Joy that Governor Phil Murphy declared that New Jersey high schools could hold graduation ceremonies turned to anger for many high school students, their families and the elected officials who represent them this week, when they realized how impractical, cumbersome and expensive Murphy’s rules would make the ceremonies. Murphy effectively announced that graduations could take place and then issued guidelines that prevent them from happening.
Senator Declan O’Scanlon followed his call for insurrection by moon gazing with a serious framework for New Jersey to contain COVID-19 while unleashing our economic engines.
Sen Declan O’Scanlon and Governor Phil Murphy discuss the micro management of sports betting at Monmouth Park, January 2019
Senator Declan O’Scanlon
Under the leadership of Governor
Phil Murphy, New Jersey residents have responded remarkably well given the
unprecedented and deadly invisible enemy we have faced. We have flattened
the curve and reversed the trends of COVID-19. We have changed our behavior,
likely forever. I credit the Governor with making some tough calls and
sympathize with the difficulty of challenges he’s faced, and will face going
“We waited,” Gov. Phil Murphy said, “because we wanted to get it right.”Governor Murphy said that in response to a question about whether he waited too long to call for our state lockdown.
Sometimes hesitating to “get it right” is wise. Other times it’s the hesitation itself that dooms one to failure. Now Governor Murphy faces a similar test of judgment regarding opening our state back up and potentially saving, or killing our economy.
We faced several major health threats in the last century – Spanish Flu of 1918 and Hong Kong flu in ‘68. But if you ask people today to name t… Read the rest of this entry »
Senator Declan O’Scanlon today called on the Legislature and Governor’s office to coordinate efforts to spearhead a rebirth of New Jersey’s once world-leading manufacturing and pharmaceutical research and production industries.
“The time is right now for New Jersey to be planning to take a lead role in re-domesticating these critical industries” said Senator O’Scanlon. “We still have the educated workforce, we still have incredible research universities, we still have the capital and investment resources and we still have the foundation of industrial knowledge and capability that made New Jersey the pharmaceutical and industrial capital of the world last century.
As New Jersey continues under a state of emergency due to the coronavirus, please know that my district office remains available to serve constituents by phone and email. Included below are links to information that you may find helpful, along with important state and national news updates related to COVID-19.
Senator notes that current pandemic is a historical reminder of the pre-vaccine world
Senator Declan O’Scanlon issued the following statement in response to the announcement that the coronavirus, also known as COVID-19, has reached two communities within his district, Little Silver and Hazlet:
Direct Support Professionals Asking for $16.5 Million to Cover Minimum Wage Increase
When the Democrats in Trenton passed legislation in 2019 to increase the state minimum wage incrementally until it reaches $15 per hour in 2024, Senator Declan O’Scanlon and Republicans in both houses warned of the consequences for New Jersey taxpayers, those providing essential services and those that depend on those services.
Two months after the implementation of the second annual increase raising the state hourly minimum from $10 to $11, O’Scanlon’s cautions are being proven. Read the rest of this entry »
Legislation sponsored by Senator Declan O’Scanlon that would make scamming a senior citizen or disabled person a more serious crime than it already is advanced through the NJ Senate Law and Public Safety Committee last week.
O’Scanlon’s bill (S-601) would make the fiscal victimization of a senior or disabled person a crime. Under the measure, a person would be guilty of fiscal victimization for committing, attempting to commit, or conspiring with others to commit theft against a senior citizen or a person with a disability.
In the face of passionate opposition and push back, Senator Declan O’Scanlon issued the following statement regarding the controversial legislation that alters the religious exemption for mandatory vaccines.
In the ill-fated recent rush to pass legislation that would legalize, tax, and regulate recreational adult use of marijuana, my position on the legislation, and the issue, has been misunderstood and mischaracterized by some New Jersey media outlets.
With regard to the bill package that Senate President Sweeney removed from the Senate calendar on March 25, I was a hard ‘NO’ vote. It has been reported that I was willing to trade my vote for funding for projects or causes specific to my Monmouth County district. It has also been reported that I was a “soft ‘yes’” vote. Those reports are fake news that were published by outlets that either did not speak with me or misunderstood/mischaracterized what I told them.
I want to firmly destroy and denounce these false, offensive assertions. Those that know me know I’m not for sale – not for personal gain and not for political-favor-purchasing bacon brought back to my district. Not once have I, and never will I, make such trade-offs. The only way to earn my vote is to give me good policy. Read the rest of this entry »