Charles On The Right
By Charles Measley
You probably saw the video of Congressman Frank Pallone ranting and raving like a lunatic at a House hearing this morning regarding the Affordable Care Act (a bill that he was the mastermind of) and the security of the private information of those enrolling.
I believe the whole incident was staged and this is why. Pallone recently had a failed bid for the Democratic primary regarding the open U.S. Senate seat here in New Jersey. For years Pallone has planned and dreamed of becoming a United States Senator During that time he built up a substantial warchest of about $4 million. When he announced his bid for United States Senate he transferred the majority of that money into his senatorial account.
Unfortunately for Pallone the battle was much more intense then he thought. After receiving a devastating blow from now US Sen. Cory Booker, Congressman Frank Pallone only has one fourth of his once mighty warchest left. Compared to his other challenger Congressman Rush Holt who walked away with a net gain.
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Posted: October 24th, 2013 | Author: admin | Filed under: Frank Pallone, ObamaCare | Tags: #MonkeyCourt, Charles Measley, Frank Pallione, Monkey Court | 3 Comments »
PolitckerNJ is reporting that Newark Mayor Cory Booker blew away in Vote By Mail (VBM) ballots in Hudson County and is outperforming the field in Bergen, Essex and Passaic counties.
In Monmouth County, Charles Measley drove past Congressman Frank Pallone’s house on the way to the Pallone celebration at McCloon’s. Frank’s Chevy is parked in the driveway.
Measley will be reporting for MMM from Pallone Headquarter throughout the night.
Posted: August 13th, 2013 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Senate Special Election | Tags: Charles Measley, Cory Booker, Frank Pallone | 2 Comments »
The Bayshore Tea Party Group’s SUPER MEGA ROADSIDE RALLY inspired our friend Charles Measley to hold one of his own.

Posted: June 3rd, 2013 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: 2013 Election, Bayshore Tea Party Group, Monmouth GOP | Tags: Charles Measley, Serena DiMaso, Shaun Golden, Tom Arnone | 6 Comments »
By Charles Measley

Charles Measley and Joe Kyrillos
I first met Sen. Joe Kyrillos in 2010 when I was a sophomore in college. Over the next few years I gained insight into Joe’s character and I learned just how great of a person he really is. Sen. Joe Kyrillos, like no other State Senator here in New Jersey, goes out of his way to make himself available to the people of his district. There had been countless times where I would send him an email late in the evening and within a few minutes I would receive a personal reply back from him.
Politically I am a very conservative person and while I do not agree with all of Sen. Joe Kyrillos’ views, there is much that I respect and admire about him. He always has his door open to hear all the opinions and all the facts on issues of the day, and from there he makes the best decision –not just for the people of this district –but for the people of the state of New Jersey.
The reason I decided to write this is because this morning on Facebook I saw something that really highlights Sen. Joe Kyrillos character. Eleven years ago today, my friend’s son had open heart surgery. One way or another Sen. Joe Kyrillos found out about this little boy’s surgery. Sen. Joe then wrote this little boy a hand written letter telling him to stay strong and that everything would be okay. Shortly after the surgery Sen. Joe Kyrillos personally called this little boy to make sure that everything was going well.
It is these qualities and characteristics that make Sen. Joe Kyrillos truly like no other State Senator here in New Jersey. Because he is a man of character and commitment I am voting for Sen. Joe Kyrillos in the Republican primary being heldTuesday, June 4th!
Editors note: A copy of Kyrillos’ letter to Kyle can be read below the fold:
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Posted: May 31st, 2013 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: 13th Legislative District, 2013 Election, Bayshore Tea Party Group, Joe Kyrillos | Tags: Charles Measley, Joe Kyrillos | 4 Comments »
By Charles Measley
Last week I outlined how the Democrats have been implementing a long-term strategy of positioning their people into key places of influence such as the media and the education system. But in that sentence lies the main differences between the two philosophies of winning; to Democrats it’s an endurance race, when to Republicans it’s a sprint. Republicans view the battlefield as individual election cycles, whereas Democrats view it as a long-term endurance race, constantly campaigning and building a sustainable infrastructure to dominate elections in the long term.
Earlier this morning Breitbart had a piece outlining this perfectly. Obama’s donors will be financing a long-term project called Organizing For Action, which will focus on supporting the President’s long-term agenda. Also the President converted his campaign into a 501(c)4 organization called Organizing For America (which means they don’t have to disclose donor information). What long-term organizations did the Republican Party set up after our embarrassing loss in November? That’s right none!
This problem isn’t just with our party, but with our candidates as well. The Democrats are constantly building and molding their candidates. How many years has Frank Pallone been preparing to run for U.S. Senate? Seven years! After failing to get his parties nomination back in 2006 he has been preparing himself and his campaign to battle it out for Frank Lautenberg seat (once Lautenberg’s cold dead fingers are pried from his Senate seat). Pallone has been campaigning at full steam since 2010. He doesn’t take breaks between election cycles, he goes at it putting in 100%. Look over his FEC reports and you’ll see he’s constantly building his fundraising base and campaign structure.
NJ Republicans have known this battle was coming and now it is here in the 2014 race for the United States Senate. But who are the frontrunners on the Republican side? No one! The Republican Party needs to focus on the long-term race by building key infrastructure to win elections not just for this years cycle, but for years to come. We need to build up candidates well in advance if we expect to win Democrat held seats.
I don’t say these things because I dislike the party or party leadership, but because I love this party. I love the principles and beliefs that we stand for! I want to see us succeed and not just to win elections, but rather dominate them!
To be continued…
Part 1
Posted: January 30th, 2013 | Author: admin | Filed under: Republican Party | Tags: Charles Measley, endurance race, GOP, Republican Party | 1 Comment »
By Charles Measley
When looking at politics I view it as if I’m staring at a battlefield or a chessboard: I ponder, “Where are the best places to move, position, and to attack?” Sometimes positioning your forces is the most critical move for a long-term victory. Strategically aligning forces in key places will not lead to a rapid victory, but it will ensure enduring long-term success. Sadly that’s exactly what the left has done.
Every time a Republican candidate steps out on the political battlefield, they are almost instantly placed at a disadvantage. Over the last few years, the left has positioned people with their mindset in the media, whether it’s a local paper like The Asbury Park Press or a national affiliate like ABC News. Through traditional media, the left focuses on a negative narrative towards the Republican candidate while allowing the Democrat to proceed worry free.
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Posted: January 25th, 2013 | Author: admin | Filed under: Republican Party | Tags: Charles Measley, The dealth of Repbubicanism | 5 Comments »
Photo by Charles Measley

Posted: October 29th, 2012 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Hurricane Sandy | Tags: Charles Measley, Hurricane Sandy, Sea Bright | Comments Off on Water up to the seawall in Sea Bright