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A spokesman for the Booker administration in Newark is denying reports that the city is stonewalling the response to OPRA requests, according to a report on PolitickerNJ.
The City of Newark has been sued by The National Review and the Lonegan for Senate campaign for failing to comply with Open Public Records Act requests. NR is seeking police reports from a shooting incident during which the victim died in Booker’s arms, according to numerous stories the mayor has told over time. The Lonegan campaign is seeking Booker’s expense and reimbursement reports from the city during his tenure as mayor.
According to PolitickerNJ, City spokesperson James Allen disputed NR’s claim, saying that the city promised to provide the police reports by September 13.
John Ginty, the Lonegan campaign’s attorney, told MMM that since filing his suit, the city has promised to comply and provide the requested documents, also on September 13.
However, NR and Lonegan are apparently not the only information seekers being thwarted.
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Posted: September 12th, 2013 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Cory Booker, Senate Special Election, Steve Lonegan | Tags: American Commitment Action Fund, BookerFail, Cheryl Coxson, Cory Booker, James Allen, Phil Kerpen, Special Senate Election, Steve Lonegan | 4 Comments »
Donna Jackson might be Newark Mayor Cory Booker’s biggest threat to being elected a U.S. Senator.
Councilwoman Mildred Crump and Teachers Union President Joe Del Grasso, the other stars of the above video from our friends at BookerFail, could be said to have their own political axes to grind with Booker. But the Mayor himself told the Star Ledger in 2010 that Jackson does not have a political agenda, she just cares about Newark.
Jackson’s entire remarks excerpted in the video above are devastating. View them here. (h/t Matt Rooney at SaveJersey).
She says the media and Newark’s government are hiding the city’s problems to give Booker political cover. She says Newark is worse since Booker became mayor. “Booker’s national profile is killing us,” Jackson said.
Last May, Jackson accurately predicted the coming outbreak in violence in Newark, during an impassioned rant before the city council wherein she also complained that Newark residents, “darkies” she called them, are not being employed at the new construction projects that Booker often touts. She calls Caucasians “clear people.”
Jackson says Newark’s mismanagement is intentionally designed to drive residents making less than $100,000 out of the city.
Jackson says she’s “anti-government, anti-government and everybody’s got to go.”
Posted: September 10th, 2013 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: 2013 Election, Cory Booker, Senate Special Election | Tags: BookerFail, Cory Booker, Donna Jackson, Special Senate Election | 1 Comment »