Field of Candidates Looks To Be Widening
By Art Gallagher
The Republican County convention to elect a Monmouth County Freeholder to fill the coming vacancy caused by Freeholder Director Rob Clifton’s ascension to the State Assembly will be held on Saturday January 14th, according to GOP Chairman Joe Oxley. The location and exact time has yet to be determined.
A quorum, 50% plus 1, of all Republican County Committee members, as certified by the Superintendent of Elections, must be present for the election to be to be official.
Howell Mayor Bob Walsh is a candidate. Those considering entering the race include Holmdel Deputy Mayor Serena DiMaso, former Freeholder Bill Barham, Wall Committee member George Newberry, Keyport Councilman Bob Burlew, Atlantic Highlands Councilman Peter Doyle, Manalapan Deputy Mayor Ryan Green, former Middletown Committee member Tom Wilkens and former Howell Mayor Joe DiBella.
Posted: November 26th, 2011 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Freeholder, Monmouth County, Monmouth County Republican Committee, Monmouth GOP | Tags: Bill Barham, Bob Burlew, Bob Walsh, Joe DiBella, Joe Oxley, Monmouth County Freeholder election. Monmouth County Republican Convention, Peter Doyle, Ryan Green, Serena DiMaso, Tom Wilkens | 18 Comments »
By Art Gallagher
Middletown Mayor Tony Fiore, fresh off his reelection to his second term on the Middletown Township Committee, says he will not be a candidate to fill Freeholder Director Rob Clifton’s seat early next year.
Earlier this week, Politickernj reported that there was a “major push” to get Fiore to enter the race. Fiore said he has been receiving overtures from various county leaders to run for months, that he has a great deal of respect for the current Republican Freeholders and that it would be an honor to serve with them. However, running in a county-wide campaign for two consecutive years after just having completed a campaign in Middletown is not in the cards given his family and career obligations. The Fiore’s have a 4 year old and a one year old. Tony was recently promoted in his job at Prudential Financial Services.
Clifton was elected to the State Assembly two weeks ago. He will take office in Trenton at noon on the second Tuesday in January and must resign as Freeholder before he joins the Assembly. Clifton’s replacement will be elected at a convention of the entire Monmouth County Republican Committee. The winner of the convention will take office immediately and be expected to defend the seat in the November 2012 general election and again in 2013 at the scheduled expiration of the term.
The current contenders are Howell Mayor Bob Walsh, Holmdel Deputy Mayor Serena DiMaso and Manalapan Deputy Mayor Ryan Green.
Posted: November 18th, 2011 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Freeholder, Monmouth County, Monmouth County Republican Committee, Monmouth GOP | Tags: Bob Walsh, Rob Clifton, Ryan Green, Serena DiMaso, Tony Fiore | 4 Comments »
By James Hogan
With the Monmouth County Republican Election Day Sweep **long** behind us it’s time to look forward to the next big race, and I don’t mean the Presidential election of 2012, I mean the race for the open Monmouth County Freeholder seat now that Rob Clifton is moving up to the State Assembly. It’ll be up the Monmouth County Republican Committee Members (and I bet there are quite a few who don’t even know it) to vote for his replacement and it seems the horse trading and whisper campaigns have already begun, in fact they seem to have started a while back as if Rob’s election to the Assembly was certain.
My usual disclaimer: Don’t expect to get insider information out of me. If I know, or think I know something, I’m sure its that I’m among the last to know and it’s only a repeat of information someone else passed on to me.
Here are the names I’ve heard or been told are considering seeking the seat, and some names that I’ll add to spread my own rumors and get the discussion going.
Bob Burlew of Keyport seems to be interested in the seat according to multiple people. I’d normally be glad to name my sources names here but the truth is that at least three different people mentioned this to me and I speak to a lot of people about a lot of different things so I don’t want to misquote anyone. I don’t know anything about Bob Burlew, but I have met Bob a few times, seems like a nice enough guy. Maybe my old pal, Keyport Mayor Bob McLeod, or some other Keyport reader/Bayshore guy can chime in with all of the positive things about Bob, you can keep any negatives to yourself, this should be a friendly contest, right? FWIW – Bob has a brother, Ed. Ed was one of the recent county elections that went to a recount. I must have ADD or something as that tid-bit is irrelevant, but i figured I’d pass it on so readers would be know.
