The Bayshore Tea Party Group had what they promoted as a SUPER MEGA ROADSIDE RALLY FOR TEA PARTY CANDIDATES this morning in Middletown.
Less than 10 people showed up.
Here, the group’s co-founder Barbara Gonzalez appears to be alone waving the Gadsden flag.

While Barbara was waving the flag on Route 35, her husband Frank was busy in the median installing their unreadable Column 3 signs in front of their competitor’s signs.
It is a good thing that the signs are unreadable. One of BTPG’s candidate’s name is misspelled.
Click on the photos for a larger view.
Posted: June 2nd, 2013 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: 13th Legislative District, 2013 Election, Barbara Gonzalez, Bayshore Tea Party Group, Primary Election | Tags: Barbara Gonzalez, Bayshore Tea Party Group, BTPG, Frank Gonzalez, Get out the vote, GOTV | 22 Comments »
Pro-Life Advocate Endorses O’Scanlon In LD13 Primary
Marie Tasy, Executive Director of New Jersey Right to Life issued a statement last night refuting the “misinformation” being circulated by State Senate Candidate Leigh-Ann Bellew and her Bayshore Tea Party Group backed running mates in the 13th legislative district Republican primary.
Tasy was quoted in a mailer sent by the Bellew/Bayshore Tea Party slate as saying that Senator Joe Kyrillos voted in favor of partial birth abortion.
In her statement to MoreMonmouthMusings, Tasy went into painstaking detail to list Kyrillos’s votes against partial birth abortion. She said that bill cited in Bellew’s mailer that Kyrillos voted for, S1909, was a “bill filled with very technical, scientific jargon that was rammed through the Senate at breakneck speed.” The bill legalized embryonic stem cell research and cloning, NOT partial birth abortion. Tasy said that many Senators voted for the bill without fully understanding it. Subsequently, Kyrillos voted against the funding of embryonic stem cell/cloning research with increased taxes and bonding.
Tasy noted that Assembly Members Amy Handlin and Declan O’Scanlon were not legislators when the partial birth abortion and embryonic stem cell/cloning research bills were voted on.
Tasy’s statement is particularly extraordinary because Kyrillos is pro-choice on abortion. Tasy said she is not defending Kyrillos, but setting the record straight on the misinformation campaign.
I am not writing to defend Senator Kyrillos’ record and well known position on abortion, but to set the record straight on the misinformation campaign that is being circulated regarding his voting record and the positions of Assemblyman O’Scanlon and Assemblywoman Handlin. It should be noted that Assemblyman Declan O’Scanlon and Assemblywoman Amy Handlin were NOT in the legislature at the time these bills were voted on and therefore did not vote on any of these bills.
“It says a lot about our opponents who call themselves conservatives that someone as highly respected in the Pro-Life community as Marie Tasy would take the time to refute the misinformation in their literature,” said O’Scanlon, “This is further confirmation of what I’ve been saying throughout the campaign, Bellew, her running mates, and the Bayshore Tea Party Group’s leadership have no integrity.”
Neither Bellew nor Bayshore Tea Party Group co-founder Barbara Gonzalez responded to an invitation to comment.
Tasy’s statement can be read in its entirety below:
I am writing to set the record straight regarding some misinformation that is being circulated in mailers to voters in the the 13th legislative district. Read the rest of this entry »
Posted: June 1st, 2013 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: 13th Legislative District, 2013 Election, Abortion, Amy Handlin, Barbara Gonzalez, Bayshore Tea Party Group, Declan O'Scanlon, Joe Kyrillos, LD 13, Leigh-Ann Bellew, Marie Tasy, NJ Right to Life, Primary Election | Tags: Amy Handlin, Barbara Gonzalez, Bayshore Tea Party Group, Declan O'Scanlon, Joe Kyrillos, Leigh-Ann Bellew, Marie Tasy, NJ Right to Life | 12 Comments »

