TRENTON, N.J.—Two men — each a star in his own world, and each a recent friend to Chris Christie — are promising to help the governor’s sluggish presidential campaign. Jerry Jones, the owner of the Dallas Cowboys, plans a fundraiser for Christie, and the departing Iowa House speaker offered his endorsement. Christie, who has been struggling… Read the rest of this entry »
Posted: August 22nd, 2015 | Author: admin | Filed under: 2016 Presidential Politics, Chris Christie | Tags: 2016 Presidential politics, Chris Christie, Dallas Cowboys, GOP 2016 nomination, Jerry Jones | 2 Comments »

The sweater is orange
TRENTON — Gov. Chris Christie’s trips to NFL games to root for the Dallas Cowboys were paid for by the team’s owner, Jerry Jones, according to the governor’s office. Images of Christie celebrating with Jones Sunday evening following the Cowboys’ latest win created a stir among sports fans on social media. Christie has now attended three… Read the rest of this entry »
Posted: January 5th, 2015 | Author: admin | Filed under: 2016 Presidential Politics, Chris Christie | Tags: 2016 Presidential politics, Chris Christie, Dallas Cowboys, Jerry Jones, Orange sweater | 1 Comment »
By Tommy DeSeno
So that’s why he wanted to lose all that weight.
Since we have nothing better to do here in New Jersey, for instance, trying to stop Atlantic City from crumbling into the water, or hoping that Trenton does, let’s wring our collective hands over the Governor cheering for the Giants’ divisional rival while bromance hugging Dallas Cowboys owner Jerry Jones. I’m a Jets fan. If it weren’t for this distraction I’d be scouting the Pop Warner leagues to find my team a better coach than the one we just fired.
Governor Christie has really bad optics by publicly wearing Texas spurs. Why? Because Football ain’t baseball, that’s why. Politicians can only lose more votes in the football world than they can gain. Everybody knows that.
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Posted: January 5th, 2015 | Author: admin | Filed under: 2016 Presidential Politics, Chris Christie, Humour, Opinion | Tags: 2016 Presidential politics, Chris Christie, Dallas Cowboys, Tommy DeSeno | 3 Comments »

PHILADELPHIA — Well this isn’t going to help Gov. Chris Christie win any votes in the Garden State. Christie was seen sitting with Dallas Cowboys owner Jerry Jones during the Eagles’ game on Sunday night, a move will not go over well with Eagles fans. Here is the photo of Christie taking in the game with…
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Posted: December 15th, 2014 | Author: admin | Filed under: 2016 Presidential Politics, Chris Christie | Tags: 2016 Presidential politics, Chris Christie, Dallas Cowboys, Philadelphia Eagles | 5 Comments »
Falling short of the required 200 signatures to be a candidate for Congress, former Highlands Mayor Anna Little announced this morning that she is quitting politics and launching a career as a singer.
In an email blast to supporters the former freeholder and 2010 GOP nominee for Congress from New Jersey’s 6th district said,
“I have come to the conclusion that I can do more to serve we the people, born and unborn, with my God given musical talent than I can in the rough and tumble world of politics. We have made a difference together, you and I, over the last two years that has given rise to certain opportunities that you made possible.
Governor Chris Christie has offered me the opportunity to sing the National Anthem at Super Bowl XLVIII at MetLife Stadium. Texas Governor Rick Perry said he would have me sing the Anthem at the Cowboys-Giants game in Arlington this November. Christie and Perry have promised to put a good word in for me with the 2013 Inaugural Committee to sing at President Romney’s swearing in ceremony or at the very least at one of the balls.
Ernesto Cullari has introduced me to his contacts at Disney. Their talent scout thinks I can be the next Angela Lansbury, who according to Disney’s site is everyone’s cup of tea. I could be next in line to play Mrs. Potts in the sequel and reprises of Beauty and the Beast on film and on Broadway.
In the meantime, I will be replacing the Kate Smith recording of God Bless America during the daily sunset ceremony at the Sea Gulls Nest at Sandy Hook. Proprietor Ed Segall is a big Pallone supporter. Given the opportunity to serve we the people, born and unborn, with my musical talent, it is just not right to put my new employer in such an uncomfortable position. I can see Sandy Hook from my house.”
Little, who lost the Monmouth GOP endorsement for Congress in the 6th district to Cullari, had counted on the Middlesex GOP to deliver the 200 required signatures during the convention that nominated her last Saturday, March 24. However, at the end of the day, there was only 75 signatures. Little collected another 135 signatures last week. Upon learning that Cullari had filed 500 signatures with the NJ Secretary of State on Friday, including those of 120 Middlesex County GOP convention delegates, Little realized that her petition would probably not survive a challenge given the duplicate signatures.
Little’s email continued:
This is not the end of Anna’s Army, but a new beginning. With my voice, we the people, born and unborn, can transform the culture of our country that you have been working so hard to save.
My backup chorus will be known as Anna’s Army. You can participate by volunteering to sing in the chorus, buying our CD’s and downloading songs from our soon to be launched website, or by making Little contributions.
All the Little contributions you make will go to the same work they have always gone to, just in a different form.
Posted: April 1st, 2012 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: April Fools | Tags: 2013 Inaugural Committee, Anna Little, April Fool, April Fools, CD 6, Chris Christie, Dallas Cowboys, Ernesto Cullari, Frank Pallone, MetLife Stadium, New York Giants, NJ Secretary of State, NJ-6, President Romney, Rick Perry, Super Bowl XLVIII | 23 Comments »