Civil suit alleges that Marlboro Recreation Department failed to supervise, protect children and attempted to cover up sexting incidents

Matthew Kleinstein
Matthew Kleinstein, 20, of Marlboro Township, pleaded guilty to fourth degree Cyber Harassment on August 17, 2015 in Monmouth County Court. Kleinstein had also been charged with 3rd degree Endangering the Welfare of a Minor after he sent pictures of his genitals to four female campers, ages 11-13, via text message and SnapChat, during his employment as a Camp Counselor with the Marlboro Department of Recreation at Marlboro High School during the summer of 2014.
Kleinstein has applied for Pre-Trial Intervention (PTI). He is scheduled to be sentenced by Judge Ronald Lee Reisner on October 9th at 9 a.m, according to Charles Webster, spokesman for the Monmouth County Prosecutor’s Office. If accepted into the PTI program, Kleinstein will avoid serving jail time and have his criminal record expunged upon successfully completing the program.
A civil lawsuit filed by one of the victims and her guardian on September 18, 2015 alleges that Kleinstein’s father, Darrin Kleinstein, Vice Chairman of the Marlboro Recreation Advisory Committee, obstructed the investigation into his son’s actions by the Marlboro Recreation Department and the Marlboro Police Department. The suit alleges that the elder Kleinstein contended that the allegations were false and manufactured with the intent of harassing his son.
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Posted: October 1st, 2015 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Jon Hornik, Marlboro, Monmouth County, Monmouth County Court, Monmouth County News, Monmouth County Prosecutor | Tags: Darrin Kleinstein, Judge Ronald Reisner, Lyne Gustman, Marlboro, Marlboro Mayor Jon Hornik, Marlboro Township, Marlboro Township Recreation Department, Matthew Kleinstein, Michelle Gropper, Monmouth County Prosecutor's Office, Pre-Trial Intervention, PTI, Robert Honecker, Sexting, SnapChat, Steven P. Lombardi Esq, Suzi Leifer, Ted Ernst | 40 Comments »

Congressman Frank Pallone and Marlboro Mayor Jon Hornik. photo via facebook
Marlboro Mayor Jon Hornik bursts into laughter when considering his opponent, Ira Goldberg, according to a report on PoltickerNJ about the Democrats’ campaign kickoff at the home of Hornik’s law partner (and unelected Deputy Mayor) Larry Rosen last evening.
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Posted: September 2nd, 2015 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Jon Hornik, Marlboro, Monmouth County News | Tags: 2015 Elections, Ira Goldberg, John Dwyer, Jon Hornik, Marlboro, Monmouth County News, Sui Allex | 5 Comments »
Updated: Former Marlboro GOP Chairman Christopher Dean wants the world to know that Councilman Scalea was never a Republican and that he has proof from the Board of Elections. Dean says that MMM is spreading Mayor Hornik’s lies and that facts don’t matter on this site. He said he’s going to spread the word at some meetings he has coming up.

Marlboro Mayor Jon Hornik
Desperate to be a player and for a victory of any kind, Monmouth County Democratic Chairman Vin Gopal told a gathering of statewide Democrats in Freehold on Wednesday evening that Marlboro Mayor Jon Hornik’s reelection race is his top priority this year, according to report on PolitickerNJ.
Marlboro is a Republican town. Year after year the Township’s voters break for Republicans for Freeholder, County Constitutional offices, State Legislature, Governor, Congress, Senate and President.
Yet Hornik leads a municipal government that on paper is Democratic. The reality is that Hornik’s administration is dominated by former Republicans who left a dysfunctional local GOP at the mayor’s urging.
Hornik, whose father Saul was mayor of the community from 1980-1991, was first elected in 2007 in a race remembered for incumbent Republican Robert Kleinberg distributing flyers implying that he had been endorsed by NJ 101.5’s morning host Jim Gearhart. Gearhart and Gannett columnist Bob Ingle , then media leaders of the GRIP (Get Rid of Incumbent Politicians) movement, went ballistic on Kleinberg. Kleinberg imploded during a live radio interview wherein he explained the flyers were not meant to imply an endorsement, but as a way to show his kids that people were saying nice things about him.
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Posted: March 27th, 2015 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Jon Hornik, Marlboro, Monmouth County, Monmouth Democrats, Vin Gopal | Tags: "LaHornicca", Carol Mazzola, Frank LaRocca, Jeff Cantor, Jon Hormik, Jonathan Hornik, Marlboro, Marlboro Mayor Jon Hornik, Marlboro Township, Mike Scalea, Selika Josiah Gore, Vin Gopal | 10 Comments »