Assemblyman Declan O’Scanlon
Assemblyman Declan O’Scanlon has been endorsed by the NRA Political Victory Fund for the June 4th Republican primary in the 13th legislative district.
In an email to their members in the 13th district, NRA-PV said,
“Assemblyman Declan O’Scanlon is rated “A” by the NRA-PVF and has been a proven Second Amendment supporter throughout his tenure in the state legislature. He has been vocal in his support of your Second Amendment rights and has stood strong against anti-gun lawmakers pushing their radical agenda in Trenton. Declan O’Scanlon has stood by gun owners in New Jersey by consistently voting against onerous gun proposals, including sweeping ammunition bans, magazine capacity restrictions, one-gun-a-month limitation, and more.
On Election Day, remember your gun rights are at stake and Vote Freedom First by voting to reelect Declan O’Scanlon for Assemblyman in District 13.”
O’Scanlon welcomed the endorsement as a confirmation of his conservative credentials by “one of the most effective advocacy groups in the nation.”
“This is confirmation that my opponents have be lying about my record and confirmation that my opponents have no integrity,”O’Scanlon said, “The NRA knows enough to say away from my opponents,
“As the only candidate endorsed by the NRA-PV in the district, I enthusiastically endorse Senator Joe Kyrillos and Assemblywoman Amy Handlin.”
Barbara Gonzalez, co-founder of the Bayshore Tea Party Group which is supporting O’Scanlon’s opponents in the primary did not respond to a request for comment.
Gonzalez responded to MMM late last evening, declining to comment. “Nope….your blog has become trashy. Just….nope,” she wrote.
Posted: May 30th, 2013 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: 13th Legislative District, Amy Handlin, Assembly Republicans, Barbara Gonzalez, Bayshore Tea Party Group, Declan O'Scanlon, Joe Kyrillos, LD 13 | Tags: Amy Handlin, Barbara Gonzalez, Bayshore Tea Party Group, BTPG, Declan O'Scanlon, Joe Kyrillos, National Rifle Assocication PAC, NRA, NRA-PV | 9 Comments »

Dan Peters: if you’re happy and you know it, don’t vote!
If you think Monmouth County is a great place to live, Bayshore Tea Party backed Sheriff Candidate Dan Peters doesn’t want you to vote in the primary on June 4, a week from today.
In a bizarre blog post on Middletown Patch, Peters, a former Middlesex County police officer collecting a disability pension and a former salesman for a red light camera company, said,
“If you think things are great here in Monmouth County then don’t vote — stay home. If you KNOW things can be better and want better vote for line 3. We are tea party approved!”
Voter suppression is the new credo of the Tea Party?
Peters is making his third attempt to direct the Sheriff’s Office, since he moved to Monmouth County. He withdrew his 2007 candidacy because he did not qualify under the three year residency requirement. Maybe the next time he runs, the Black Panthers will support him.
Peters said that the “sheriff’s department” (it is actually called the “Sheriff’s Office”) has not had a change in leadership in 25 years.
“The sheriff’s department has had the same leadership for over twenty five years. As a matter of fact until recently there has not been a Sheriff in Monmouth County that had any police or public safety experience. In that time there has been no change in its direction or vision.”
When he withdrew his 2007 candidacy due to not meeting the residency requirement, Peters called the “department” a “premier law enforcement agency.”
Our vision is clear for safety and security here in Monmouth County and enabling the Sheriffs Department to continue being a premier law enforcement agency.
In fact, Monmouth County has had four sheriffs in the last 33 years. William Lanzaro was elected in 1980 and served through 1995 after being defeated by Joe Oxley in the Republican primary. Oxley, a former prosecutor, declined to seek a fifth term in 2007 as a protest over the direction then Monmouth GOP Chairman Adam Puharic was leading the Party. Oxley went on to replace Puharic as chairman a year later.
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Posted: May 28th, 2013 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: 2013 Election, Barbara Gonzalez, Bayshore Tea Party Group, Monmouth County Sheriff's Office, Monmouth GOP, Shaun Golden | Tags: Adam Puharic, Barbara Gonzalez, Dan Peters, Joe Oxley, Kim Guadagno, Leigh-Ann Bellew, Monmouth County Sheriff's Office, Shaun Golden, William Lanzaro | 34 Comments »
The Bellew for State Senate campaign issued a press release this morning wherein they refer to MoreMonmouthMusings and its commenters as “a sympathetic band of faux journalists who could appear on campaign reports for in-kind contributions as paid communication staff.”
The Kyrillos campaign issued a childish response to a serious issue regarding the hypocrisy of Joe Kyrillos, Declan O’Scanlon, and Amy Handlin using a taxpayer funded website to praise a group in the face that they have been stabbing in the back politically. Calling the Tea Party silly and outrageous, the Kyrillos continues to demonstrate a distain for citizen patriots fighting to make New Jersey and America stronger. He knows that the voters are not warming up to him as they learn about his liberal voting record. So instead of engaging them at a candidate event, he and his campaign have turned to a sympathetic band of faux journalists who could appear on campaign reports for in-kind contributions as paid communication staff.
MMM is the only media outlet that carried the Kyrillos campaign’s statement calling Bellew “silly and foolish” over her press release attacking Kyrillos, O’Scanlon and Handlin for their release condemning the IRS and the Obama Administration for their illegal targeting of Conservative and Tea Party groups.
What a difference seven weeks makes.
Read the rest of this entry »
Posted: May 22nd, 2013 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: 13th Legislative District, 2013 Election, Art Gallagher, Barbara Gonzalez, Leigh-Ann Bellew | Tags: Art Gallagher, Barbara Gonzalez, Leigh-Ann Bellew, MoreMonmouthMusings | 6 Comments »