Speaking of Bobs, it’s hard to overlook that Howell Mayor Bob Walsh, who dropped out of this year’s primary the morning of the nominating votes, ran the circuit with Gary and Lillian. There was not a candidate’s forum or fundraiser (that I attended) that I didn’t also see Bob Walsh. Either Bob is a good, dedicated Republican (like me!) or Bob (and I) wanted to remind folks he’s around and ready to serve as a Freeholder. For the record, I am not available or ready to serve as a Freeholder, but thanks for considering me! I appreciate your support but I’m going to have to turn you down, this time. Worth noting that Bob Walsh seems to have a friend in Jim Gianell from Red Bank and Jim seems to have a lot of solid connections, and more important, I’ve spoken to Jim enough to believe that Jim is another libertarian leaning/conservative Republican so I think if a like-minded guy is pushing Walsh, it’s because Walsh is probably on the same page too. I can confirm that Bob is a likable guy, his line is that Howell is 53,000 people and 63sq miles and everyone of them from end to end love him — his ego might be burst but I think he’s mistake, my parents who live in Howell would love him more if someone repaved Larabee Blvd at Alexander down near Rt547/9 where those Russian churches are, it’s pretty bad – I won’t drive my beater car down that road. However, of slightly more importance, and also noteworthy, Bob Walsh may or may not have the support of someone I’m pround and honored to refer to as my friend, Howell Chairman Uncle John Costigan, who seemed to be supporting Lucas earlier in the year.
Speaking of Lucas, Manalapan Republicans won control of the township there. Lucas could be interested in the open seat, and his town would do just fine already in Republican hands, but I suspect his Preserved Farm purchase with the Freeholder board and his effort to get to State Assembly over Clifton may eliminate support for Lucas, who since I know you all care about my opinion, seems to be a good person and as far as I know and can tell from the few candidate forums I’ve spoken to him at, a good Republican. His story about when his child was born makes me laugh – the punchline is “…looks just like you!”, HA! Ask him for his views and position on abortion and he’ll tell you the story; the answer is that he’s solidly pro-life.
Outside of the Bobs and Lucas, another name to consider might be former Freeholder candidate and re-elected Town Committeeman, Wall’s George Newberry. I was, and still am, a big fan of George. Sure, I’ll hear how he comes across as a boring guy (which I don’t think is accurate) who speaks a little slower than a John Curley or Tom Arnone, but I had the pleasure of talking to George enough to believe that George is involved for the right reasons, and those reasons are doing the right things for taxpayers. The claims were that George was Chairman Joe Oxley’s “pick” this year. Chairman Oxley never directly told me George was his choice, never seemed to push him over any one else and if George was his “pick”, then I think Joe was backing a solid candidate and I don’t see why Joe, as a voter and a Chairman, shouldn’t get a vocal say and be able to support a guy he likes, if Joe even likes him, how would I know? And don’t get me wrong, after getting to know Gary, I’ve come to love him and I think the committee as a whole got it right to nominate Gary over George this time, but with a seat open again, in my mind, George is a good fit and ready to serve, today, along side John, Tom, Lillian and Gary, should he be interested, and I think he was the second highest vote getter at the nominating convention so some other folks probably agree with me. Of course, the knowledge of the masses in the entire committee may find another Gary Rich or John Curley, and that could certainly trump George as a candidate.
Some other folks worth noting, Joe Irace of Oceanport is always a well liked and popular guy who is a good, solid Republican.
Ocean Township has a list of good, solid Republicans they could push, Joe Hadden being one of them, and with State Committee Woman Christine Hanlon and Mary Pat from his town, he’d seem to have some strong advocates. Plus I’d volunteer for Joe and, clearly, I’m a proven King Maker!
Neptune Township has a young, rising star Jim Frostick who has Don and Jeff Beekman on the ally list along with (I think) the Neptune regulars in Jim Granelli, Warren Lapp and maybe/hopefully Former Mayors Mike Golub and Tom Catley. In a case of full disclosure — I work in the private sector as a VP of IS for the company where Jim is VP of Sales. If you haven’t met Jim Frostick yet, I suggest you do – he’s very inteligent, and humble, and has an outstanding work ethic and ability to be reasonable and rational. He currently serves on the BOE in Neptune, and I think he’s capable of much bigger things.
Middletown has it’s own long list of good Republicans, currently elected or not, it could push. I don’t personally know them, but I’m sure Chairman Carton does and with a large, active committee, I’m sure they could do well.
