
Red Bank’s Sue Viscomi Said Nothing Racist and Mayor Menna Needs to Say So

Red Bank Mayor Pat Menna, wearing a pre-COVID mask, and Red Bank activist and Board of Education member Sue Viscomi. photo via Viscomi’s facebook page

By Tommy DeSeno

“There is no worse lie than a truth misunderstood by those who hear it.” – William James

A regrettable development in American culture is that racism is being obscured by false claims of racism.  Both destroy their targets.

If a racist is one of the worst things a person can be, then falsely claiming someone is a racist is one of the worst things you can do to a person.  We are in a current whirlwind of Cancel Culture and instant ostracization by social media. Those who are careless labeling others as racist can easily ruin the life of someone who had been careful not to be one. No one should have such power over the reputation of others, but in these odd times where the Internet is forever, everyone does.

This just happened in Red Bank, New Jersey.

Read the rest of this entry » Posted: March 8th, 2021 | Author: | Filed under: Monmouth County News, Opinion, Red Bank, Tommy DeSeno | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments »


By Tommy DeSeno

I dare not fight; but I will wink and hold out mine iron.  Shakespeare, Henry V, II:1

The Star Ledger is running a story about the fate of Tillie (I’d add a puke emoji after saying his name if I knew how).

If you can’t get past the paywall, the Star Ledger story is about the non-art cartoon mural of a psycho named Tillie that was once on the outside wall of the old Palace Amusements, knocked down long ago.

Read the rest of this entry » Posted: March 3rd, 2021 | Author: | Filed under: Asbury Park, Opinion, Tommy DeSeno | Tags: , , , , , | 2 Comments »

An Asbury Park Letter to Springsteen About “The Middle” Commercial

By Tommy DeSeno

Tommy DeSeno

Hello Bruce.  I grew up in Asbury Park.

We’ve met a few times.  Not in any way you’d remember.  Just a fan running into you at Asbury’s bars.  I have a picture of us meeting at The Jeffersonin Asbury in the early 80’s.  I was a teenager working the boardwalk and racing Asbury’s “Circuit” in the 70’s.  One of the kids “huddled on the beach in the mist,” if you will.

Read the rest of this entry » Posted: February 9th, 2021 | Author: | Filed under: Asbury Park, Opinion, Tommy DeSeno | Tags: , , , , , , , , | 54 Comments »

DeSeno will feature challengers in Asbury Park Council forum

Tom DeSeno is hosting a forum for for the challengers in Asbury Park’s non-partisan election for City Council on Wednesday, October 28 at 8 p.m.

Read the rest of this entry » Posted: October 27th, 2020 | Author: | Filed under: Asbury Park, Monmouth County, Tommy DeSeno | Tags: , , , , , | Comments Off on DeSeno will feature challengers in Asbury Park Council forum

DeSeno Launches Campaign to Buy Safety Vests for APP reporters

Thomas DeSeno, an attorney from Asbury Park and frequent MMM contributor, has launched a GoFundMe campaign to raise funds to buy safety vest for Asbury Park Press reporters.

DeSeno seeded the $200 campaign with a $20 contribution.

Read the rest of this entry » Posted: June 19th, 2020 | Author: | Filed under: Monmouth County News, Tommy DeSeno | Tags: , , , , , , | 3 Comments »

Senator Gopal responds to DeSeno

Photo by Kevin Sanders courtesy of New Jersey Globe

Senator Vin Gopal (D-11) submitted the following response to Tom DeSeno’s column criticizing his response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

By Senator Vin Gopal

I appreciate Tommy DeSeno more than he knows.

I know we disagree on a lot, but I firmly believe that if we hadn’t implemented aggressive social distancing measures over the past 2 months, we could have 80,000 deaths instead of the 10,000 horrific deaths that we’ve seen in New Jersey. That’s not my opinion: That’s according to every public health report–including the President’s.

