Why are road, bridge and transit projects so expensive in NJ? Sen. Mike Doherty wants answers
Posted: March 7th, 2015 | Author: admin | Filed under: NJ Senate Republicans, NJ State Legislature, Taxes | Tags: $2 million per mile, Gas Tax, Senator Michael Doherty, Senator Mike Doherty, TFF, Transportation Analysis Task Force, Transportation Trust Fund | 9 Comments »Christie’s Transportation Commissioner’s inane op-ed illustrates why we went broke in the first place
By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog
The logic behind a guy seeking the GOP nomination for president appointing a former Torricelli/McGreevey bureaucrat to a critical cabinet post still eludes me, Save Jerseyans.
But here we are. We’re saddled with Jamie Fox now. And this is how he’s spending his time: advocating for a punishing increase in the one tax in New Jersey that isn’t suckily high (the gas tax) and, this past Sunday, penning a guest op-ed in theStar-Ledger claiming that New Jersey’s per-mile road maintenance isn’t nearly as expensive as claimed by gas tax hike opponents.
For starters, he complains that the study treats multiple lane highways like single-lane ones. Moreover, “New Jersey gives out nearly $330 million a year in local transportation aid to counties and municipalities. This helps local government take care of local roads without having to raise property taxes,” Commissioner Fox explains. “The Reason Foundation counts the spending we give to local government but doesn’t count all the miles of local roads that are repaired or built. Therefore, states with greater jurisdiction over local infrastructure fare better in the analysis as those centerline miles are credited to the state.”
You can find a copy of the eye-opening study here.
My #1 problem with Fox’s logic? Divide the number by the actual average number of lanes and New Jersey’s road costs are STILL the highest in the nation. By a mile. Many times over.
Posted: February 16th, 2015 | Author: admin | Filed under: Chris Christie, Christie Administration, Opinion, Taxes | Tags: Chris Christie, Christie Administraion, Gas Tax, Infratstructure, Jamie Fox, Transportation Commissioner Jamie Fox | 1 Comment »
Will N.J. trade a higher gas tax for a lower death tax?
Posted: February 16th, 2015 | Author: admin | Filed under: Assembly Republicans, Chris Christie, Jay Webber, John Wisniewski, News, Taxes | Tags: Assembly Speaker Vincent Prieto, Assemblyman Jay Webber, Assemblyman John Wisniewski, Chris Christie, Death Tax, Estate Tax, Gas Tax, Gordon MacInness, Inheritance Tax, New Jersey, New Jersey Policy Perspectives | Comments Off on Will N.J. trade a higher gas tax for a lower death tax?Tax amnesty program helps N.J. revenue beat Christie projections
Posted: January 23rd, 2015 | Author: admin | Filed under: Chris Christie, Christie Administration, New Jersey State Budget, Taxes | Tags: Chris Christie, Christie Administration, NJ State Budget, Tax collections | Comments Off on Tax amnesty program helps N.J. revenue beat Christie projectionsA Bad Situation
Sorrentino Brothers Indicted For Tax Exvasion

Mike “The Situation” Sorrentino and Middletown Committeeman Gerry Scharfenberger cutting the ribbon at the TV personality’s Middletown tanning salon
Michael “The Situation” Sorrentino of Jersey Shore fame and his brother Marc have been indicted on federal charges of failing to pay taxes on $8.9 million income from promotional activities, according to a statement issued by U.S. Attorney Paul Fishman. The brothers are expected to surrender to IRS Criminal Investigation Agents in Newark this afternoon prior to an appearance before in U.S. Magistrate Judge Steven Mannion.
Both brothers are charged with one count of conspiracy to defraud the United States Government and with filing false tax returns for 2010 and 2012. The Situation faces an additional charge of failing to file a tax return for 2011.
Posted: September 24th, 2014 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Crime, Crime and Punishment, IRS, Jersey Shore, Monmouth County, New Jersey, Taxes | Tags: Jersey Shore, Marc Sorrentino, Michael Sorrentino, Mike The Situation Sorrentino, New Jersey | 2 Comments »Analysis: Transportation Funding Fix Now Appears To Be On Fast Track
Explainer: How Does New Jersey Tax Gasoline Sales?
Analysis: Facing Budget Problems, Christie Plays Tax Amnesty Card
Posted: September 18th, 2014 | Author: admin | Filed under: Amnesty, Chris Christie, Christie Administration, Economy, New Jersey, New Jersey State Budget, News, Taxes | Tags: Chris Christie, New Jersey, news, NJ State Budget, NJ State Budget Deficit, Tax Amnesty | Comments Off on Analysis: Facing Budget Problems, Christie Plays Tax Amnesty CardThe Arnone Report
By Monmouth County Freeholder Tom Arnone
For the fourth straight year in a row The Monmouth County Board of Chosen Freeholders has had a 0% tax increase. I am pleased that I have been able to be a part of this budget especially in the hard economic times we are faced with. It has been and always will be a priority of mine as well as the entire Board of Chosen Freeholders to continue this trend of savings to our Monmouth County residents.
Additionally, The Board of Chosen Freeholders is pleased to report we have collected over $1 Million (Actual is $1,022,976.56) in revenues at this early stage in the year from our 911 communications shared service. This amount is based on revenue received from 21 towns. This is a vast increase from prior years where the invoice and revenue collection process typically began in April. This year, the Freeholders in conjunction with the Sheriff through the Office of Shared Services began the process at a much earlier date. The result has been beneficial to all parties as the county has earlier use of funds to help offset our expenses which allows for efficient budgeting for the county as well as for our municipalities. The Board of Chosen Freeholders is extremely pleased with these figures and anticipates the numbers to continue to increase as we receive revenue from the remaining municipalities. The revenue the County receives that is generated through shared services offers relief to the municipalities that translates to lower costs for the services being performed.
April is Autism Awareness Month, and at the last meeting of The Board of Chosen Freeholders a Proclamation was presented to Dr. David Abbott, Superintendent of Schools, for The Shore Center for Students with Autism located in Tinton Falls,. The Proclamation was presented to commemorate Autism Awareness Month in hopes of raising awareness of Autism.
Posted: April 22nd, 2014 | Author: admin | Filed under: Monmouth County, Monmouth County Board of Freeholders, Monmouth County Budget, Property Taxes, Taxes, Tom Arnone | Tags: Arnone Report, Autism, Autism Awareness, Dr. David Abbott, Freeholder Tom Arnone, Monmouth County, Monmouth County Budget, Propert Taxes, The Shore Center for Students with Autism, Tom Arnone | Comments Off on The Arnone Report