I’d also like throw Mayor Mike himself, Mike Halfacre from Fair Haven, who backed out of a US Congress run last year, into the race for a Freeholder seat, except I won’t because I’ve met his wife and she might not be interested in having Mike be a Freeholder. Mike has done a GREAT job addressing property tax issues in his town, I’d bet he could do a great job for the county as well. I should disclose: I’ve been the shooting range with Mike, he’s a very, very pro-2A guy, a decent shot and a heck of a nice guy to be around, so maybe I’m biased. Mike has his own set of anonymous trolls that like to bad mouth him here on MMM, but those clowns aside, Mike certainly seems to be a qualified guy with the right track record for a Freeholder. Plus the trolls will likely go after Mike for issues that just don’t apply to a Freeholder, ignore the trolls.
And again, don’t take my word for anything or think I’m here to tell you exactly who is running as if these are the only contenders, nor am I telling you who to nominate and vote for, I’m just an Average No One taking names (of Freeholder Candidates) and kicking ass (because if Lillian can say “kick ass” then so can I!). I’m sure in the vast field of anonymous cowards, one of you knows of at least one more name to consider or has some more solid information to share.
Posted: November 11th, 2011 | Author: admin | Filed under: Freeholder, James Hogan | Tags: Freeholder candidates, James Hogan | 14 Comments »
By Art Gallagher
Spring Lake Councilman Gary Rich won the Monmouth GOP nomination for Freeholder this morning.
The MC GOP selection committee comprised of municipal chairs, county and state elected officials and former elected officials selected Rich on a very close ballot.
Rich received 25 votes, followed by 23 votes for Manalapan Mayor Andrew Lucas and 22 votes for Wall Committeeman George Newberry. Howell Mayor Bob Walsh withdrew from the race prior to polling. Walsh still received one vote.
Posted: March 26th, 2011 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Freeholder | Tags: Gary Rich, Monmouth GOP | 34 Comments »
By Art Gallagher
The controversy over Brookdale Community College President Peter Burnham’s compensation and spending habits has given Democratic Freeholder Amy Mallet an issue to run on in her reelection bid. Mallet has picked up the ball and run with it.
The Brookdale issue should be a positive for Republicans. Republican Freeholder John Curley first identified and raised the issue which led to Burnham’s suspension last week. But while Mallet has gotten out front with the issue by calling for college chairman Howard Birdsall’s resignation and calling for term limits for Brookdale trustees, Republican Freeholder Lillian Burry, who is also up for reelection this year, has been far less aggressive.
Mallet has made headlines, here, here and here calling for Birdsall’s resignation and greater oversight of the Brookdale board, while Burry has been supportive of the board.
Burry told the Asbury Park Press, “At this point they (the Brookdale trustees) need our support,” Burry said, adding that the board of trustees moved swiftly to address the situation.
Seriously Lillian? They should have moved swiftly. But how long has this been going on? Where else in county government is excessive spending going on? The Library? The Park System? Nursing homes? The vocational school system?
The Brookdale trustees should be supported in this difficult time….by their friends and families….not by a Freeholder who is charged by the taxpayers with overseeing government operations and making sure our dollars are spent prudently.
Burry needs to decide who she is; friend or Freeholder. If she’s a friend, she needs to get out of the way and let someone else take her spot on the GOP ticket this year. If she is a Freeholder, she needs to step up her game. Over the last couple of weeks Burry gave Mallet’s career new life and Mallet is making the most of it.
Prior to the Brookdale scandal, few political observers gave Mallet much of a chance at reelection. Now she is in the game. This could lead to stronger Democrats stepping up to run for county and legislative office. It could make it easier for the Democrats to raise money. It could make what was looking to be a boring Republican rout this year become a competive election season.
Posted: March 7th, 2011 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Brookdale Community College, Freeholder, Monmouth County, Monmouth GOP | Tags: Amy Mallet, John Curley, Lillian Burry | 14 Comments »

- Unauthorized “End Road Work” sign on MY PROPERTY!
By Art Gallagher
Imagine my surprise this morning as I’m returning home from my Sunday drive into downtown Highlands for breakfast and the newspapers when I notice the sign pictured on the left posted on MY PROPERTY!
Who’s ending road work? I thought that was how Obama, Pelosi and Reid were going to save the economy?!
How long has that sign been on my property? I’ve been keeping odd hours lately, but how did I miss it? Surely government workers were working overtime on Saturday to post that sign on MY PROPERTY.
Who do I call? Mayor Little? Hmmm, I live on a county road, is it too early to call Director Burry?