Ira Goldberg is seeking the GOP nomination to challenge Mayor Jon Hornik in Marlboro
Ira Goldberg, a 36 year resident of Marlboro Township was in Atlantic City on Monday seeking support for Monmouth County Republicans present for his bid to unseat Marlboro Township’s Democratic mayor, Jonathan Hornik.
Goldberg’s son Brian, a candidate for the GOP nomination for U.S. Senate in the primary last year proudly introduced his father to Monmouth contingent at Assembly Minority Leader Jon Bramnik’s rally/convention.
Asked if he thought he could be the popular Hornik, the elder Goldberg said, “I’ve been in Marlboro 36 years and know everyone.”
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Posted: February 3rd, 2015 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Jon Hornik, Marlboro, Monmouth County | Tags: Atlantic City, Brian Goldberg, Ira Goldberg, Jon Hornik, Marlboro Township, Monmouth County | 14 Comments »
Frank LaRocca resigned his post as a Councilman in Marlboro and his chairmanship of the Marlboro Democratic Committee earlier this month in order to become Keyport’s new Municipal Court Judge.
By NJ law, the vacancy is filled by the Party Committee of the departing office holder’s party nominating three candidates to fill the position. The governing body then selects one of the three to fill the vacancy until the next election.
The three candidates selected by the Marlboro Democratic Committee were Republicans until they each changed their affiliation to Democrat yesterday.
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Posted: January 21st, 2015 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Jon Hornik, marriage, Monmouth County | Tags: Carol Mazzola, Councilwoman Randi Marder, Dr. Peter Bufano, Frank LaRocca, Jeff Cantor, Judge Frank LaRocca, Marlboro, Marlboro Township, Mayor Jon Hornik, Michael Scalea, Vincent Rantinella | 5 Comments »
A proposed Marlboro temporary sign ordinance on the agenda for adoption by the Township Council on Thursday evening July 17 has Marlboro Republicans contemplating a federal court challenge should the all Democratic Council enact the measure.
Mayor Jon Hornik, named the best mayor in New Jersey in an unscientific PolitickerNJ poll earlier this month after the Township’s resident email list was used to rally online votes, told MMM that political signs create clutter and traffic safety issues in the Township and that his administration has been working on an solution that protects free speech rights while improving public safety since 2008. “It’s not just local races, but every level…county, state, and federal. Marlboro gets littered with campaign signs every fall,” Hornik said, “It is a safety issue that has gotten worse since the Board of Education elections were moved to November. The council has been working hard to make sure the safety and clutter issues are addressed while at the same time protecting free speech rights. I will support what they come up with.”
The proposed ordinance, which can be found here, would prohibit temporary political signs on Township property and public rights of way, with the exception of rights of way adjacent to private property (that strip of land between sidewalks and curbs), regulate the size of signs to 16 square feet, and allow signs to be placed on private property only 45 days prior to an election or event and seven days after an election. Candidates, Committee Chairmen, Campaign Treasurers and private property owners with signs on rights of way adjacent to their property would be subject to fines ranging from$100 to $1250 and/or 90 days in jail for violations.
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Posted: July 16th, 2014 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Jon Hornik, Marlboro, Monmouth County, News | Tags: 1st Amendment, Christopher Dean, Councilman Frank LaRocca, Hanlon and Niemann, Marlboro, Marlboro Democrats, Marlboro GOP, Marlboro Township, Matthew Rasmussen, Mayor Jon Hornik | 22 Comments »
Sweeney: RCAs “put poor white folk and poor black folk out of town”
Hornik: “No one in Trenton can honestly say that COAH is working”
Senate President Sweeney rejected out of hand an idea brought forth by Marlboro Mayor Jonathon Hornik this week that could potentially release $184 million in dormant funds for the benefit of Superstrom Sandy victims.
Hornik called for the reinstatement of Regional Contribution Agreements (RCA), in order to unlock $184 million in COAH funds to help residents impacted by Superstorm Sandy rebuild their homes in an OpEd piece published on MMM and PolitickerNJ.
RCAs were a practice that was in place to build affordable housing in New Jersey from 1985 through 2008 under the Fair Housing Act, whereby communities that had raised affordable housing funds through development could transfer those funds, and their obligation to build affordable housing within their own community, to other communities with an immediate need. The legislature and Governor Corzine outlawed RCAs in 2008.
Assemblyman Declan O’Scanlon issued a statement commending Hornik and said,”When the Democrat leadership in Trenton killed the RCA program it was bad, short sighted policy that many of us knew would come back to bite us. Its flaws are now magnified by the plight of Sandy victims as many towns struggle with the economic burdening of rebuilding.”
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Posted: March 21st, 2014 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: COAH, Declan O'Scanlon, Jon Hornik, Superstorm Sandy | Tags: Declan O'Scanlon, HUD, Jon Hornik, Keansburg, RCA, Regional Contribution Agreements, RREM, Seante President Steve Sweeney, Steve Sweeney, Superstorm Sandy | 4 Comments »
Marlboro Mayor Jon Hornik is taking his not running for governor tour to the Tommy G Radio Show this afternoon.
The show can be heard here live between 4 and 6. You can call in to speak with Tommy and the mayor at 732-446-9777.

