
LD 18 GOP Assembly Candidate Slams Biased Reporter As Mouthpiece Of Trenton Democrats

Bakke Says Politico “Reporter” is Democratic Mouth Piece

“A mouth for the moth lover”


Press Release

East Brunswick, NJ- Synnove Bakke, a Republican candidate for New Jersey Assembly from Middlesex County responded to a recent hit piece on her by Politico-New Jersey reporter Matt Friedman with the following statement:

“The Columbia School of Journalism should demand it’s diploma back from Matt Friedman,” Bakke said. “He is not reporting, but rather is regurgitating opposition research paid for by Trenton Democrats and my opponent Nancy Pinkin.  The PC nonsense that Friedman is posting on Poltico-NJ is worthy of a partisan blog, not a journalistic news site and I am shocked Assemblywoman Pinkin would condone this nonsense.”

“Friendman’s recent garbage never would have gotten past the editors of his former employers, the Star Ledger and PolitickerNJ, and that says a lot”, Bakke continued.  “I’m not the only Republican he’s gone after.  Friedman has been reporting Democratic opposition research as if it was original reporting for weeks.”

Friedman wrote on Poltico-New Jersey beta,  an upstart division of the national Democratic leaning website, Politico, that Bakke tweeted that  the United States should consider deporting Muslims and faces a “Muslim invasion,” and suggested that President Barack Obama is not an American.

“I have issued 33,000 tweets in the two years I have had that twitter account.  That the Trenton Democrats paid someone to go through my tweets and come up with three politically incorrect entries is a sign that my true message is resonating with the voters of the 18th Legislative District.”

Read the rest of this entry »

Posted: October 13th, 2015 | Author: | Filed under: 2015 Elections, 2015 Legislative Races, Legislature, Middlesex County Democrats, Middlesex County Republicans, Middlesex GOP Women's Club, Politics, Press Release | Tags: , , , , , | 1 Comment »

Little To Address The Middlesex Republican Women’s Club

By Art Gallagher

Former Highlands Mayor Anna Little will be the guest speaker at the Middlesex Republican Women’s Club meeting on Thursday evening January 27, 7:30 PM, at the East Brunswick Library, 1 Civic Center Dr, East Brunswick.

Little’s topic will be Can TEA (Taxed Enough Already) Party and Republicans Change Washington?  She will discuss how the principles of smaller government, less spending, constitutionally based government and the new Republican Majority in the House of Representatives will affect the new 112th session of Congress.

The club will also have a discussion of their annual Reagan Day fundraiser, which will be held on February 20, 2PM-5PM at Garvey’s Restaurant in Monroe Township.

All interested parties, including bloggers and reporters, are welcome to meeting.  Men and women are welcome.

Posted: January 24th, 2011 | Author: | Filed under: Anna Little, Middlesex GOP Women's Club | Tags: , | 9 Comments »

Middlesex GOP and Lieutenant Governor Step Up For Anna Little

The Middlesex Republican Women's Club hosted a fundraiser for CD-6 GOP Candidate Anna Little on Sunday which drew quite a crowd! 

Somerset, Union and Monmouth Counties were represented too.

Posted: September 20th, 2010 | Author: | Filed under: Anna Little, Kim Guadagno, Middlesex GOP Women's Club | Comments Off on Middlesex GOP and Lieutenant Governor Step Up For Anna Little