
Booker vs Lonegan on Foreign Affairs, Syria

By James Hogan

According to a recent poll, the majority of Americans, 50%, don’t approve of their Commander in Chief, Barack Obama.  (http://www.rasmussenreports.com/public_content/politics/obama_administration/daily_presidential_tracking_poll ).

Beyond that, an even greater majority of Americans, over 75%, disapprove of our nation’s Congress (http://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/other/congressional_job_approval-903.html).

Meanwhile, a report regarding Syria is claiming that nearly 75% of Americans want the President (that they disapprove of) to get permission from a Congress (that they also disapprove of) before involving our nation in a war with Syria (http://www.usatoday.com/story/theoval/2013/08/30/americans-obama-congress-approval-syria-strike/2736855/ ).

Even more interesting, the USA Today link claims, “When respondents were asked if the military action meant launching cruise missiles from naval warships — 50% favored it, while 44% opposed military action.”

JamesHoganConsider then what the poll numbers might show if Americans were asked if they were in favor or opposed to the North Koreans doing We The People a favor by parking their warships off of the coast of Virginia and start firing cruise missiles down on DC, or the homes and offices of our elected representatives, that we disapprove of? 

Would Americas approve of the *friendly* aide provided by the North Koreans? Or would we unite as a nation against these aggressors, declare war on North Korea, gather our allies and crush the North Koreans for attacking our land and our people? 

Before you answer, remember, the North Koreans would just be here lobbing cruise missiles at our nation to help us obtain freedom and democracy from a government that we don’t approve of, it’s not like they’d be invading our nation with soldiers or anything too terrible. They would just be providing some peace seeking missile attacks, aimed specifically at the people we don’t approve of (according to the media polls) so that we can be free at last.

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Posted: August 30th, 2013 | Author: | Filed under: Cory Booker, James Hogan, Senate Special Election, Steve Lonegan | Tags: , , , , | 3 Comments »