Sweeney slams Christie’s Atlantic City plan, says governor plans bankruptcy for city
Posted: January 30th, 2015 | Author: admin | Filed under: Atlantic City, Chris Christie, Stephen Sweeney | Tags: Atlantic City, Atlantic City Mayor Don Guardian, Bankruptcy, Chris Christie, Kevin Lavin, Kevyn Orr, Senate President Steve Sweeney | Comments Off on Sweeney slams Christie’s Atlantic City plan, says governor plans bankruptcy for cityDiSomma to Sweeney: Stay out of Red Bank
“Red Bank Doesn’t Need Lobbyist Money Swaying Elections”
Referring to Senate President Steve Sweeney as a conflicted Trenton lobbyist, and Red Bank Councilmen Michael Dupont and Art Murphy as influence peddling shady dealers, Red Bank Republican Chairman Sean DiSomma, launched a no holds barred attack on New Jersey’s highest ranking Democratic elected official, a presumed contender for the 2017 gubernatorial nomination, and the two councilmen he seeks to unseat next November in a statement to the press this afternoon.
DiSomma’s statement includes a warning that he will treat all lobbyists and politicians who support Red Bank Democrats to similar welcomes.
Sweeney is headlining a fundraiser for Dupont and Murphy tomorrow evening at Buona Sera. The Monmouth GOP is also holding a fund raiser in the venue at the same time.
DiSomma’s statement can be read in its entirety below the fold.
Posted: December 16th, 2014 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: 2017 NJ Gubernatorial Politics, Monmouth County, Red Bank, Stephen Sweeney | Tags: Red Bank Democrats, Red Bank Republicans, Sean DiSomma, Senate President Steve Sweeney | 15 Comments »Legislature Sets Sights on Rescuing Atlantic City from Financial Brink
Posted: December 6th, 2014 | Author: admin | Filed under: Atlantic City, Stephen Sweeney | Tags: Atlantic City, Casino Gambling, Gaming, Senate President Steve Sweeney, Taxes | Comments Off on Legislature Sets Sights on Rescuing Atlantic City from Financial BrinkSweeney coming to Red Bank to raise campaign cash for Murphy and Dupont
DiSomma says Dems fear losing control. Signals hard hitting campaign to come
Senate President Steve Sweeney, a contender the 2017 Democratic gubernatorial nomination, is coming to Red Bank on December 17 as the headliner for a $175 per head fundraiser for Red Bank Councilmen Arthur Murphy’s and Michael Dupont’s reelection campaign.
The soiree is being hosted by Mayor Pat Menna and former Mayor Ed McKenna at Buona Sera.
The invitation includes a questionnaire to assure compliance with the borough’s “pay to play” ordinance. Contractors that do business with the borough, developers and “Alcoholic Licensees” must disclose their attendance and in certain circumstances limit their campaign contributions to $400.
Who would have guessed that Red Bank issues licenses to alcoholics?
Posted: December 3rd, 2014 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: 2017 NJ Gubernatorial Politics, Monmouth County, Red Bank, Stephen Sweeney | Tags: Arthur Murphy, Ed McKenna, Michael Dupont, Monmouth County, Pat Menna, Red Bank, Red Bank Democrats, Red Bank Republicans, Sean DiSomma, Senate President Steve Sweeney | 4 Comments »Opinion: Christie and Sweeney Have More in Common Than Ambition
Read the rest of this entry » Posted: September 3rd, 2014 | Author: admin | Filed under: 2016 Presidential Politics, 2017 NJ Gubernatorial Politics, Chris Christie, Opinion, Stephen Sweeney | Tags: 2016 Presidential politics, 2017 Gubernatorial race, Carl Golden, Chris Christie, Governor Chris Christie, NJ Spotlight, Senate President Steve Sweeney, Steve Sweeney | 1 Comment »
A crazy June: Things to look out for in Trenton this month
TRENTON — Hold onto your seats. It’s June in Trenton, and that’s always a bumpy ride. With the state budget due by month’s end, horse-trading is rampant as just about everything that was proposed all year long under the Statehouse dome is up…
Sweeney in Sea Bright: “Republicans Shaming Themselves” Over Sandy Bill of Rights
Beck: “Hubris and Ego have no place in this recovery process. We have all made some mistakes. Now we need to fix them.”

Thomas P. Largey, 82, and Senate President Steve Sweeney talk in Largey’s gutted Sea Bright home prior to Sweeney’s press conference. May 30, 2014. Photo by Art Gallagher
Senate President Steve Sweeney held a politically charged press conference in a partially gutted Sea Bright home this morning, ostensibly to create political pressure on Republicans in the State Legislature to join Democrats in overriding Governor Chris Christie’s conditional veto of the Sandy Bill of Rights.
Sweeney’s comments sounded like a campaign rally against Assemblyman Declan O’Scanlon, Senator Jennifer Beck and Senate Minority Leader Tom Kean, JR.
The “Sandy Bill of Rights” passed both houses of the State Legislature unanimously in March. Christie conditionally vetoed the bill earlier this month, making over 150 changes to it. Some of the changes were to bring the law into compliance with federal Housing and Urban Development regulations, others removed what Christie called “partisan language.” One of Christie changes removed the requirement on the State that applicants for RREM grants be able to access the status of their applications online.
Sweeney penned an OpEd published in The Asbury Park Press last week wherein he appealed to Republican legislators who had unanimously voted for his bill “to do something they have yet to do under this (Christie) administration, and that’s to put aside their partisanship and override the governor’s veto.”
O’Scanlon responded with an OpEd of his own, wherein he said, “after further analysis we found a number of critical flaws that the Governor wisely and reasonably addresses in his conditional veto.”
Posted: May 30th, 2014 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: 13th Legislative District, 2017 NJ Gubernatorial Politics, Chris Christie, Christie Administration, Declan O'Scanlon, Dina Long, Hurricane Sandy, LD 13, Legislature, NJ Senate Republicans, NJ State Legislature, Stephen Sweeney, Superstorm Sandy | Tags: Assemblyman Declan O'Scanlon, Senate President Steve Sweeney, Senator Jennifer Beck | 2 Comments »Christie to nominate Chief Justice Rabner for tenure on NJ Supreme Court
By Matt Friedman and Salvador Rizzo/The Star-Ledger TRENTON — Gov. Chris Christie today will re-nominate Stuart Rabner as chief justice of the state Supreme Court, The Star-Ledger has learned. The development is a breakthrough in negotiations between…
Christie conditionally vetoes Sandy ‘Bill of Rights’
TRENTON — Gov. Chris Christie today stripped down a bill drafted in response to concerns about how well the state has distributed federal Hurricane Sandy relief aid, saying it included mandates that would be impossible to implement and featured “partisan…