645 remains in his senate campaign account.
The $938,472 that Pallone reports on hand may be inflated by illegal contributions. A cursory examination of his most recent quarterly report reveals $14,200 in contributions from individuals during the current election cycle that exceed the legal limit of $2600 per election.
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Posted: April 21st, 2014 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: 2014 Congressional Races, Frank Pallone | Tags: Anthony Wilkinson, Campaign Finance, CD 6, Frank LoBiondo, Frank Pallone, NJ-6, Scott Garrett | Comments Off on Pallone has less than $1 million in campaign cash
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Posted: October 11th, 2013 | Author: admin | Filed under: Government Shutdown | Tags: Chris Chrisite, Chris Smith, Frank LoBiondo, Government Shutdown, Jon Runyon, Leonard Lance, Rodney Frelinghuysen, Scott Garrett | Comments Off on Shutdown: N.J. Republicans mirror deepening divisions within national party
Governor Christie Endorsed By Republican New Jersey Congressional Delegation
Bridgewater, NJ – Chris Christie for New Jersey today announced the unanimous endorsement of Governor Christie’s reelection bid by the Republican members of New Jersey’s Congressional Delegation. The six members, representing New Jerseyans in all but one of the state’s counties, pointed to the Governor’s strong leadership, record of accomplishment for New Jersey, and progress made in creating over 127,000 private sector jobs since taking office – all without raising taxes on overburdened New Jersey families.
“Governor Christie has provided effective leadership for New Jersey. From reforming pensions to holding the line on taxes, he is working to make our state more competitive for job creation,” said Congressman Scott Garrett. “New Jersey would be well served with Governor Christie at the helm for another four years. I am glad to join my colleagues in supporting his re-election.”
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Posted: April 25th, 2013 | Author: admin | Filed under: 2013 Election, 2013 Predictions, Chris Christie, Press Release | Tags: Chris Chrisite, Chris Smith, Christie for Governor, Frank LoBiondo, Jon Runyon, Leonard Lance, Rodney Frelinghuysen, Scott Garrett | 7 Comments »
Would Allow Houses of Worship Same Status as Other Non-Profits in Seeking Federal Disaster Assistance
The House of Representatives voted today to put houses of worship—many of which were severely damaged by Superstorm Sandy but nonetheless continued to serve ravaged coastal communities—on an even playing field with other non-profit organizations seeking disaster assistance.
H.R. 592, the “Federal Disaster Assistance Nonprofit Fairness Act of 2013,” is co-authored by Rep. Chris Smith (R-NJ-04) and Rep. Grace Meng (D-NY-06), and co-sponsored by Peter King (R-NY-02), Eliot Engel (D-NY-16), Trent Franks (R-AZ-08), Michael Grimm (R-NY-11), Frank LoBiondo (R-NJ-02), Carolyn McCarthy (D-NY-04) and Bill Pascrell Jr.(D-NJ-09).
The legislation stipulates that the Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act, which funds the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s (FEMA) disaster relief program, is a general government program under which federal assistance following a natural disaster can be rendered using criteria that are neutral with regard to religion. Congress has previously enacted laws providing financial assistance to religious nonprofit institutions, including houses of worship, on terms equal to other eligible nonprofit organizations. The bill now moves to the Senate.
The bill had 10-2 support in the New Jersey delegation. Congressmen Rob Andrews and Rush Holt voted NO.
If passed by the Senate and signed into law by President Obama, the following Monmouth County churches that sustained over $100,000 each from Superstorm Sandy stand to received FEMA funds for rebuilding:
Christ the King (Our Lady of Mt Carmel), Long Branch |
Christ the King (Holy Trinity Church, Long Branch) |
St. James, Red Bank |
St. Ann, Keansburg |
St. Denis, Manasquan |
Church of the Precious Blood, Monmouth Beach |
This bill applies to “houses of worship” only and will not impact FEMA’s decision to deny funding to the Ocean Grove Camp Meeting Association for the rebuilding of the Ocean Grove boardwalk, according to Smith’s office.
Posted: February 13th, 2013 | Author: admin | Filed under: Chris Smith, Congress, FEMA, Hurricane Sandy | Tags: Bill Pascrell, Carolyn McCarthy, Chris Smith, Eliot Enfel, Federal Disater Assistance Nonprofit Fairness Act of 2013, FEMA, Frank LoBiondo, Grace Meng, Houses of Worship, Michael Grimm, Ocean Grove, Ocean Grove boardwalk, Ocean Grove Camp Meeting Association, Peter King, Rob Andrews, Rush Holt, Trent Franks | 3 Comments »
The House of Representatives approved the first of two bills expected to be voting on today which, if also approved in the U.S. Senate and signed by the Presdient, will provide $50 billion in federal funds to New Jersey, New York and Connecticut to rebuild from the destruction caused by Superstorm Sandy.
The $17 billion approved this afternoon will pay for Sandy clean-up, dredging, small business loans and infrastructure repairs. The $33 billion to be voted on tonight will be for the longer term rebuilding effort.
The bills were split in two to accommodate members of the Republican caucus who support the $17 billion, but not the $33 billion.
According to The Star Ledger, New Jersey Republican Congressmen Frank LoBiondo (NJ-2) and Jon Runyan (NJ-3) ripped into their fellow Republicans for withholding support of the disaster assistance.
