O’Scanlon Legislation Would Increase Penalties For Domestic Violence During A State Of Emergency
Senator Declan O’Scanlon is introducing legislation that will give prosecutors the discretion to charge individuals suspected of domestic violence the a higher degree crime than the underlying offense if committed during a State of Emergency.
“Unfortunately, with everyone being asked to stay home, we can anticipate an increase in domestic violence situations. There is a special place in hell for anyone who would cause harm to another while being asked to hunker down for the greater good,” said O’Scanlon. “This bill provides that an act of domestic violence or child endangerment committed by a person during a state of emergency may, at the discretion of the prosecutor, be charged one degree higher than the underlying offense.”
Posted: March 19th, 2020 | Author: admin | Filed under: Declan O'Scanlon, Monmouth County News, New Jersey, News | Tags: Domestic Violence, Monmouth County News, New Jersey, Senator Declan O'Scanlon, State of Emergency | Comments Off on O’Scanlon Legislation Would Increase Penalties For Domestic Violence During A State Of EmergencyThe Fight to End Domestic Violence Against Women
By Congressman Chris Smith

Congressman Chris Smith meets with members of the New Jersey Coalition to End Domestic Violence, Nicole Morella, Cristina Williams and Catherine Hernesh . photo via facebook
For 22 years, the Violence Against Women Act has been one of our nation’s most impactful laws. Aided by $6 billion in federal VAWA funding, millions of women have received emergency assistance during a crisis and support that has helped break the cycle of violence.
As the first comprehensive legislative package to address the epidemic of domestic violence, VAWA changed the attention to and conversation surrounding how we as a nation can better support victims of abuse and help families in need of a safe space. The law, which I supported at the outset and consistently since, invested significant resources to help prevent domestic abuse, assist the women and children who fall victim to it, and improve the judicial system’s response.
Posted: September 15th, 2016 | Author: admin | Filed under: Chris Smith, Monmouth County, Monmouth County News, Opinion | Tags: Congressman Chris Smith, Domestic Violence, Monmouth County News, New Jersey, NJ Coalition to End Domestic Violence, OpEd, VAWA, Violence Against Women Act | Comments Off on The Fight to End Domestic Violence Against WomenFederal Charges Filed Against Millstone Gun Owner
John Lafergolo, 52, of Millstone appeared in federal court in Trenton this morning on charges that he possessed 36 machine guns, which are illegal to possess in the United States, according to a state by U.S. Attorney Paul Fishman’s Office.
Lafergola was arrested at his Millstone home following a domestic violence incident on October 5, 2014.
According to the 2014 complaints Lafergola pointed a black 5.7X28mm Fabrique Nationale Herstal handgun model Five Seven at the victim. It is alleged that while Lafergola was pointing the handgun at the victim, he stated “I’ll blow your f***ing brain’s out”.
Posted: January 5th, 2016 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Gun Rights, Guns, Monmouth County News | Tags: Domestic Violence, Evan Nappen, Guns, John Lafergolo, Millstone, Monmouth County News, Paul Fishman | Comments Off on Federal Charges Filed Against Millstone Gun Owner180 Turning Lives Around Receives Federal Grant
180 Turning Lives Around, the Hazlet based non-profit dedicated to ending domestic and sexual violence in our community, has been awarded a $255,284 federal Transitional Housing Assistance Program grant, according to U.S. Attorney Paul Fishman.
180 will partner with Long Branch Concordance and contracted service providers to support 10 families in the 180 agency owned scattered site townhomes.
180’s Families in Transition Program provides women and their children with a safe home for up to 18 months. Support services include career counseling, financial management, life skills training and assistance in obtaining housing.
