With 87% of the mail-in ballots counted, Monmouth County is one of only 7 New Jersey Counties that voted Republican in 2020.
Early returns in the unprecedented paper ballot election indicated that Democrats had scored an upset in the County that reliably votes Republican despite a registration advantage for Democrats. On Election Night, former Vice President Joe Biden, Senator Cory Booker and the Democrat Freeholder candidates were leading the paper ballot count. Congressman Chris Smith and County Clerk Christine Giordano Hanlon were the only Republicans leading above the municipal level.
Ross Licitra, Lillian Burry and Christine Giordano Hanlon
Monmouth County Republicans have recovered from the shock of seeing Democrats leading the ballot counts on Election Day and are getting ready to celebrate.
With 296,966 ballots reported at 5:05 on Friday afternoon, Republican County candidates are showing the dominant leads that the GOP has enjoyed in Monmouth for many years.
Congressman Chris Smith scored a decisive victory in the 4th Congressional District of New Jersey, defeating Democrat Stephanie Schmid in all three Counties in the district.
With an estimated 70% of the votes reported in the district, Smith leads Schmid 57%-42% on Wednesday morning, according to Decision Desk HQ.
Monmouth County Clerk Christine Giordano Hanlon launched a website yesterday to make it easier for Monmouth voters confirm that their ballots have been received by the Board of Elections.
Be sure to #VoteEarly and to track your ballot!
In partnership with the Monmouth County Board of Elections and…