Barnegat Bay oyster restoration project targeted to go large scale
Posted: January 3rd, 2015 | Author: admin | Filed under: Environment, Jersey Shore | Tags: American Littoral Society, Barnegat Bay, Environment, NJ/NY Baykeeper, Oyster resortation, Oysters, tankless spatting | Comments Off on Barnegat Bay oyster restoration project targeted to go large scaleSandy Hook Oil Slick Has Shrunk By More Than Half

photo by Noel Westerland Sr. 11/29/2014
The oil slick in Sandy Hook Bay that was reported to be two miles long by 900 feet wide on Thursday afternoon was observed to be one mile long by 150 wide at 10AM this morning, according to Coast Guard Petty Officer Frank Iannazzo-Simmons during a phone interview with MMM.
Iannazzo-Simmons said a unified command consisting of personnel from the Coast Guard, the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection, NOAA and the National Park Service were still working to identify the both the source and product of the sheen. The color of the sheen changed from a rainbow to a “silverish” metallic color. Last evening it was reported that authorities believed the product to be diesel fuel. Today, they are taking samples to determine what it is.
20 feet of boom was installed at Horseshoe Cove yesterday as a precaution to protect the environmentally sensitive area. Today 70 feet of “hard boom” was installed to shore up the precautionary protection. Horseshoe Cove was deemed to be the only environmentally sensitive area that could be impacted by the sheen.
The sheen remains located at the northern end of Sandy Hook on the bay side.
Posted: December 12th, 2014 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: DEP, Energy, Environment, Gateway National Recreation Area, Sandy Hook | Tags: Environment, Gateway National Recreation Area, Monmouth County, New Jersey, Oil, Oil slick, Oil Spill Sandy Hook, Petty Officer Frank Iannazza-Simmons, Sandy Hook Bay, Sandy Hook Oil Spill, U.S. Coast Guard | Comments Off on Sandy Hook Oil Slick Has Shrunk By More Than HalfN.J. bear hunt begins with 124 bruins killed on first day, including 693-pound black bear
Posted: December 9th, 2014 | Author: admin | Filed under: Environment, New Jersey | Tags: Bear hunt, New Jersey, NJ | Comments Off on N.J. bear hunt begins with 124 bruins killed on first day, including 693-pound black bearCow farts impact on climate change measured
Pig and chicken farts measured too

Too much gas from cows are released into the environment because we love beef. Photo courtesy of Shutterstock
Eating meat pays a price beyond our wallets. Gases emitted from meat and livestock production have increased by 19 percent over the past 20 years, and our future can’t handle much more pressure. For the first time, a team of researchers from all over the world studied the gas emissions from meat and livestock throughout Poland,… Read the rest of this entry »
Sandy elevation program backlog will ease by end of summer, top NJ official says
New Jersey’s top environmental official said today he expected a backlog of applications for a Hurricane Sandy elevation program to be cleared by the end of the summer. Department of Environmental Protection Commissioner Bob Martin said roughly 2,…
Earth Day & Arbor Day
It looks like a great week ahead. Earth day is on Tuesday, April 22nd
and Friday, the 25th is Arbor Day.
Monmouth County is celebrating all over.
It all starts on Monday, the 21st with two EARTH DAY STORY & CRAFT events. Be sure to Register and get there by 4:15 PM to either the
Holmdel Township Library, RSVP: 732-946-4118 or
to the Marlboro Library, RSVP: 732-536-9406
Backyard composting clinics
You will know the how-to’s of reducing your yard and household waste and improving your soil after an informative 45-minute presentation
Saturday, April 12 at 10 a.m. – Middletown, Deep Cut Gardens, 352 Red Hill Rd.
Thursday, April 24 at 7 p.m, – Manasquan Recreation Annex at 67 Atlantic Ave.
Saturday, May 17 at 9:30 a.m. – Marlboro Recreation Complex, Wyncrest Road
The workshops are free, but advance registration is required.
To reserve one of the limited seats, call 732-683-8686, x 6721 or
download the registration form from the recycling section of the County Reclamation Center’s webpage
Happy Earth Month from EPA!
Tuesday, April 22 is Earth Day, but we’re celebrating all month, sharing a new tip each day to help you act on climate change.
Below, we’ve listed many ways you can take action yourself and
spread the word to your friends and family.
Try one or many, but either way, let’s all #ActOnClimate!
Help us get the message out. Please help us share a message at
12PM on Earth Day, along with the link to a page full of things
everyone can do to act on climate. We’re using a new system called Thunderclap to coordinate, so a message will go out from everyone
at 12PM on Earth Day. Here’s the catch: we need 500 people to sign up or the message won’t go.
Will NJ Pull Plug on Promoting Zero-Emission Vehicles?
The Christie administration has already pulled New Jersey out of a regional initiative to curb greenhouse gas emissions from power plants. Does that mean the state’s efforts to encourage use of zero- emission vehicles — as proposed under the California…