Posted: September 21st, 2015 | Author: admin | Filed under: Justice Department, Monmouth County News, Paul Fishman, U.S. Attorney | Tags: 180 Turning Lives Around, Domestic Violence, Long Branch Concordance, Sexual Violence, Transitional Housing Assistance, U.S. Attorney Paul Fishman | Comments Off on 180 Turning Lives Around Receives Federal GrantFather shot dead in hostage standoff had domestic violence arrests, records show
Posted: May 27th, 2015 | Author: admin | Filed under: Highlands, Middletown, Monmouth County, Monmouth County News | Tags: Domestic Violence, Highlands, Middletown, Middletown Police Shooting, Monmouth County Emergency Response Team, Scott McAllister | 1 Comment »Republican Assemblywomen Call for NFL Commissioner’s Resignation

Assemblywoman Caroline Casagrande
Republican Assemblywomen Caroline Casagrande, Nancy F. Muñoz, Mary Pat Angelini, Amy Handlin, Alison McHose, Holly Schepisi, DiAnne Gove, BettyLou DeCroce, Donna Simon and Maria Rodriguez-Gregg today called for the resignation of NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell over his handling on domestic violence issues on the part of NFL players.
The legislators jointly issued the following statement:
When someone sucker punches an innocent woman or takes a switch to his son, something is terribly wrong. The league either delays disciplinary action or issues a slap on the wrist of the offender. The victims are vulnerable to the power of these men. Commissioner Goodell is unsuccessfully trying to appease the fans and advertisers that the league takes these actions seriously. If he were truly serious, he would apologize and submit his resignation over his failure to take immediate steps to prevent these kinds of assaults. The NFL should send a message to society that it will not tolerate these actions, and implement a no-tolerance policy with severe repercussions.
Posted: September 15th, 2014 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: New Jersey, News, NJ State Legislature | Tags: Alison McHose, Amy Handlin, BettyLou DeCroce, Caroline Casagrande, DiAnne Gove, Domestic Violence, Donna Simon, Holly Schepisi, Maria Rodriguez-Gregg, Mary Pat Angelini, Nancy F. Muñoz, New Jersey, NFL, NFL Commissioner, Republican Assemblywomen, Roger Goodell | 2 Comments »
Justice for Rice. Now let’s have some Justice for Shaneen Allen
Former Baltimore Ravens running back Ray Rice was released by the NFL team today and suspended indefinitely by the league as a result of the public outrage at the video of Rice knocking out his then fiancee that was released by TMZ this morning.
Clearly, the NFL’s move is a public relations and business decision. NFL officials had seen the video prior to suspending Rice for only 2 games and docking his pay for a third.
One has to wonder if Atlantic County Prosecutor James McClain would have accepted Rice into the Pre-Trial Intervention Program had the video become public before the former Rutgers star was given leniency. Rice had been indicted on third degree aggravated assault charges after clocking his wife. The prosecutor said there was enough evidence for a conviction even without Mrs. Rice’s cooperation. Presumably he meant the video. Rice faced five years in prison, but McClain accepted him into the Pre-Trial Invention Program for first offenders. If Rice stays out of trouble until May of next year, he is off the hook, legally, for the assault.
Posted: September 8th, 2014 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Atlantic City, Atlantic County, Gun Control, Gun Rights, Guns, Shaneen Allen | Tags: Atlantic County Prosecutor, Chris Christie, Domestic Violence, Gun Rights, Guns, Jame McClain, NFL, Pre-Trial Intervention, Ray Rice, Shaneen Allen | 6 Comments »Atlantic County Justice
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The mainstream media will be making a big deal today about the leniency Baltimore Raven Ray Rice received from the NFL after knocking out his then finance in Atlantic City in February. TMZ obtained an released a video of the incident this morning. Sources are quoted as saying that NFL officials saw the video before suspending Rice for the first two games of this season and docking his pay for a third game.
But the NFL would not be subject to the public outrage they are experiencing had the Atlantic County Prosecutor’s Office not been lenient with Rice first. Rice was first charged with simple assault. The charges were upgraded to aggravated assault by an Atlantic County Grand Jury. Rice faced a possible five years in State Prison. But the Prosecutor accepted Rice’s application into the Pre-trial Intervention Program for First Offenders and his Not Guilty plea which leaves him off the hook if he stays out of trouble for a year.
Posted: September 8th, 2014 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Atlantic City, Atlantic County, Chris Christie, Crime, Crime and Punishment, Opinion | Tags: Atlantic County, Chris Christie, Domestic Violence, Gun Rights, Guns, James McClain, John Hoffman, Justice, Pre-Trial Intervention, Ray Rice, Shaneen Allen | 10 Comments »