Posted: January 23rd, 2014 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: 2017 NJ Gubernatorial Politics, Jon Hornik, Marlboro, Monmouth County | Tags: 2017 Gubernatorial race, Jon Hornik, Jon Hornik not running for governor, Marlboro, Tommy G, Tommy G Show | 3 Comments »
Just as we predicted at the start of the year, Marlboro Mayor Jonathan Hornik has started his tour of Democratic clubs and committees around the state, not running for governor.
The Star Ledger’s Auditor reports that Hornik spoke to the Warren County Democratic Committee last week, has met with several Democratic County Chairs and plans many other such meetings, not running for governor.
Posted: January 19th, 2014 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: 2017 NJ Gubernatorial Politics, Jon Hornik, Marlboro, Monmouth Democrats, NJ Democrats | Tags: 2017 Gubernatorial race, Jon Hornick, Jonathan Hornik | 5 Comments »
Monmouth County’s newest Demcratic office holder, Marlboro Councilwoman Carol Mazzola, is not ready to join Mayor Jon Hormik on the Barbara Buono for Governor bandwagon.
“I don’t know anything about her, ” Mazzola said in a phone interview, echoing the sentiments of 82% of New Jersey voters polled by Quinnipiac.
“I love Chris Christie!’ Mazzola exclaimed when asked what she thought about the Governor. But she stopped short of endorsing the New Jersey head of her former party. “Ask me in the fall when its time to make a decision.”
Mazzola was elected to the Marlboro Township Committee as a Republican in 2009. She announced earlier this month that she will run for reelection as a Democrat on Hornik’s team.
Posted: January 29th, 2013 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: 2013 Gubernatorial Politics, Barbara Buono, Chris Christie, Jon Hornik, Marlboro | Tags: Barbara Buono, Carol Mazzola, Chris Christie, Jon Hornik, Marlboro, Marlboro NJ | 4 Comments »