DeSeno will feature challengers in Asbury Park Council forum
Tom DeSeno is hosting a forum for for the challengers in Asbury Park’s non-partisan election for City Council on Wednesday, October 28 at 8 p.m.

The forum will take place in the facebook group, Asbury Park Political Page.
“In a new twist on political debates, as the candidates discuss the issues in the comments section, the public can join in with comments and questions as well,” DeSeno said in a press release.
The goal of the Forum according to DeSeno is twofold: Unlike traditionally moderated debates which aren’t designed to get the candidate’s message out, this one is. Also, this format will give the public real time interaction with the candidates, which the traditional format doesn’t afford.
Three of the five seats on Asbury Park’s governing body are at stake in the election. Seven candidates are competing for the three seats.
Challengers Kerry Butch and Felicia Simmons are running together with the Asbury Matters slogan. Arthur Schlossbach is running under the Businesses and Residents for Better Asbury and Robert M. McKeon’s slogan is Asbury for All.