“To my colleagues who have sought funding themselves and now say we need to change the rules of the game: shame on you,” Rep. Frank LoBiondo (D-N.J.) said after the vote. “We need to have a new caucus, the hypocritical caucus.”
Rep. Jon Runyan (R-3rd Dist.) said he knew more than 30 of his Republican colleagues who oppose the bill even though they sought similar aid when disaster struck their districts.
“Mr. Speaker — I would say to my friends — why should New Jersey and New York be treated any differently? ” Runyon said. “My friends should ask themselves what would they do if it was their district that suffered the amount of catastrophic loss that many of the families and businesses in my district now face.”
Democratic Congressman Frank Pallone said that Republicans that opposed the aid do not understand the extent of the damage.
Posted: January 15th, 2013 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Congress, Hurricane Sandy | Tags: Frank LoBiondo, Frank Pallone, House of Representives, Hurricane Sandy, Jon Runyan, Sandy, Sandy relief, Superstorm Sandy | 1 Comment »
By Congressman Frank LoBiondo
More than two months after Hurricane Sandy struck South Jersey, the scars of devastation upon our homes, our businesses, our shoreline and our friends and neighbors remain ever so visible and ever so painful.
Each day our region struggles to recover and residents attempt to rebuild their lives as heightened levels of anxiety, frustration, sadness and anger remain. No one in South Jersey has forgotten Sandy, and it is imperative that Washington not be allowed to overlook the real destruction and critical need our communities continue to face.
As widely reported, some of my colleagues have intentionally delayed aid from reaching affected communities, unnecessarily creating a disaster in dealing with this disaster. Citing the Senate-passed “pork” laden bill, they question if federal resources will truly reach those in need.
I appreciate their concerns and have actively sought to alleviate them by working with the congressional delegations of New Jersey and New York, as well as Majority Leader Eric Cantor, R-Va., to strip out extraneous provisions. Thus, as originally planned in the final days of 2012, the bill we are introducing in the House of Representatives on Tuesday should provide federal aid only to states affected by the storm.
Likewise, there are some local opinions that stand against any federal assistance in the aftermath of a wide-scale disaster such as Sandy. They argue individual states and impacted municipalities should be solely responsible for recovery and rebuilding efforts, while federal tax dollars should not be used for “local issues”. I strongly disagree with the shortsighted view that New Jersey, which supported other states as they dealt with disasters and which sends more tax dollars to Washington than it receives, should be short-changed at its time of need.
That is not to say federal aid should be unchecked. In 2005 and 2006, more than $100 billion was sent to the Gulf Coast states, including $60 billion within just 10 days of the storm in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina.
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Posted: January 15th, 2013 | Author: admin | Filed under: Congress, Frank LoBiondo, Hurricane Sandy | Tags: Congressman Frank LoBiondo, Disaster Relief, Frank LoBiondo, Sandy aid, Sandy relief | 1 Comment »
Pallone and Payne, 17 others are tied for #1 most liberal members of congress
Republicans Smith and LoBiondo have higher liberal rankings than conservative rankings
National Journal has released its annual Congressional Voting Ratings and New Jersey has two congressman tied for the #1 most liberal member of congress based upon how they voted throughout 2011.
Frank Pallone, NJ-6, Long Branch, after being ranked the 70th most liberal member of congress in 2009, the 33rd most liberal in 2010, surged to the top of the list to earn a number 1 ranking in 2011.
Donald Payne of Newark, NJ-10, shares the #1 liberal ranking with Pallone and 17 other members throughout the country. Payne’s liberal ranking was 46 in 2009 and 113 in 2010.
Rush Holt, NJ-12 joins Pallone and Payne among the top 50 liberals, coming in at #43, a drop from his 14th place showing in 2010. Holt was #1 in 2009.
The most conservative member of New Jersey’s delegation? That would be Scott Garrett, NJ-5, which is really no surprise. What is surprising is that Garrett, who is often portrayed in the New Jersey media as a right wing fringe lunatic and the most conservative member of congress, is in the middle of the pack, ranked # 143 on the conservative scale.
NJ-3 freshman Jon Runyan’s #181 conservative ranking makes him the #2 conservative in the New Jersey delegation.
Leonard Lance, NJ-7 is ranked #191 on the conservative list. Rodney Frelinghuysen, NJ-11 is #206.
Republicans Chris Smith, NJ-4, and Frank LoBiondo, NJ-2, have higher liberal rankings than conservative rankings. Smith is #195 on the liberal list and #235 on the conservative list. LoBiondo is #205 on the liberal list and #225 on the conservative list.
In the Senate, Frank Lautenberg is #14 on the liberal list. Bob Menendez is #31 on the liberal list.
Posted: February 24th, 2012 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: 2012 Congressional Races, 2012 U.S. Senate Race, Chris Smith, Congress, Jon Runyan | Tags: Bob Menendez, Chris Smith, Donald Payne, Frank Lautenberg, Frank LoBiondo, Frank Pallone, Jon Runyan, Leonard Lance, National Journal, Rodney Frelinghuysen, Rush Holt, Scott Garrett, Voting Ratings | Comments Off on Congressional Voting Ratings