Assemblyman Declan O’Scanlon
Assemblyman Declan O’Scanlon said the Bayshore Tea Party Group backed challenge of the 13th Legislative District incumbents and the Monmouth GOP county-wide incumbents, is inspired by nothing more than the need for attention and the desire for relevance on the part of the challenging candidates and of Barbara Gonzalez, co-founder of BTPG. O’Scanlon flat out challenged the group’s integrity.
O’Scanlon made his charge directly to the faces of the challenging candidates who showed up last night, Leigh-Ann Bellew for Senate, Edna Walsh and Steve Boracchia running for Assembly, BTPG co-founder Barbara Gonzalez, along with approximately 30 other Republican primary voters at a Meet the Candidates Night hosted by the Two Rivers Republican of Fair Haven.
O’Scanlon was representing himself and his running mates, Senator Joe Kyrillos and Assemblywoman Amy Handlin at the gathering. Freeholder Director Tom Arnone and Sheriff Shaun Golden spoke on behalf of themselves and Freeholder Deputy Director Serena DiMaso. All three men defended the conservative records of the incumbents and called out the challengers for running against the wrong candidates, dividing the party, and distorting their records to the Republican primary voters.
O’Scanlon went after the challengers aggressively on the content of their campaign, without personal attacks.
Read the rest of this entry »
Posted: May 22nd, 2013 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: 13th Legislative District, 2013 Election, Barbara Gonzalez, Bayshore Tea Party Group, Declan O'Scanlon, Joe Kyrillos, Leigh-Ann Bellew, Monmouth GOP | Tags: Amy Handlin, Barbara Gonzalez, Bayshore Tea Party Group, BTPG, Declan O'Scanlon, Edna Walsh, Joe Kyrillos, Leigh-Ann Bellew, Serena DiMaso, Shaun Golden, Steve Boracchia, Tom Arnone, Two Rivers Republican Club of Fair Haven | 23 Comments »
By Art Gallagher

