Hougtaling and Downey’s spokeman denies hearing of Sweeney’s call for a criminal investigation into NJEA

Mary Pat Angelini
Still smarting from her shocking loss last November, former Assemblywoman Mary Pat Angelini yesterday issued a statement calling on the Democrats who unseated her to join Senate President Steve Sweeney in his demand that the U.S. Attorney and N.J. Attorney General investigate the teachers union for extortion.
The Democrat leader of the State Senate accused the NJEA of extorition eariler this week after Democrat County Chairmen and other power brokers told him that NJEA leaders told them that the union would withhold campaign contributions to Democrats unless Sweeney allowed a vote in the Senate on an amendment to the State Constitution that would compel specified contributions to the teacher’s pension fund every year.
Angelini said that Assembly Members Eric Houghtaling and Joann Downey would not have defeated her if not for the “vicious lies” the NJEA broadcast about her and the non-profit drug abuse prevention organization she runs during the final days of the 2015 election campaign.
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Posted: August 5th, 2016 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Mary Pat Angenlini, Monmouth County News, NJEA, Stephen Sweeney | Tags: 2015 Election, 2017 Legislative election, Eric Houghtaling, extortion, Joann Downey, Joe Libutti, Mary Pat Angelini, Monmouth County News, NJEA, Senate President Steve Sweeney | 1 Comment »

Michaela O’Brien, 18 of Neptune City. “Every vote counts…I prove it.”
Election result rests with first time voter
Neptune City Councilman Richard Pryor has lodged a contest of the November 3 general election in Monmouth County Superior Court.
Pryor, a Republican, was leading his race for reelection by one vote following the counting of provisional ballots on November 9. In the November 24 recount, Democrat Michael Skudera picked up three votes while Pryor picked up one. Skudera now leads Pryor by one vote, 602-601.
At issue in the contest, which was filed by Jason N. Sena, Esq of the Manalapan law firm Cutolo Mandel, LLC, is one of the two provisional votes that was disqualified by the Board of Election on November 9.
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Posted: December 7th, 2015 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: 2015 Elections, Monmouth County News, Neptune City | Tags: 2015 Election, Councilman Richard Pryor, Cutolo Mandel, Jason N. Sena, Michael Skudera, Michaela O'Brien, Neptune City | 1 Comment »

Nate Novak
Republicans Sarah King and Robert Merriken each picked up votes in the recount by the Board of Elections this morning which was requested by their Democratic opponent, Nathaniel “Nate” Novak. Novak trailed Merriken by one vote, 638-639 after the provisional ballots were qualified and counted on November 9.
King, an incumbent councilwoman remains the top vote getter at 680. Merriken expanded his lead over Novack to 640-638.
Novak told MoreMonmouthMusings that he accepts the results and does not plan to contest the election. “We just wanted to make sure all the votes were counted, ” Novak said, “I congratulate Robert Merriken on his election.”
Novak said that he hopes to start serving on the Borough Council in January, despite is loss, as the replacement for Councilman Thomas O’Brien who was elected mayor. “I hope to get that appointment and run again next year,” said Novak.
Posted: November 24th, 2015 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: 2015 Elections, Monmouth County News | Tags: 2015 Election, Monmouth County News, Nate Novak, Robert Merriken, Spring Lake Heights, Thomas O'Brien | Comments Off on Novak Concedes Spring Lake Hts Council Race

Neptune City Councilman Richard Pryor is trailing Michael Skudera by one vote after the recount
The outcome of the election for a seat on the Neptune City Council changed as a result of the recount that took place this morning at the Board of Elections office in Freehold.
Democratic candidate Michael Skudera (not the same Michael Skudera who is the former mayor of Tinton Falls) gained three votes in the hand count of Vote-By-Mail and provisional ballots and now leads incumbent Republican Councilman Richard Pryor by one vote, 602-601. Pryor picked up one vote in the recount.
Hand recounts of Vote-By-Mail and provisional ballots often result in additional votes being counted. The votes are first counted electronically via scanner. During a hand recount, elections commissioners are able to determine the intent of a voter who may have not completely filled in the box on the ballot sufficiently to be read by the scanner.
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Posted: November 24th, 2015 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: 2015 Elections, Monmouth County News | Tags: 2015 Election, Michael Skudera, Monmouth County News, Neptune City, Richard Pryor | Comments Off on Recount Tilts Outcome Of Neptune City Council Race

Red Bank Councilman Michael DuPont
Red Bank Councilman Michael DuPont told MoreMonmouthMusings that he will not contest the results of the election that has him losing to his Republican challenger Michael Whelan. Whelan increased his margin of victory from 2 to 3 votes as a result of an Election Recount and Recheck this morning that DuPont had requested.
“After consulting with my representatives who were present at the recount this morning, I have decided to accept the result and wish the new council members well in doing what is best for Red Bank, ” DuPont said.
“You haven’t heard the last of me,” the three term Democrat continued,”but for now it is best for Red Bank that we move forward.”
Whelan and his running mate Mark Taylor, the top vote getter in the four way race for two seats on the Council, will be sworn into office in early January,giving the Republican Party control of the Borough’s government for the first time time in two decades. Republicans will have a 4-2 majority.
“I hope the new councilmen do what is best for Red Bank and that they are not beholden to Party bosses,” DuPont said.
Red Bank Republican Chairman Sean DiSomma issued the following statement:
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Posted: November 20th, 2015 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: 2015 Elections, Monmouth County News, Red Bank | Tags: 2015 Election, Mark Taylor, Michael Dupont, Michael Whalen, Monmouth County News, Red Bank, Sean DiSomma | Comments Off on DuPont Concedes Red Bank Election
The results of the November 3, 2015 Board of Education election in Asbury Park, and the municipal races in Neptune City and Spring Lake Heights will be rechecked and recounted on Tuesday, November 24 at 10 am, at the Board of Elections Office in Freehold, pursuant to Judge Katie A. Gummer’s Orders.
The rechecks and recounts were requested via Petitions filed by Allan C. Roth, a Springfield, NJ attorney, on behalf of Asbury Park Board of Education candidate Barbara Lesiniski, Spring Lake Heights Council candidate Nathaniel Novak and Michael Skudera, a candidate for Council in Neptune City.
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Posted: November 19th, 2015 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: 2015 Elections, Asbury Park, Monmouth County, Monmouth County News | Tags: 2015 Election, Asbury Park, Asbuy Park Board of Education, Monmouth County News, Neptune City, Recount, Spring Lake Heights, Spring Lake Hts | Comments Off on Recounts scheduled for in Asbury Park, Neptune City and Spring Lake Hts elections