Lt Governor Kim Guadagno. Photo credit: Tim Larsen/Governor’s office
Lt. Governor Kim Guadagno will be visiting three Red Bank business on Saturday morning, Small Business Saturday.
Guadagno is scheduled to arrive on White Street at 10am with stops at Rook Coffee and ToyMasters. She will wrap up her visit by stopping at Poor Cat Designs at 69 Broad Street.
The Lt. Governor will continue her support on small businesses tomorrow afternoon in Westwood in Bergen County where she will visit Songo Coffee, Conrad’s Confectionery and Society Men.
Posted: November 27th, 2015 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Monmouth County News, Red Bank, Small Business | Tags: Lt Gov Kim Guadagno, Monmouth County News, Red Bank, Small Business Saturday | Comments Off on Guadagno to shop Red Bank on Small Business Saturday
Insured Applicants May Be Eligible for Assistance for Unmet Needs
Trenton, NJ –Disaster assistance may sometimes cover damages that insurance doesn’t. That is why individuals affected by Hurricane Sandy are urged by the New Jersey Office of Emergency Management (NJOEM) and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to apply for assistance even if they have insurance.
Apply for FEMA assistance by registering online at www.DisasterAssistance.gov, or by web-enabled mobile device at m.fema.gov. Applicants can also register by phone by calling 1-800-621-FEMA (3362), 711/VRS, or TTY 1-800-462-7585.
Only applying directly with FEMA will establish your registration for disaster assistance. Signing up or meeting with any other agency does not mean you are registered with FEMA.
“We want everyone qualified for assistance to receive help as soon as possible,”said State Coordinating Officer Lt. Jeff Mottley.
Keep in mind that you need to file your insurance claim with your insurance company as soon as possible. Failure to file a claim may affect a policyholder’s eligibility for disaster assistance. You have up to 12 months from the date of registration with FEMA to submit insurance information for review.
“By law, we cannot duplicate what insurance already covers. But we may be able to help with some disaster-related expenses, that are not covered by insurance,”explained Federal Coordinating Officer Michael J. Hall.
After filing a claim, if any of the following situations occurs FEMA may be able to provide some assistance:
Your insurance settlement is delayed.
- “Delayed”means a decision on your insurance settlement has been delayed longer than 30-days from the time you filed the claim.
- If a decision on your insurance settlement has been delayed, you will need to mail a letter or send a FAX to FEMA explaining the circumstance. Mail or FAX your letter to:
National Processing Service Center
PO Box 10055
Hyattsville, MD 20782-8055
FAX 1-800-827-8112
- You should include documentation from the insurance company proving that you filed the claim.
- If you filed your claim over the telephone, you should include the claim number, date when you applied, and the estimated time of how long it will take to receive your settlement.
- If you receive FEMA assistance and you later find that your insurance will cover what your FEMA assistance was for, then you must return that money to FEMA because
it is considered a duplicate benefit.
Your insurance settlement is insufficient to meet your disaster-related needs.
- If you have received the maximum settlement from your insurance and still have an unmet disaster-related need, you will need to mail or FAX a letter to FEMA at the above address indicating the unmet disaster-related need.
- You will also need to send in documentation from your insurance company on what they cover for review.
You have exhausted the Additional Living Expenses (ALE) provided by your insurance company.
- If you have received the maximum settlement from your insurance for Additional Living Expenses and still need help with your disaster-related temporary housing need, mail or FAX a letter to FEMA at the above address indicating why you continue to have a temporary housing need.
- You will also need to provide documentation to prove use of ALE from insurance,
and a permanent housing plan.
You are unable to locate rental resources in your area.
- The FEMA Helpline has a list of rental resources in the disaster area.
SBA Loans
- Many people who apply for disaster aid also receive an application for a low-interest disaster loan from the SBA. If you receive an application, be sure to fill it out and return it in order
to be considered for all forms of disaster assistance.
- FEMA will process applications for housing assistance regardless of whether or not the applicant has applied for an SBA loan. Eligibility determinations for FEMA’s temporary housing assistance will not be held up because the applicant has or has not filled out an SBA application.
- You must complete an SBA loan application to be eligible for additional assistance under
the part of the FEMA program that covers personal property, vehicle repair or replacement,
and moving and storage expenses.
You can apply for an SBA disaster loan online using the Electronic Loan Application (ELA) via SBA’s secure website at https://disasterloan.sba.gov/ela.
Posted: November 24th, 2012 | Author: admin | Filed under: Christie Administration, FEMA, Hurricane Sandy, Press Release, SBA loans, Small Business, Small Business Administration | Tags: Christie Administration, FEMA, Press Release, SBA, SBA loans | 1 Comment »
Leave home without it
Written for the first Small Business Saturday in 2010 and reposted
By Art Gallagher
American Express has created a self serving campaign to support small businesses by encouraging shoppers to patronize such establishments tomorrow. Today is known as Black Friday. Monday has become known as Cyber Monday. The two days are the busiest shopping days of the year. Amex wants to make the Saturday after Thanksgiving a new shopping day.
While the goal is laudable, this campaign will serve American Express at the expense of the small businesses they are purporting to support. As most small business owners know, the fees that American Express charge businesses that accept their card are often 50-150% higher than the fees other credit card companies charge.
Read the rest of this entry »
Posted: November 26th, 2010 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: American Express, Chris Christie, Small Business | Tags: American Express, Chris Christie, Small Business Saturday, Support Small Businesses | 1 Comment »
By Vin Gopal
This November, we’ll find the usual cast characters on the ballot: wall street millionaires, politically-connected lawyers and career politicians, all of whom will try to convince us that they know what is best for us. As a small business owner, I work 16 hours a day, battling to make payroll for my employees while fighting to keep prices low for my customers and clients. One member of Congress understands what small business owners go through every day. His name is Rush Holt and he is not a career politician, he is a rocket scientist turned college professor turned public servant. During his tenure in Congress, Representative Holt has had a far greater outreach into the small business community than any other member of Congress in the New Jersey delegation.
He feels our frustration and pain when we are working twice as many hours making half of what we used to two years ago. That is why he recently introduced the “Creating Jobs From Innovative Small Businesses Act of 2010” – legislation which would encourage small business investment by establishing a temporary 20 percent tax credit for investments in research-intensive small businesses. Last year, Representative Holt helped pass legislation in the House that would eliminate fees on SBA loans and increase loan guarantees to increase lending to small businesses. Month after month, Representative Holt is fighting for us in Congress.
As Labor Day passes and as the campaign season heats up, the last thing small business owners need is another wall street genius who claims he can fix all of our problems. We need someone who has walked the walk and that is Representative Rush Holt. As a private citizen and a proud small business owner, I urge Central Jersey residents to vote for Rush Holt, someone small business owners can count on and someone Wall Street can count against.
Vin Gopal serves on the Board of Directors for the Northern Monmouth Chamber of Commerce and is President of the Hazlet Business Owners Associations. He is the co-owner of Monitor Publications, which currently markets over 200 small businesses throughout Monmouth and Middlesex Counties. These views in this letter do not represent the position(s) of any of these organizations.
Posted: September 14th, 2010 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Holt, Small Business, Vin Gopal | Tags: Rush Holt, Small Business, Vin Gopal | 4 Comments »