Read the rest of this entry » Posted: May 15th, 2020 | Author: | Filed under: COVID-19, Monmouth County News, Opinion, Tommy DeSeno, Vin Gopal | Tags: , , , , , | 1 Comment »

Senator Gopal’s Useless, Prideful Committee to Delay Opening Business at the Shore

Tom DeSeno

Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall.  – Proverbs, 16:18

By Tom DeSeno

I thought the award for worst political reaction to Covid-19 was going to be Senator Vin Gopal’s support of a bill to put people in jail for a year who violate the lockdown order of our Governor, Prince Philip of Goldman Sachs.  Proving my old contention that Democrats list toward Fascism when given power, it speaks little of Gopal that his response to someone looking for work to feed their family was to jail them. 

Read the rest of this entry » Posted: May 14th, 2020 | Author: | Filed under: COVID-19, Monmouth County News, Opinion, Tommy DeSeno, Vin Gopal | Tags: , , , | 1 Comment »

Murphy’s Reliance on a Fallible Medical Profession and COVID-19: School Graduation Edition –DeSeno

They answered, as they took their fees, ‘There is no cure for this disease.’ Hilaire Belloc, 1870-1953

Tom DeSeno

By Tom DeSeno

This is not to dethrone doctors from their rightful lofty place in society; it is to dethrone them from an even higher place, so high that they don’t deserve it.  They don’t deserve to be seen as infallible, nor do they deserve the power to usurp the decision making of the people’s representatives in government when it comes to public policy. In particular, referring to the public policy of not allowing live graduation ceremonies.

Medicine is an inexact science.  That is why it is regularly referred to as “medical arts.”  While biology is a pure science, virology in particular is the applied science that makes use of the biologist’s library of accumulated knowledge.

Read the rest of this entry » Posted: May 12th, 2020 | Author: | Filed under: COVID-19, New Jersey, Opinion, Tommy DeSeno | Tags: , , , , , | Comments Off on Murphy’s Reliance on a Fallible Medical Profession and COVID-19: School Graduation Edition –DeSeno

DeSeno: NJ’s New “Gay Panic Defense” Law Made Illegal What Was Already Illegal

By Tommy DeSeno

Tom DeSeno

Former Governor Jim McGreevey once held the heavyweight championship belt for passing the silliest New Jersey law in history.

McGreevey once signed a law so silly you’ll laugh while reading it:  His law said no gun can be sold in New Jersey unless the gun itself can recognize its owner and refuse to fire unless the owner is holding it. The law also said it wouldn’t take effect until someone invented a jealous gun possessing a sentient, conscious personality that could do that.

So, your New Jersey legislature and governor wasted your time and your money to pass a law no one can use.  Silly. Read the rest of this entry »

Posted: January 27th, 2020 | Author: | Filed under: Garden State Equality, New Jersey, Opinion, Tommy DeSeno | Tags: , , , , , , , , | 6 Comments »

Monmouth Democrat Chairman Brown Shouldn’t Survive This Cop Hating Hypocrisy

By Tommy DeSeno

Monmouth Democrat Chairman David Brown

The job of a county party chair is to ensure that candidates have no unforced errors, usually handled in the vetting process.  Democrat Chairman David Brown’s candidates this year have self-inflicted wounds.  He has dumped support for several of his own candidates, a sign of his own failure.  The Monmouth Democrat Party needs to strip him of his chairmanship for this collapse.

By the way – the correct pronunciation for “The Monmouth Democrat Party” is “Vin Gopal.” That’s who needs to dump Brown.

Let’s look at how David Brown treated two women very differently for their words about cops.

Jeana Sager is a Democrat candidate for the Township Council in Middletown.  I’m not here to articulate her true feelings about cops because I don’t know them. I don’t know them because David Brown sewed her mouth shut like a character on “A Handmaid’s Tale” before she could explain.

Read the rest of this entry »

Posted: November 4th, 2019 | Author: | Filed under: 2019 elections, Monmouth County, Monmouth County News, Monmouth Democrats, Opinion, Tommy DeSeno | Tags: , , , , , , , , | 6 Comments »