How much rent should I charge? I think I’ll charge $15,000. That would cover the property taxes I pay in Highlands for a year. But this is a county road, prime real estate. Thousands of commuters, including Oceanport Council President Joe Irace drive past my house everyday on their way to the SeaStreak ferry to NY. We’re coming into the prime sign season as politicians are usually very nice to me around now so that I’ll let them put their signs on MY PROPERTY.
I’ll have to think this through and consult an attorney. How long will the road work be going on? Maybe I can charge enough rent to cover property taxes for two years! Maybe I can get the 5 acre requirement for farm designation waived so that my property can be declared a fish farm and I’ll get a property tax break forever!
Here’s what I’ll do. I won’t file trespassing charges and I won’t charge rent. Why would I want to gouge my neighbors and friends anyway? I’ll let the sign stay there for free so long as the union workers who do the road work earn market rate wages instead of “prevailing wage.” If I’m not going to gouge my neighbors, why should they?
That sounds like a fair deal to me. Draw up the papers Lillian, I’ll be calling.
Posted: September 19th, 2010 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: Anna Little, Freeholder, Highlands, Lillian Burry, Prevailing Wage, Road Work | 5 Comments »
Freeholder John D’Amico may have something to show for during his term in office, thanks to his close ties to Trenton Democrats.
Flippy, as he is affectionately referred to behind his back by everyone at the Hall of Records and on Republican leaning blogs, because of his ever changing positions, really doesn’t have much to run on as he asks voters for another three year term this fall. His attempt to transform Monmouth County into Bergen County with beaches and to increase the size of Monmouth County government so that he could hire friends of Joe Cryan to high paid low responsibility jobs was thwarted during the one year the Democrats had the majority in Freehold because former Freeholder Barbara McMorrow was more interested in doing the right thing for the taxpayers than she was in doing what she was told by the bosses.
D’Amico’s signature issues for his term as Freeholder were to be creating the office of County Inspector General, a new level of bureaucracy to do what the Freeholders and the Prosecutors office should already be doing and changing the name “Freeholder” to “County Commissioner.”
Fortunately, the Inspector General idea didn’t go anywhere. But now, thanks to Senate President Stephen Sweeney, Flippy might get his wish for a business card that says “County Commissioner” instead of “Freeholder.”
Sweeney is sponsoring legislation that would change “board of chosen freeholders” to “board of county commissioners” and “chosen freeholder” to “county commissioner” in new sections of law and revisions to current law. The proposed legislation would also require counties to change the terms on their websites.
Won’t that improve the quality of your life? Won’t that make New Jersey a better place to live? I wonder how much it will cost for this legislation to make its way through the legislature to the Governor’s desk. I wonder how much it would cost to implement should it become law. Hold off on ordering new stationary.
New Jersey is the only state with the office called Freeholder. D’Amico wants it changed so that when he travels on the taxpayers dime to national and regional conferences of county office holders he doesn’t have to explain what a Freeholder is. Democrats have said that they want to retire the name because it is antiquated and hearkens back to a day when only white men who owned land free and clear, Freeholders, could be elected to the Board of Chosen Freeholders.
While we’re at it maybe we should reconsider the names of other offices too.
Depending on their form of government, municipalities either have councils or committees. It should really be one or the other or another name all together. Another name is probably better because there are councils and committees in government that are not governing bodies of towns. In Chicago these office holders are called Aldermen. That doesn’t work any more than Freeholder does, maybe its worse because it is gender specific.
The office of Senator dates back to the Roman Empire. Thanks to the Star Wars movies we know the office will endure for many millenniums into the future, so it would really be a waste of time to change that one.
What about “Vice?” We have a Vice President. The Navy has Vice Admirals. But “vice” means activity that is immoral or degrading, like you would find people seeking in the Adult Services section. Clearly we should change the name of those offices. I mean if we can’t use the terms “idiot” or “retarded” in our laws, certainly we should not be calling such powerful people Vice. What should call them instead?
Chris Christie is the first Governor that I can remember that actually governs. Let’s leave that one alone until he becomes President.
This could go on and on and on. I don’t see the point in changing the names of these offices. What difference does it really make? After all is said and done, we are still going to call D’Amico “Flippy.”
Posted: September 14th, 2010 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: County Commissioner, Flippy, Freeholder, John D'Amico | Tags: County Commissioner, Flippy, Freeholder, John D'Amico | 2 Comments »