Bayshore Tea Party Group co-founder Barbara Gonzalez pinning Sen. Joe Kyrillos during happier times.
After over three weeks of media silence, the Bellew for Senate campaign issued a scathing 920 word press release this afternoon accusing State Senator Joe Kyrillos and Assembly members Amy Handlin and Declan O’Scanlon of hypocrisy, liberalism, slander, ducking debates and being mean.
Also blasted by Bellew Jersey, was “an organized army of cronies (that) have waged a campaign of personal attacks and character assassination on members of the Tea Party.”
“They have used surrogates in a legion of non-journalistic blogs and Internet attack machines to call the Tea Party “nut jobs.” To the Tea Party, this closely resembles Obama campaign style tactics of personal destruction. In fact, it mirrors what the IRS is now in trouble for doing – trying to silence their critics. Conservatives know this destroys any credibility Joe Kyrillos, Declan O’Scanlan, and Amy Handlin and their liberal Republican establishment team could possibly claim to have in support of the patriots fighting for limited government.”
The release, which was sent out by and paid for by Bellew for State Senate, quotes Senate Candidate Leigh-Ann Bellew, Bayshore Tea Party Group co-founder Barbara Gonzalez, and Assembly Candidate Steven Boracchia. Assembly Candidate Edna Walsh was mentioned but not quoted in the statement which can be read in its entirety here.
Read the rest of this entry »
Posted: May 20th, 2013 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: 13th Legislative District, 2013 Election, Amy Handlin, Barbara Gonzalez, Bayshore Tea Party Group, Declan O'Scanlon, Joe Kyrillos, Leigh-Ann Bellew, Monmouth GOP | Tags: Amy Handlin, Barbara Gonzalez, Bayshore Tea Party Group, Declan O'Scanlon, Edna Walsh, Joe Kyrillos, Leigh-Ann Bellew, Steven Boracchia | 12 Comments »
Evidently, the Bayshore Tea Party Group leadership and their candidates don’t like the coverage MoreMonmouthMusings is giving their primary campaign. Don’t take my word for it. Listen to Barbara Gonzalez introducing sheriff candidate Dan Peters in the first video below.
Leigh-Ann Bellew stopped taking my phone calls a couple of weeks ago. She told someone to pass along the message that I should deal with Dwayne Horner. Now Horner is not returning my calls. Freeholder candidate Ed Pekarsky asked that I post Tom Fitzsimmons’ email and if he could respond here. I told him he could. He hasn’t sent me his response. It’s OK with me that he isn’t responding, but hey, Gonzalez wrote that I censored Tea Party posts, which I didn’t, and then her candidate doesn’t send it a post he that requested.
When I met Dan Peters in early April, he said he would sit for an interview. I’m writing a story about him for publication later today or tomorrow. Peters hasn’t returned three calls since yesterday.
It’s a lot easier to write “Bellew (or Horner, Peters, Pekarsky, etc) didn’t return a phone call,” than it is to write up their comments, but I’d really rather give them an opportunity to tell their side of the story.
In that spirit, here they are, telling their own stories on video:
Dan Peters, Sheriff Candidate
Read the rest of this entry »
Posted: May 8th, 2013 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: 13th Legislative District, Barbara Gonzalez, Bayshore Tea Party Group, LD 13, Leigh-Ann Bellew, Monmouth County, Monmouth GOP | Tags: Barbara Gonzalez, Bayshore Tea Party Group, Dan Peters, Ed Largey, Ed Pekarsky, Edna Walsh, Leigh-Ann Bellew, Stephen Boracchia | 10 Comments »

Monmouth Democratic Chairman Vin Gopal
We couldn’t make this up
Monmouth County Democrat Chairman Vin Gopal told MMM that a representative of the Bellew for Senate campaign reached out to him for financial support and help in generating publicity for the Bayshore Tea Party backed slate of candidates in the 13th Legislative District Republican Primary. “We need help getting the truth out,” Gopal said the operative pleaded.
The campaign operative, who Gopal said is close to Bellew but not so involved with BTPG, said the campaign was having difficulty raising money, recruiting volunteers and getting positive press.
“I turned him down,” said Gopal, “this is a primary between two Conservative Republican tickets. It’s not our fight.
“Kyrillos may have run as a moderate in the U.S. Senate campaign last year,” Gopal added,” but based upon his voting record in the legislature, he is a Conservative as far as I am concerned. He’s voted against abortion rights, marriage equality rights and the millionaires tax.
“I’m glad to see the Republicans spending money fighting with each other instead of coming after us.”
MMM called Bellew, her campaign manager Dwayne Horner, and BTPG co-founder Barbara Gonzalez for comment. None have returned the call.
Gonzalez did not return our call, but she banned MMM publisher Art Gallagher from the BTPG’s facebook page. Eariler today, Gonzalez accused Gallagher of censoring BTPG members’ comments on this site. That hasn’t happened.
Posted: May 6th, 2013 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: 13th Legislative District, 2013 Election, Joe Kyrillos, LD 13, Leigh-Ann Bellew, Monmouth Democrats, Monmouth GOP | Tags: Barbara Gonzalez, Bayshore Tea Party Group, Dwayne Horner, Joe Kyrillos, Leigh-Ann Bellew, Vin Gopal | 31 Comments »
Bayshore Tea Party co-founder Barbara Gonzalez sent an email to her members this morning accusing MoreMonmouthMusings of basing its coverage of the LD 13 primary based upon who advertises on this site. Gonzalez posted an identical message on two Tea Party facebook groups and then blocked from MMM publisher Art Gallagher from the conversation after he responded.

Click for full view
What Gonzalez falled to mention, is that MMM offered her candidates, through Gonzalez personally and through Leigh-Ann Bellew, the same advertising rates offered to the Monmouth County GOP candidates who advertise here. Bellew said she wanted advertise here, but has yet to do so. MMM welcomes all advertisers of legal products, services or campaigns.
Read the rest of this entry »
Posted: May 6th, 2013 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: 13th Legislative District, Bayshore Tea Party Group | Tags: Barbara Gonzalez | 7 Comments »